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PE induced ED

PE induced ED

Has anyone else had a pe induced ed/ extreme loss of morning wood experience. How long did it last and how did you do it? Any input would be great. Its been a little over a month for me and it resulted from pulling really really hard with a fistful of penis from the base.

You haven’t got it up for a month???

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No its just a lot harder. I have sex everyday pretty much with my girlfriend. Sometimes a little more. I have 0 morning would unless i have to pee and my dick rubs against my boxers, blanket, gf (if shes there) and it dont get very hard from that. Yea I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting. Seems to me since my ‘lig pop’ during sex a couple days ago its gotten even worse. But you know im only 19 this is why i consider it ED.

Oh and needless to say, I haven’t even come close to wanting to attempt PE after this. If I start getting morning wood again and my erections get better I will start back up but until then I ain’t touchin the little fucker.

If you fuck every day, you may well have trouble with erections, especially if it’s for a long time or you are doing it hard. Do you masturbate on top of that?

By the way you need to read the forum guidelines.

Looking for that magic 6" of EL...

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Where are the forum guildelines?

Bump. Just in case theres someone else out there

PE induced ED is the result of going overboard and it can happen by going to extremes on just about any exercise. Generally the way to cure it is to take a break and let nature heal you back up. How long this takes is a factor of how much you brutalized your ex-friend, but time pretty much heals all wounds.

When you return, moderation is the key. PE is about stimulating growth through stretching of tissues. It is not about hurting yourself or causing trauma. As you found out, trying to speed things up by going at it hard only slows you down.

When ever I over-train I lose my morning wood and if I severely over-train I can have trouble getting my usual diamond hard erection.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yup. Think about sparkyx’s article on PI’s here at Thunder’s for good ideas. I have gone on and off for over the last year and half trying all sorts of crazy shit with PE and at first it scared me when I couldn’t get a erection full board like I used to and then since then I seriously have learned all kinds of techniques to increase sensitivity and get rock hard erections back within a few days. It’s a trip but all in all rest (no PE) usually is the best way to recover from the truma you put on your dick.

But its been over a month and i still have trouble getting/keep erections and no morning wood. How long do you think this is going to last? Like a year?

I know it’s really hard once you start PE to take a break (for a month or two, maybe only two to one week) but just do it and have paitence. PE most defintly requires real paitence. These things don’t happen over night as they say… Correct you mentality, take a break (maybe jelq for 100-300 strokes every now and then for penis health). No I don’t think a year off is how long you should take at all, if you do that then you might be over with PE for good, who knows… Rest and light jelqing every now and then has healed my unit many times from PE not allowing me to get a erection. It could just be fatigue you know, rest…

No use asking. Nobody knows. You could wake up tomorrow with a woody.


Did anything else change in your life, also if your having sex right before bed you might not get wood as often.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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