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Porn and the death of my penis

Porn and the death of my penis

I think my penis is broken - and the major factor behind it’s semi-death is due to PORN!!!

I saw my first Playboy at 9, saw my first porn movie at 11 and first masturbated when I was 12. Ever since 14 (when I first got the Internet) I would be downloading pictures and small clips and they would suffice to get me hard - really hard!

During my teenage years, I masturbated a lot. It was roughly 10 times a week, usually more. Now I know to some this may be nothing, or a lot, but I still consider it a lot. As I entered my early 20s, my sex drive stayed pretty high and so did the strength of my erections - I masturbated at least once a day, always to the aid of porn.

The type of porn I’ve been watching has also changed. I’ve always loved petite, cute, brunettes with big tits but as the years went on, they would have to constantly do more and more to impress me and get me hard.

I remember in my early years, I could just think of sex or girls and I would get hard. But now, I can’t even get hard unless I’m watching porn.

I became a realization when the 3 months ago I was at a party and made out with this chick. She was about to give me head, but for the life of me, I couldn’t get hard. I had about a 60-70% erection, but in the back of my head I knew that if porn was playing in the background, I’d be at my usual 101% strength

Final thoughts:

1) I plan to give up porn for a while. Maybe 2 or 3 weeks. I want to see what this does and how long it takes for the wiring in my brain to get reprogrammed so I don’t have to rely on porn to get hard.

2) If anyone else is having this experience, please share some thoughts.

3) If anyone else HAD this experience and fixed the problem, what did you do and how long did it take?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I still get erections pretty easily and I watch a fair share of porn (though I’ve been cutting down as of late). My problem that I feel has come about though is that I can get head for FOREVER and never ejaculate. Sex is different, I’ll last like single digit minutes, which is confusing to me. I feel that porn and masturbating desensitized my penis in a way. I wish it had the same effect for sex though.

You bring up a good point about mental wiring and how porn might alter that wiring over time. It would seem an awful thing to me to get so locked into one “type” like petite, big-breasted brunettes, they needing to become more and more intense doing whatever in order for you to be stimulated by what you see, when there is such a delicious variety of women out there to enjoy.

Although there is nothing I can think of that is intrinsically bad about pornography per se, maybe it is like an affinity for pizza with anchovies or eating pears to the exclusion of other fruits. The more you eat the pizza, the more anchovies you need? Or, only Anjou pears can statisfy in the end because of their shape and the taste for watermelon or juicy cherries is lost for good?

Take a break from the porn for awhile. You will probably hate doing that but stick to it and see where you get.

Who knows? Maybe raven-haired women or long-legged blondes will begin to turn you on. Or pizza with anchovies will? The brain is a wonderfully acrobatic organ.



A 1 month break from porn plus some good men’s supplements (AKA penis pills) should put you back on track. Also, vitamin E oil works great as a rub on the penis and testicles.

Lol, I knew this thread was coming.

Bpel 7" Eg 5.5" - Start Aug 25 2005 Bpel 7 3/8" Eg 5.5" - Nov 4 2005 Bpel 7 1/2" Eg 5.5" - Dec 26 2005 AKA italguy.

I think there’s a lot of truth in what you say. I also believe there is a “de-sensitising’ factor also. It used to be a Playboy that would get you hard, then some soft-core porn, then hard core. Pretty soon your looking for the monster cocks, gagging sites or even worse, the animal sites. It’s like any addiction, you need more to get the same effect.

I think we all could probably scale back and take a rest.

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, who came up with, "Quit while you're ahead"?

"Boom goes the dynamite."


You type very well. Are you keys in Braille?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

You did not mention if Alcohol or drugs were involved. You say you were at a party, so chances are one or more extra outside forces were present. Do you smoke? Any of these things can affect your erection or at the very least your mindset about making out with this girl. Lastly if you tried too “hard” (no pun intended) to get it on with her, you can have problems.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
You type very well. Are you keys in Braille?

ROFL- I had to think about that for a minute.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

avocet8: You bring up some interesting points. It’s not so much that JUST petite, brunettes with big tits turn me on, but the fact that the porn has been getting more hardcore. I just prefer brunettes - blondes, redheads and blondes still get me hard. Using your pizza analogy, it’s like I don’t mind having mushrooms on my pizza, but I’d rather of green peppers sort of thing.

quattot: Thanks for the advice. Has this problem ever happened to you?

The Cucumber King: hahhahaa. I had to give the topic it’s own thread.

TT: lol. No. I use my feet when they’re not being sucked on by my midget sex slaves. They live in my crawl space. It’s kind of weird cause they really like it when I don’t cut my toe nails for a while. Now if only they could get me hard, this porn problem wouldn’t be an issue anymore.

travelguy14: You bring up some good points. I smoked for 4 years, but have recently quit. I’ve been smoke free for 3.5 months, so if anything, my quality and quantity of erections should be improving. I only had one beer at the party when she started to blow me. She knew me before and I showed up late - within 20 minutes of arriving we were going at it so I didn’t really have a chance to catch up to everyone else’s intoxication level. My mindset may have been an issue too. I don’t really make out with girls too often cause I’m still a bit embarassed by my size (5.5 x 4.3). I made-out with her cause I KNEW that there was a slim to none chance of not seeing her again (and so far I was right).

I’m going to heed quattot’s advice, but any other suggestions would be really helpful and appreciated.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

All I know is that this is a big problem that’s quickly getting HUGE. It’s causing serious relationship issues all over the place. It’s not so bad when you’re single, but in a relationship this sort of thing can kill the sex and bust everything up.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by zaneblue
All I know is that this is a big problem that’s quickly getting HUGE. It’s causing serious relationship issues all over the place. It’s not so bad when you’re single, but in a relationship this sort of thing can kill the sex and bust everything up.

Thanks for putting your two cents in zaneblue.

Porn is becoming a big, big industry. Porn movie sales are at an all-time high. It just makes you think of how much of an addiction porn really is. I’m sure there are a lot of other guys in my situation who are middle-aged, single, depressed and just want to beat their dick to relieve some stress. But then they realize that they need porn to get hard, so they go buy a DVD for $50 cause they know two-shits about using a computer and getting it for free from the Internet. Then they get tired of the DVDs they have and go get new ones. Before they know it, they’ve seen almost everything out there and their collection takes up an entire room in their house.

Well, as for me, today is Day 1 of no porn. I also plan to start an exercise routine on Monday. Nothing big, just some pushups/abs 3 days a week and some HIIT the other three days a week. I just need to get my blood pumping a bit more. If I’m not in school, I’m at home studying or watching TV. Now that I think about it, the only real exercise I get is from PEing 4-5 days a week. Wow. That’s sad. That’s really, really sad.

I just have one last question though: I’m going to stay away from porn, but should I still masturbate at least once a week just to “clean out the ol’ pipes’?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by quik4life
Well, as for me, today is Day 1 of no porn.

..should I still masturbate at least once a week just to “clean out the ol’ pipes’?

I give you a week..:D

Seriously though, good luck abstaining from the celluloid and yes, whack off once or twice a week to keep things ship shape and fancy free…:up:

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Originally Posted by quik4life
1) I plan to give up porn for a while. Maybe 2 or 3 weeks.

Thanks I needed a laugh. But seriously, I think you’re looking at quitting porn cold turkey and never going back. You’ll be better off for it. Just do it.

Well it’s like playing sports. When you are practicing, you want it to feel as much like a real game as possible. I’m assuming the goal is to get into a good game for a long-term sexual relationship. Now I might be wrong about that, and for guys who are throwing in the towel on women, sure, porn away. But if the goal is to have your mojo in top working form for the lady in your life, you don’t want to stop masturbating!

Hm…let’s see. If I were a guy’s sexual personal trainer, what would I recommend? Talk about your dream jobs. :cheerlead

First off, definitely masturbate. You go long enough you’ll be able to masturbate no problem without porn. I recommend getting the regular insert Fleshlight for something like this, not the super-tight or ultra-tight. Give up your hand. Cut back to three times a week, maybe more for younger men. Don’t give up porn altogether either, that’s not fun. Maybe a doubleshot every two weeks. But the other times look at pretty naked women—Playboy or Hustler or simonscans or Petter Hegre—where it’s just a picture, and then you have to use your imagination. Use your imagination to fantasize about that particular woman, and not her doing ass-to-mouth with some hung black guy, but imagine her with you, and imagine your hands on her body, your mouth on her mouth, and your cock inside her pussy. Imagine you giving her orgasms. Imagine her with the personality you like best, imagine her wanting to have lots of sex with you. Imagine her really, really horny.

Personally I don’t believe porn is an addiction, it’s just careless masturbation habits, like a woman overusing a strong vibrator and killing her ability to have orgasms during sex. Sex is a delicate thing; it needs practice.

By the way, if you want to give extra oomph to your erection-getting ability, go on my diet. That should fix you right up.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg


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