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Porn and the death of my penis

I think of it in terms of brain chemicals.

The very nature of stimulus using requires an increasing level to achieve the same level of stimulation.

Fear, excitement, sex….almost all types of “excitement” will not respond the same to the same level of stimulus…you need to escalate.

Look at movies for example. What used to be “scary” when I was a kid…would barely pass for funny these days.

Horror flicks have had to get increasingly graphic to entertain an increasingly jaded society.

Same with sexual stimulation. When I was a kid, a bra and panty ad would be incredible sexy…now… due to overusing this particular brain chemicals (my drug of choice) I need quite a bit more….and more…and more.

I am currently on a porn fast…I would like to make it permanent…but I’ve broken that resolve quite a few times in the past…so I’m just going to go day by day.

Not using porn has totally f-ed up my pumping routine…doesn’t really work for me without it…I may have to go to hanging and jelqing…damn it.

The other problem for men is porn allows us to totally separate sex from love…which isn’t really really the best thing for our development as human beings.

If you tie sex to love and relationships…its added incentive to integrate sex with a drive to communicate and improve relationship skills.

With porn you can turn away from your partner easier when things get a little rough…hell you can pick the prettiest girls in the world to get off to…and not have to deal with any relationship “hassles”.

This can be very detrimental to human development…especially if you go that route early on and never really develop relationship skills.

I read a pick up artist years ago that advised guys who want to learn how to pick up chicks to stop masturbating…it will cause you to go out and make the effort and face the fears needed to develop chick skills… very basic but very true.

Sex and porn produces brain “drugs”..and make no mistake it is a very powerful drug.

Its very easy to become addicted to it as one would to heroin or crack…except its legal and easier to get.

Computers have made it ridiculously easy…and private.

You still have the same problem of needing larger and larger doses to achieve the same high.

If they ever make a device that fits on your dick that simulates a mouth or a vagina, that works with a virtual reality visor…where you can get a program to fuck any star or girl that you want….it may be the end of mankind!

Imagine…you could pick Pam Anderson or any porn star or actress you want…and with a push of a button…have the exact type of sex you want, for as long as you want.

If you think there is a porn problem now…that would be the end of dating or at least cut it in a drastic fashion.

Clubs and bars would go out of business, as well as any other socializing places.

I’ve heard it said ( half jokingly) that God gave women vagina’s so men would talk to them.

Imagine if we didn’t need them anymore for that….what kind of changes do you think we would see in society?

Movie and tv revenues are already way down in the young male demographics due to computers and computer games…imagine if you could get awsome virtual sex on demand too?

And you know…its probably gonna happen…soon.

Its a “blessing” that will probably be a social disaster greater than any drug problem or anything else that we’ve seen yet.

Hm, a little on the overly dramatic side. That day has arrived, pretty much. They already make headset monitors, visors that project your computer’s screen contents. Just need a speedbump Fleshlight and some headphones and you’re already there.

Brain chemicals are good. That’s my take on things. Especially brain chemicals produced from sex.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Hasn’t arrived for the masses. The porn addiction and relationship problems will get much, much worse when it does.

Brain chemicals are merely brain chemicals.

If you get overly attached to a certain set of brain chemicals…and it causes an imbalanced life…then in the overview…it WILL be a bad thing.

Brain chemicals from sex especially can lead to an unbalanced life BECAUSE they are so powerful.

A balanced life in my opinion is where you have the ability to produce wonderful brain chemicals from the company of friends, from spending time with your kids, from sports, from arts,music, from quiet time alone, from helping others, a day at the beach, a sunset…etc.

If your sex chemicals become so strong that there is nothing else that you’d rather do with your time…its not a healthy life.

In the long run an unbalanced life is very much like a flat tire…it won’t roll very well…and in the long run won’t lead you to a satisfying life.

A satisfying life comes from success in not only your profession, but with your many human connections…family, work, friends, social groups etc.

If your sex chemicals become predominate to any other brain chemicals…you will find yourself alone jerking off at every free moment…

or trapped in unhealthy sexual addiction driven contact with strangers, devoid of safety or humanity.

Not my idea of a healthy, balanced life.

Temporarily fun…but ultimately lonely and sad.

Or you could be with a like-minded partner and have mind-blowing sex with each other every night for decades. Sexual brain chemicals are good. But I’m biased. I mean, I should get a bumper sticker, “I’d rather be fucking.”

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by zaneblue
First off, definitely masturbate. You go long enough you’ll be able to masturbate no problem without porn. I recommend getting the regular insert Fleshlight for something like this, not the super-tight or ultra-tight. Give up your hand. Cut back to three times a week, maybe more for younger men. Don’t give up porn altogether either, that’s not fun. Maybe a doubleshot every two weeks. But the other times look at pretty naked women—Playboy or Hustler or simonscans or Petter Hegre—where it’s just a picture, and then you have to use your imagination. Use your imagination to fantasize about that particular woman, and not her doing ass-to-mouth with some hung black guy, but imagine her with you, and imagine your hands on her body, your mouth on her mouth, and your cock inside her pussy. Imagine you giving her orgasms. Imagine her with the personality you like best, imagine her wanting to have lots of sex with you. Imagine her really, really horny.

Awesome post. Thank you so much for the advice. I won’t give up porn for my entire life, but I think I do need to get it out of my system. Kind of reminds of the movie “40 Days and 40 Nights.” I think the longest I’ve gone without porn was 2 weeks. It was a family vacation in Italy. I was going nuts. Near the end, I’d wake up with rock hard wood and I even had a wet dream (something that’s really rare for me).

Your advice about giving up the hand is also good. I have friends that can’t cum unless they use their hand. Just this past weekend my friend hooked up with this chick, went back to her place, banged for like 1.25 hours and he said he didn’t cum. Maybe he was nervous, but at least he got his dick hard.

Originally Posted by zaneblue
By the way, if you want to give extra oomph to your erection-getting ability, go on my diet. That should fix you right up.

Just a bit confused, but is your “diet” the advice given above, or is it something else?

Also, are Fleshlights expensive and are they shipped discretely?

Thanks again zaneblue. You’ve given me some hope and inspiration.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~


I just went on I’m really impressed.

zaneblue: Which should I buy? I’m interested in the one simulating the vagina (as opposed to the mouth or butt) but even then, there are so many options to choose from, i.e., ribbed, tight, etc.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

It seems clear to me that the OP had a soft cock because he was suffering from an anxiety attack, not because he is addicted to porn.

Some of the advice on this thread is laughable.

Go out and find yourself a REAL woman to fuck… millions of aching vaginas out there just waiting for your cock.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

JAPP, I wasn’t calling it on the fact that he had a nervous time once with a woman, I was calling it on him saying he can’t get hard without porn. That’s not anxiety. I was just listening to what he was saying, that’s all. And believe me, there are men out there with REAL women to fuck, REAL women with aching vaginas who are living with these men and desperately want sex, and the men can’t get hard with these REAL women, even though they very much want to. If you’ve got a better solution for a man in that situation, I’m all ears.

quik4life, well, if you want to increase sensitivity in your cock the most, you need to go with the loosest insert I think, the regular. It doesn’t feel as good as the bumped or wavy kind, and it’s not as tight. But my main point isn’t the type of stimulation, it’s the mindset. Men don’t need porn to have an orgasm. You can give yourself an orgasm whenever you like, you don’t need to go for two weeks without an orgasm and have a wet dream just because you are away from your porn source. Jerk off when and where you like.

And my diet is in the links thread in my signature. It’s the fish oil thing.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

I’d say it wasn’t the porn as much as the jerking off every day. I have great erections, but if I jerked off every day my erections would be very weak. I’m 33 I try not to jerk off more than 3 times a week. And if you are going to have sex or just the possibility of sex don’t jerk off for at least two days three is even better. Or if you do jerk off, don’t ejaculate when you do.

All in all you’re problem is the combination of the two porn and jerking off. No body is going to be able to jerk you as good as you can. You know all the angles and all the spots that you like. Couple that with the fact that you are doing it all the time. Well you’re wearing yourself out.

You should cut back on the porn just because it messes with you’re mind. You’ll start seeing women as bitches that need to be bent over and hammered from behind like the dirty slut she…. see what I mean, I need to cut back as well it would seem.:)

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
The possibility of finding that “match” exponentially decreases with every level up you go in your own production…as you well know.

Yes. :violin:

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by Pud
You’ll start seeing women as bitches that need to be bent over and hammered from behind like the dirty slut she….


I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

I read like half of this thread and then I got bored. I had basically the same problem as you and the solution is simple.

1. Quit looking at porn more than like once a week. When you do look at it don’t jack off.
2. Don’t jack off so much, I used to do it like 6 times a day. Cut back to about once a week.
3. Use the power of an “I am…” statement to give yourself more confidence. “I am a stud! I am a sex machine!” They really do work and this is probably the most important step of them all.
4. Since you’re not going to be jacking off so much you need to start meeting chicks to allow them the privilege of having access to your wang.
5. Pour melted butter on top and swirl.
6. Lightly salt…Oh sorry I started thinking about popcorn again.


The only dumb question, is the question not asked. Goals: 7" Long not bone pressed 6" Girth

Hey Q4L, I had your problem, and I`m still having it. I had to cut off porn and masturbation for a full 2 months, so that my girl could have the same effect that porn has on me. And even now I know in the back of my mind that I would be more satisfied jerking to porn than my girl jerking me or whatever. That is the real problem. Altough in the last 6 months I jerked to porn only maybe 2 times, I still have the problem. The way that I fixed it(altough not totally) was this:

1)Do not watch porn and do not jerk to it for a long time.Even watching it is a problem cause it creates some sort of desire(like libido, but for jerking to porn) , that is my experience.
2)Do not masturbate.
3)Spend MUCH TIME with a girl.
4)During the 2-3-4 weeks of “treatment” even if you feel aroused by that girl, try not to do anything with her. You will see what will happen.

And do not jump into those situations were “you must get a full 100% erection”, like that party. Get yourself a girl that understands you.

Zaneblue, that Fleshlight thing, do you know of men that “cured” themself with that device?


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