Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Porn and the death of my penis

Originally Posted by quik4life
In due time (2 months maybe) I’m going to invest in a Fleshlight. I really want to stop using my hand for masturbation and get used to the feeling of a vagina. I have to train my dick.

That thing really does feel like a vigina!

The best way to use it is to prop it up between pillows. If you just grab it with your hands and go at it it’s still just like jerking off. But if you prop it up on pillows it really does help you with control when you’re with you’re women.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by Pud
That thing really does feel like a vigina!

The best way to use it is to prop it up between pillows. If you just grab it with your hands and go at it it’s still just like jerking off. But if you prop it up on pillows it really does help you with control when you’re with you’re women.

Thanks Pud.

Can’t wait to try it - but in due time.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I believe porn is an addiction, at least in my experience, like cigarette smoking and my hat is off to anyone who can break the habit. I think its harder to break the habit if one is single and does not have a significant other, there is no one to focus on and with me the addiction just got stronger and it took harder porn to maintain the same level of excitement, worse I started wanting to act out what I saw even at the detriment of my well being. Porn is like paper dolls, if you watch enough of it over a long period of time you can become bored with it and you want the real thing, that’s what happened with me. What I desired was very hard core and definitely not healthy on any level. I had a problem, I still do but at least I recognize it and know what not to watch. And it doesn’t matter is you’re

gay or straight.

This is an interesting discussion that I would like to post a couple of observations. One is that the porn today is not like the porn of the 70’s and 80’s, it is a whole different monster. It’s harder and more violent, with more fetishes. Example: you see more “pissing,” more incest even some “simulated” rape. You also see alot more influence from the international markets.

Another observation is that we are hearing more and more of the Bush administration now going after the producers of porn, they are really cracking down on what “they” term indecent. The arrest of Max Hardcore and Max Stohl in the last two weeks leaves little doubt of they are on the war path. I think the day is coming that its going to be more difficult for anyone in the porn industry to exhibit and sale anything in the “amateur” line. We will have to wait and see what happens.

Originally Posted by Pud
That thing really does feel like a vagina!

The best way to use it is to prop it up between pillows. If you just grab it with your hands and go at it it’s still just like jerking off. But if you prop it up on pillows it really does help you with control when you’re with you’re women.

Heh :) Every thread about masturbation, abstention and porn eventually seems to get on the subject of FleshLight, doesnt it?

Hey thanks Zane for recommending the FleshLight. Guys listen to her, she knows what she’s talking about!

I do want to point out there may be other factors at work in causing your lack of complete erection at that party, Q4L. Did you do a lot of hanging or jelqing? Hmmm.. Also, now that you’ve gone for a couple of days w/o porn, is your erection already better? If neither, then perhaps as I said there’s other factors at work.

Fleshjoe, you weren’t so positive about me when I was saying the tighter Fleshlights might cause desensitization now, were you? :wave: That said I do have permanent links to different Fleshlight models in my links thread in my siggie. You know I like it.

Now this thread is starting to give me pause. I’ve always scoffed at the idea of porn being harmful, thought that was something made up by politically correct sex therapists and ravening feminists, but this thread is starting to make me see it in a different light. The whole ass-to-mouth thing (which I’ve never personally seen in porn) should have been a red flag. My thought, prejudiced that I am, is that sex is primarily for the woman’s pleasure. So when I see porn with a guy with a huge cock fucking the living daylights out of her my thought is, “Oh look, how sweet, all the pleasure he’s bringing her, how hard he is servicing her.” Now of course I know most porn starlets aren’t actually having those orgasms, but it is acting after all and that’s the intent of what they are trying to show. And even when it’s a bondage or “rape” scene, well, a lot of women really get off on that sort of stuff, and I always see it from the woman’s point of view. Gangbangs, double penetration, bukake—I love it! From my point of view sex is sacred, those women are being treated like empresses, and it’s all being done for her pleasure.

But it’s finally dawning on naive me that men may not be seeing it from that point of view. Ass to mouth—the only possible reason for something like that is degradation—it doesn’t bring increased pleasure like bondage or discipline or anal, physically from the woman’s point of view there’s no difference between ass to mouth and mouth to ass, and yet medically and psychologically there’s a big difference. A woman could get really sick doing something like that.

I mostly watch older porn myself, being a big fan of unshaved pussy and natural breasts, and I’m realizing from this thread that I’m pretty clueless.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Intactmale is absolutly correct, porn is an addiction, and it’s not easy to quit. I’ve quit a few things in my life I’ve quit ciggeretts, pot, alcohol, caffine, spicy foods, cracking joints (IE fingers and toes) but I’ve never quit porn. I’ve cut back, and I’ve stopped for a little while. But I’ve never really stopped.

The best method I’ve come up with is only allowing myself to view nude pictures of women. No sex, just nudes. This type porn doesnt effect you in an adverse way . And be sure to download the body type of the women you’re with. This will help you a great deal as well. If you’re with a heavy women dont download skinny women body types, this would be bad and not helpful.

Also Ted Bundy credited porn for the reason he raped and killed all those women. Porn does something to men, it makes you crazy. Videos are the worse, if you view videos only view mild stuff, is my advice.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by FleshJoe
I do want to point out there may be other factors at work in causing your lack of complete erection at that party, Q4L. Did you do a lot of hanging or jelqing? Hmmm.. Also, now that you’ve gone for a couple of days w/o porn, is your erection already better? If neither, then perhaps as I said there’s other factors at work.

I haven’t noticed yet. But I have noticed that my morning erections are a lot stronger.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

As much as I hate doing this… I will post my experience with porn…and it`s a sad one. It`s posted in another thread, but I dont remember where. So I started jerking to porn ay 16 before ever having sex with women. It was hardcore porn, and I was watching it on my computer, and sometimes TV, every day. If only I knew what I was doing… So at 19 I had my first experience with a woman. I did not had an erection when she undressed but she sucked it for like 20 seconds and it was gooood . Than I put a condom and done it doggystyle. THE FIRST THING THAT CROSSED MY MIND WAS “IT ISNT AS GOOD AS JERKING TO PORN” . Than she sat on top of me, I having a condom, and I did not feel nothing. I mean nothing. And my erection dissapeared, dead, gone. That fucked up my brain and mind up good. She started jerking me and she finished me, but the experience fucked my mind to the point that when I had the chance to fuck the next two times I couldnt get it up. That fucked up my brain even more. So from that point on I was worthless in bed with women. It was also an anxiety problem, but if it werent the porn… I must that even now after 2 years my problem isnt 100%fixed but better. But hey…when I jerked to porn I had no problem…

As much as I hate doing this… I will post my experience with porn…and it`s a sad one. It`s posted in another thread, but I dont remember where. So I started jerking to porn at 16 before ever having sex with women. It was hardcore porn, and I was watching it on my computer, and sometimes TV, every day. If only I knew what I was doing… So at 19 I had my first experience with a woman. I did not had an erection when she undressed but she sucked it for like 20 seconds and it was gooood . Then I put a condom and done it doggystyle. THE FIRST THING THAT CROSSED MY MIND WAS “IT ISNT AS GOOD AS JERKING TO PORN” . Than she sat on top of me, I having a condom, and I did not feel nothing. I mean nothing. And my erection dissapeared, dead, gone. That fucked up my brain and mind up good. She started jerking me and she finished me, but the experience fucked my mind to the point that when I had the chance to fuck the next two times I couldnt get it up. That fucked up my brain even more. So from that point on I was worthless in bed with women. It was also an anxiety problem, but if it werent the porn… I must say that even now after 2 years my problem isnt 100%fixed but better. But hey…when I jerked to porn I had no problem…

Originally Posted by Nick666
As much as I hate doing this… I will post my experience with porn…and it`s a sad one. It`s posted in another thread, but I dont remember where. So I started jerking to porn at 16 before ever having sex with women. It was hardcore porn, and I was watching it on my computer, and sometimes TV, every day. If only I knew what I was doing… So at 19 I had my first experience with a woman. I did not had an erection when she undressed but she sucked it for like 20 seconds and it was gooood . Then I put a condom and done it doggystyle. THE FIRST THING THAT CROSSED MY MIND WAS “IT ISNT AS GOOD AS JERKING TO PORN” . Than she sat on top of me, I having a condom, and I did not feel nothing. I mean nothing. And my erection dissapeared, dead, gone. That fucked up my brain and mind up good. She started jerking me and she finished me, but the experience fucked my mind to the point that when I had the chance to fuck the next two times I couldnt get it up. That fucked up my brain even more. So from that point on I was worthless in bed with women. It was also an anxiety problem, but if it werent the porn… I must say that even now after 2 years my problem isnt 100%fixed but better. But hey…when I jerked to porn I had no problem…

Thanks for posting your story.

What struck me was when you described jerking to porn beting BETTER (or feeling better, stimulation wise) than actual sex with a woman. This kind of talk makes me want to get my Fleshlight even sooner, so that whenever I want to let off a load or just do some edging, I won’t use my hand, which, for the past x number of years, has done the job so well.

If the Fleshlight is as good as everyone claims it to be (I’ve read a lot of testimonials on the site) then I truly believe it should be every 16 year old boy’s birthday present. That’s the age where guys really start to jerk off like crazy, become obsessed with their size, etc. Good habits should be instilled at an early age, even sexual habits. It’s inevitable that teenagers are going to masturbate, they may as well do it properly that won’t harm them down the road.

I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me - people might think I’m fucked in the head for suggesting something like this. We all know bad habits are hard to break and what you learn and do in your early years becomes a big part of your adulthood.

I live in Canada - drinking age is 19. My parents both come from European descent and always gave me alcohol at an early age, small amounts - a sip here and there. It was no big deal. When I turned 19, all my friends wanted to get my wasted, but I thought to myself, why? What’s the point? I also realized that my friends whose parents kept the alcohol away from them like it was the worse thing in the world, are now becoming alcoholics, or worse!

Onward Fleshlight soldiers, marching unto war
It’s time to give up the hand - just say no more.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by quik4life
Maybe it’s just me - people might think I’m fucked in the head

I agree with you that “sex ed” should include things like advice to guys to NOT jerk off with a deathgrip five times a day — warnings that this may lead, down the road, to disappointment with the different sensations of sex, and even an inability to orgasm from anything else.

Originally Posted by Air
…zb, the “ass to mouth, hung black guy” thing fits for me. I see that stuff and my feelings of inadequacy are sustained…


My bad. When I said that I was actually referring to the “hung black guy” part, not the “ass-to-mouth” part. The latter isn’t a turn on for me at all, so it’s not the degrading women thing that makes porn bad for me. My point was that me watching hugely hung guys having sex, typically with petite women, is my poison. THAT poisons my mind, and makes me feel inadequate. Your view of it (ie, the woman’s pleasure perspective) fits my thoughts about it when I view that stuff… that these women are more pleased by that than they could ever be pleased by me. That concept has caused me a lot of pain over the years, even despite being highly touted by my lovers. That is why porn is hurtful to me. It fucks up my mind. I’m sure porn affects everyone differently, but I’m sure a I’m not alone at Thunder’s in this specific form of torment.

Originally Posted by Air
I’m sure a I’m not alone at Thunder’s in this specific form of torment.

You’re definitely not alone.

POLL - Porn & Your Desire to PE

Haven’t read through all the posts so forgive me if somebody said something similar.

I believe that if you want to be able to have mind control over your penis, all the porn needs to come from your imagination. Although entering my 30’s has a little to do with this, I have found that the only times I can really get erections are when I’m watching some crazy porn or when stimulated by woman. It wasn’t too long ago when I could just think of hot women or interesting scenarios with them and get very aroused. Currently I have to watch porn just to get a good jelqing session in. I’m in the process of desensitizing myself. It’s been a week without porn and my mind is regaining control again. I think I’m going to leave porn for special occasions.


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