Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Porn and the death of my penis


My point was that for us who are single and out playing the field, it is a different ballgame as there is no one to focus ones attention on, thus porn has a stronger hold.

As for morning wood, its probably that I’m dealing with high blood pressure, high cholestrol, I smoke, 15 lbs over weight, and a high stress job…..maybe that’s why I”ve no morning wood. Erections are a definite problem without

drugs, herbal stuff, or porn. I thought it was just me, but I’ve also met some guys my age who do have ED also at my age.

It would be nice to live in a fantasy world, thinking that I will meet that one person who could arouse me no matter what time of day or night and everything would be “hunky dory”……but I’ve given up. For those of you on this board who have a “girlfriend, wife, cute clerk”, who can get you hard as steel I’m happy for you….that would be a great feeling. Years and years ago I felt the same way…..I just wish that I could have had that for awhile longer.

It’s been great guys, but I’m signing off so I can focus on other areas of my life. When I get things straightened out I’ll be back, and hopefully with a new

attitude, I just have some deep issues to deal with right now. God, I hate middle age.

My best to everyone, I really do mean it.


Originally Posted by Intactmale
My point was that for us who are single and out playing the field, it is a different ballgame as there is no one to focus ones attention on, thus porn has a stronger hold.
As for morning wood, its probably that I’m dealing with high blood pressure, high cholestrol, I smoke, 15 lbs over weight, and a high stress job…..maybe that’s why I”ve no morning wood. Erections are a definite problem without
drugs, herbal stuff, or porn. I thought it was just me, but I’ve also met some guys my age who do have ED also at my age.

Yeah, guys can get ED at all different ages and for a multitude of factors. I don’t have much doubt that the things you mention are a bigger factor than just age in particular, probably a combination of both.

Us older guys have to be diligent both in our PE (PI) and our health in general, eating healthy, vigourous exercise, and be extremely moderate with the alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Testosterone levels naturally decline with age and must be agressively fought if one desires for said levels to remain at an optimum.

I have always maintained a thorough weightlifting regimen since my early 20’s which I believe contributed majorly to never having problems in the erection area. That said I have noticed a dramatic increase in libido and erection quality since beginning PE and adding more protein and good fats to my diet.

Originally Posted by Intactmale
It would be nice to live in a fantasy world, thinking that I will meet that one person who could arouse me no matter what time of day or night and everything would be “hunky dory”……but I’ve given up. For those of you on this board who have a “girlfriend, wife, cute clerk”, who can get you hard as steel I’m happy for you….that would be a great feeling. Years and years ago I felt the same way…..I just wish that I could have had that for awhile longer.
It’s been great guys, but I’m signing off so I can focus on other areas of my life. When I get things straightened out I’ll be back, and hopefully with a new
attitude, I just have some deep issues to deal with right now. God, I hate middle age.
My best to everyone, I really do mean it.

Sorry to hear that intact and pray that you will find peace in the midst of it and can come back refreshed. Let us know if there is anything we can do. Great bunch of guys on this forum, as I’m sure you know.

Originally Posted by Toolguy
That said I have noticed a dramatic increase in libido and erection quality since beginning PE and adding more protein and good fats to my diet.

Again, those things also work for women too, along with vigorous exercise.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by bel24mondo is for sale | HugeDomains

Awesome link.

Thanks for posting.

Now I KNOW I’m not the only one in this situation. I’ve been doing some lurking and reading on that site and it has been very inspirational.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Some of these guys at are really addicted.

A lot of them have a spiritual awakening (which I know I won’t have since I’m a Deist). There’s a thread that they have where they talk about their “worst acting out” regarding porn. Some are truly shocking - like masturbating with an infant son in the room or spending over $10K on porn. Crazy stuff.

They also advocate to stop masturbation altogether. Now THAT I know I will never do - unless I’m married. My sexual libido is high - I have to let those juices out once in a while, that’s for sure.

For many of them, it’s hard to separate porn from masturbation. I think the reason for that is because they are truly addicted to porn that they know they will slip up and go back to porn.

It was the same thing for me with marijuana and cigarettes. I LOVE the taste of a cigarette after having weed and realized that the only reason I was smoking weed was not just to get high, but also to enhance the taste and feel of a cigarette. Some people I know can have one without the other, but to me it just couldn’t be done. So I went cold turkey on both. I don’t have any urges anymore. I found a new hobby - PE!

A lot of people on that board also substitute an activity to sub-in for porn. It seems that the 2 main reasons for turning to porn in the first place were stress and boredom. Once they started, they couldn’t stop- just like with any other addiction. On that note, I think I’m going to step up my exercise routine. It will help with stress as well as take up more time so that I have absolutely NO free time to “reward” myself with porn.

I encourage others who are addicted with to porn and want to quit to do the same.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

So much has been said in the previous posts, that it’s hard for me to add anything to it.. But I can tell
You what I did to get over it.

Anyways: I have also been absolutely porn addicted - beginning at age 15. I was watching it so much
That I often felt alienated and even worse I had a hard time talking to girls because I had sex scenes
In my brain constantly!! I still watch porn from time to time but not that often anymore. I love to see
When girls get a big facial. I guess this is my fetish. However, none of the girls I have met so far liked
This, so I would usually just get angry and start glimpsing at other women. I know this is sick and I am
Almost over it.

So I slowly began to watch less and less porn. If you say you are going to quit at once.. I don’t think
You will succeed, well, you probably can but only if you have an extremely strong will. It’s easier to gradually
Decrease your porn consumption - from a daily dose to every other day to once a week to once every
Two weeks and so on. This is what I did and it worked for me. It just as with any other drug.

Moreover, the bad thing porn did to me is that it totally paralyzed me. I had hardly interests in anything.
I started with martial arts a few years ago and it helped me a lot. Maybe you need some new hobby or
Something that really distracts you ?

As a conclusion, I think porn is bad, if it is consumed too much.

The funny thing is that even I don’t watch it that often anymore my fetish (facials) is so deep in my brain
It’s still there and I can’t get rid of it ?

Originally Posted by quik4life
… Some people I know can have one without the other, but to me it just couldn’t be done. So I went cold turkey on both. I don’t have any urges anymore. I found a new hobby - PE!

A lot of people on that board also substitute an activity to sub-in for porn. It seems that the 2 main reasons for turning to porn in the first place were stress and boredom. Once they started, they couldn’t stop- just like with any other addiction. On that note, I think I’m going to step up my exercise routine. It will help with stress as well as take up more time so that I have absolutely NO free time to "reward" myself with porn.

I encourage others who are addicted with to porn and want to quit to do the same.

I thought this (and the follow-up) was interesting concerning the development of an addiction: is for sale | HugeDomains is for sale | HugeDomains

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by maverick_1977
The funny thing is that even I don’t watch it that often anymore my fetish (facials) is so deep in my brain
It’s still there and I can’t get rid of it ?

Well now that’s a different thing. You just need to find a woman who likes facials, that’s all. We’re out there, as long as you keep it away from our eyes. No woman is going to want a facial every single time, but lots of women up for it, especially if they care about you and know it turns you on. You probably will have better luck with older women than younger women for that sort of thing.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg


considering the “nay” to masturbation that seems to the consensus at lightwave, how do you relate masturbation and PE? I’m thinking it should be possible to work on a larger dick “clinically” in order to enhance love (not lust) with your SO, how do you manage?

Upon reading on that board, I come to the realization that I have a deeper problem than I thought with addictive habits / behaviours. I’ve watched way too much porn previously (pre-marriage), nowadays it’s pretty much limited to Joystick’s picture threads. I drank way too much alcohol while at Uni, and between relationships later (-pre-marriage). I used to spend lots of time perusing the internet stock market chats, but then the stock market went bust and my modest investments pretty much the same. Years ago I obsessed over rock climbing. I now spend a lot of time here, which is stupid considering I do it from work.

I do have a problem with addictive behaviour, that is a fact. It is not full-blown, or rather I have shifted my focus over time. I have alcoholics on one side of my family so I’ve been aware of this in a way, but prided myself that “Hey, I’m not an alcoholic, I used to drink a lot and now I hardly drink at all” but the problem is how I’ve (also recently) just binged out and not stopped at a reasonable level, stayed to the end of the party etc. It’s the stopping a the right time that is a problem - like I might stay up late at night posting here even though I should have gotten my full nights sleep.

I’m not very comfortable talking about this. And I guess I have more deeply rooted issues than I thought.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
And I guess I have more deeply rooted issues than I thought.

Everyone does.

I think the key is to find what you love doing and stick with it. My three passions in life are sex, food and music. I will always be surrounded by these things until I die.

But the other thing to keep in mind is “everything in moderation.” Too much of anything is no good. You have to learn how to be in control of yourself.

And when you limit the things you love doing, you appreciate them more.

It’s all about balance.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

You guys that want to cut back should try my method out. That is the only look at nudes method. I go to and only download and look at nudes. The links make it obvious which is which.

Nudes dont seem to have the negative side effects as hardcore or intercourse pictures and video do. Then when doing exercises that involve two hands, put you’re viewing software on slideshow.

PE would be more difficult for me if I didnt have some stimulation. Well thats the best thing about hanging, you dont want to be aroused.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Hi zane,

thanks, I would not aim for the eyes… that would be rude!!! An open mouth is much more
inviting (I know I am a damn pervert :) )

Unfortunately, not too many women are as open minded as you are… :(

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Well now that’s a different thing. You just need to find a woman who likes facials, that’s all. We’re out there, as long as you keep it away from our eyes. No woman is going to want a facial every single time, but lots of women up for it, especially if they care about you and know it turns you on. You probably will have better luck with older women than younger women for that sort of thing.


I understand what are you saying. That was and still is the problem for me, because I can’t isolate these two. If I do PE (what’s so ever with my dick), sooner or later I fall in to my addiction again. I struggle very hard not to do so, but I am certain that these two (PE and masturbation = addiction) are related, at least they are for me. So I am in a big crossroad what to do, I want to get rid of my addiction, but I want to have I bigger dick, and I still haven’t found the way how to do make these two problems compatible.

I have thought about this a lot, and asking myself where is all of this issue about having a large dick going and if I look at it objectively, I think this is maybe a part of my addiction. At the end, if everything related to sex wouldn’t be so important to me; I wouldn’t bother so much about having a large dick, because at the end I am above average (6,5 x 5,4) and what will change for me If I would be huge (7,5 x 5,5). If you know just a little about sexual addiction, than you know, that the sex (in every form: porn, compulsive masturbation, prostitutes…) is for the addict the most important thing, and this also goes for me, I think I give way to much significance to my dick and sex. So I am asking myself: I am normal but I want to be abnormal, is this normal?

Originally Posted by Pud
You guys that want to cut back should try my method out. That is the only look at nudes method. I go to and only download and look at nudes. The links make it obvious which is which.

Nudes dont seem to have the negative side effects as hardcore or intercourse pictures and video do. Then when doing exercises that involve two hands, put you’re viewing software on slideshow.

PE would be more difficult for me if I didnt have some stimulation. Well thats the best thing about hanging, you dont want to be aroused.

I also believe this is the way to do it. Its the bigdick hardcore porn that makes me weird in the head and porn addictive.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

I think the phrase “moderation in all things” is wisdom. However you must be very disciplined with things such as porn, in order to maintain that moderation.
It’s like smoking. One cigarette a week would probably be almost harmless, but it never turns out that way. Addictive habits always come to an extreme end.
So quite often it helps to draw a VERY clear line and then stick to it like glue, such as what someone else mentioned earlier, view nudes but don’t view them engaging in sex with others. Some clear distinction that you can work with.

Violent Porn is the last straw for a minority of the population to go out and commit sexual offences. Porn also also destroys a lot of marriages/relationships.

I think that a naked female form is beautiful and should be admired for what it is, “a beautiful creation”. Treating your lover in the same way will only make your sexual relationship even better.
However, as soon as you begin programming yourself with the extremes of porn you are ruining your ability to maintain a normal sexual relationship with the majority of women who do not actually want to be treated like the women in porn movies. (Remember the women in porn movies are paid to “act” out sex in the way it will sell best, not the way they would choose to have sex themselves)

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6


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