Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Porn and the death of my penis

Okay, just took the time to read through all of them and Zaneblue basically already said what I said. Sooo I guess I should just say I agree with Zaneblue.

Originally Posted by Air

My bad. When I said that I was actually referring to the "hung black guy" part, not the "ass-to-mouth" part. The latter isn’t a turn on for me at all, so it’s not the degrading women thing that makes porn bad for me. My point was that me watching hugely hung guys having sex, typically with petite women, is my poison. THAT poisons my mind, and makes me feel inadequate. Your view of it (ie, the woman’s pleasure perspective) fits my thoughts about it when I view that stuff… that these women are more pleased by that than they could ever be pleased by me. That concept has caused me a lot of pain over the years, even despite being highly touted by my lovers. That is why porn is hurtful to me. It fucks up my mind. I’m sure porn affects everyone differently, but I’m sure a I’m not alone at Thunder’s in this specific form of torment.

You know, the hilarious thing is that most women firmly believe that vaginal orgasms don’t even exist! That’s the difficulty I’m running into—women think I’m telling them to believe in the Easter bunny or something! And yet here men are spending all their free time chasing after some magic size when women… oh hell, here read it for yourself:

http://www.hisa … 02433;p=0&r=nfx

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

The Easter Bunny’s not real?? :-k

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

zane: Ha ha… I bought my girlfriend two Gyneflex’s about a month ago.

Well, I gave edging and/or masturbation a try without any porn.

No frickin’ success whatsoever. With the help of porn, during my edging sessions, I can last for a long time - 30 minutes, even an hour if I want. Now, without porn, I found it difficult to even get hard. Well, I got hard, but it took a while and it wasn’t to the same strength as when I watched porn. I go to maybe a 80%, maybe even 90%, but my dick just feels so much thicker and longer when in compared to masturbated with porn.

It took a lot of concentration. I actually had to close my eyes and think to get an erection - something I haven’t done in a long time. With porn, your eyes and ears are wide open. Without it, it’s a whole different ball game.

I tried to think sexual thoughts, but all I could think of were past scenes in porn that turned me on. I didn’t know if this was a good or bad idea, but I figure, it’s better than nothing otherwise I wouldn’t get hard at all.

When I wake up now, I have pretty decent morning wood. And if I think sexual thoughts, my erections gets to the 100% level. But if I try masturbating in the afternoon or evening, I just find it really difficult to get a complete erection.

I also found myself grabbing my cock using the infamous “death grip” which I really didn’t want to do - but if I didn’t, I wouldn’t get hard.

I’m obviously gonna give it some more time. I want to limit myself to just one ejaculation per week, but want to edge atleast once (hopefully twice) each week.

I think the next time I edge or masturbate, I’m going to use lube. I’ve read the sexual energy stuff by the Taoists as well as “The Multi-Orgasmic Man” and both advocated that when practicing to become multi-orgasmic, that a man should touch every part of his private area - his balls, the head, the shaft - everything. I think what they’re after is to recreate the simulation of actual sex with a vagina as opposed to sex with your hand. Plus, if you use lube, you won’t have to grip as tight and the sensation is definitely increased.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by quik4life
I think my penis is broken - and the major factor behind it’s semi-death is due to PORN!!!

I saw my first Playboy at 9, saw my first porn movie at 11 and first masturbated when I was 12. Ever since 14 (when I first got the Internet) I would be downloading pictures and small clips and they would suffice to get me hard - really hard!

During my teenage years, I masturbated a lot. It was roughly 10 times a week, usually more. Now I know to some this may be nothing, or a lot, but I still consider it a lot. As I entered my early 20s, my sex drive stayed pretty high and so did the strength of my erections - I masturbated at least once a day, always to the aid of porn.

The type of porn I’ve been watching has also changed. I’ve always loved petite, cute, brunettes with big tits but as the years went on, they would have to constantly do more and more to impress me and get me hard.

I remember in my early years, I could just think of sex or girls and I would get hard. But now, I can’t even get hard unless I’m watching porn.

I became a realization when the 3 months ago I was at a party and made out with this chick. She was about to give me head, but for the life of me, I couldn’t get hard. I had about a 60-70% erection, but in the back of my head I knew that if porn was playing in the background, I’d be at my usual 101% strength

Final thoughts:

1) I plan to give up porn for a while. Maybe 2 or 3 weeks. I want to see what this does and how long it takes for the wiring in my brain to get reprogrammed so I don’t have to rely on porn to get hard.

2) If anyone else is having this experience, please share some thoughts.

3) If anyone else HAD this experience and fixed the problem, what did you do and how long did it take?

What’s happened is you’ve become desensetized. I would get away from the porn for a while. It will take a lot of discipline but the fact that you are recognizing it as a problem, leads me to believe you wont have a problem. Its already costed you a blow job for crying out loud!

Originally Posted by drew1978
Its already costed you a blow job for crying out loud!

And that’s one too many as far as I’m concerned.

I remember the days in high school when I’d look at some chick wearing a short kilt. I’d be hard within seconds. Now, I bet if that same girl was completely naked and sat on top of me, my dick probably wouldn’t even flinch.

Damn you porn!!!!
Damn you all to hell!!!

(Well, maybe not all of it. But you know what I mean).

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Yeah, just wait till ya get older, my age and see how easy it is to get any kind of erection without porn. I’m 46. Morning wood? What’s that? Have felt the likes of that in years!

Porn definitively is an addiction, and if you think you have the problem than your problem is already very big. If you think you are alone you should look here is for sale | HugeDomains. I am strugling with the addiction for almost a year now, but with not much succses. I stay sober for 2 weeks maybe 1 months, but then the addiction strikes again. For me these is become a serious problem, because I have seen that I can’t quit only if I want to. I also recommend to everybody and I really mean EVERYBODY who wacht porn on a regular basis, that they read some books from Patrick Carnes (Out of the Shadows, In the shadows of the Net, don’t call it love) and than decide for himself if he or she has a problem or not. Good luck to everybody.

I also have problems with porn. I think I watch way to much of it. I have no problems having sex with girls, but when I do that, I often have a little bit of negative thoughts in my mind.
My problem is that I have watch a lot of porn and I need more extreme porn to turn me on.
A few years ago, I got hard by just watching a girl, fully dressed, in a magazine and then imagined what I would do to her. Now I need to see a girl that is very very beautiful get fucked by a guy with a very large dick. But even that is not enough. They have to do it from behind. If I see a superhot girl having sex with a guy that have a normalsize penis, then it does nothing for me. I think that is sick. I’m really damage by porn i think. Porn has made me thinking my 7,7x5,5(midshaft) 5,9(base) dick is belov avarage. I almost feels to small to fuck with. Insane.

I will try to solve my problem by cutting down on porn.
My number one step will be to only watch naked girls like Pud wrote earlier in this thread. No guys with big dicks allowed. I think that it is ok to watch as much naked girls as you want. I believe that it is the hardcore fucking with huge dicks that fucks your mind up.

About erectionquality. The less I masturbate, the better my erections gets. Masturbating with lube is the worst thing I can do. That feels much more than sex so it is no good.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Last edited by skitola11 : 10-18-2005 at .

I haven’t read through this thread, but my instinctive response is that you should not only give up porn for a while, but masturbating as well!

After not jerking off for at least a week, I think you should notice a difference.



Originally Posted by Intactmale
Yeah, just wait till ya get older, my age and see how easy it is to get any kind of erection without porn. I’m 46. Morning wood? What’s that? Have felt the likes of that in years!

Not neccessarily the case with everyone. I am 42 and I have extremely strong morning wood every single morning. I often say that PE should also be called PI for penis improvement. I absolutely know that, in my case, moderate hanging, pumping and jelqing restored health to the wood department. I’m having great erections all the time (not quite like a 13 year old but nevertheless).

Originally Posted by Toolguy
Not neccessarily the case with everyone. I am 42 and I have extremely strong morning wood every single morning. I often say that PE should also be called PI for penis improvement. I absolutely know that, in my case, moderate hanging, pumping and jelqing restored health to the wood department. I’m having great erections all the time (not quite like a 13 year old but nevertheless).

Ditto what Toolguy said. No problems for me at 43. Morning wood is just about daily.

I’d like to add that for me, I have mitigated the impact of porn somewhat by keeping my girl involved in my fantasies. I either put her into my vision of the porn, or even just imagine her without using porn. The fact that she is sexual, verbal, and smoking hot helps a lot. I can get quite excited (and hard) touching myself while thinking about her saying things to me and touching me WITHOUT any porn. That might be something for any of you with porn issues to try. Use your god-given, amazing, technocolor imagination to get yourself off… whether it’s with thoughts of your girlfriend, wife or some cute clerk at a video store. Try that as an exercise. It’s something that has been effective for me, and I’ve only been doing it for a year or so, while my porn use dates back decades. The fact that I can turn myself on that way gives me hope that the impact of porn can be undone somewhat, though probably not entirely. I can’t understate the impact that my baby has had either. One sure-fire way to reduce the impact of porn is to have sex BETTER than you see in the porn. That’s what she does for me, and it really frees the soul.

Originally Posted by Ziggaman
I haven’t read through this thread, but my instinctive response is that you should not only give up porn for a while, but masturbating as well!

After not jerking off for at least a week, I think you should notice a difference.

I’m trying. I really am.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~


thank you for the link.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


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