Testies And Infrared
I have a jouve infrared -near infrared body panel. It does promote healing and it does promote testosterone increase. I have noticed and many other men have noticed that it seems to increase the size of the testicles if exposed to it. Size isn’t just for vanity. It also increases desire and load. Large loads aren’t just do wonders towards healing your emotions regarding being an aging man.
There’s no study on the safety of this but my thought is that if it’s causing things to function better and it doesn’t hurt and it’s not done too often then it might not be so bad I might actually be helping. By saying larger I mean the girl from an inch and a quarter to an inch and a half. So they grow roughly a quarter. There are other things I can do that increased my testosterone that also affect the size and the function. So I’m not afraid of an increase size.
Are there other ideas regarding infrared and the boys downstairs?