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Thermotex™ (infrared heating pads)

Thermotex™ (infrared heating pads)

Hey guys,

I`m gonna restart my pumping routine so I feel there is a need to invest in an electric heating pad.

I love using a hot wet towel for varmup, but it`s too much of a hazzle and I have some privacy issues.

Do any of you guys have any experience with Thermotex heating pads?

Actually I had one back in the day, but I sold it and now I don`t remember accurately if it was worth it:)

I seem to remember it was very good and I`m leaning towards buying one even though expensive. It would be nice to hear if any of you guys tried them?

Thank you in advance!


I have no experience with that particular product although I have read many good experiences concerning infra-red heat.

That product looks really interesting and I wouldn’t be surprised if it contributed positively to gains, unfortunately it’s also extremely expensive and I’ve got other things on my PE list to get first.

If I do someday purchase one of their products I’ll definitely write up a review.

Thank you for that link, the products look great. I’ll have to take a look at the prices.

*Thinks to self*

Do I get the wrist or the elbow pad?

Of those two choices, I would go with the wrist one. I personally would be using it primarily with pumping so that option would allow me to slip it over the cylinder(although I would have to regularly rotate it to get full exposure).

Whichever one you get, let us know how it works out!

No one who actually got one?

I had the model called platinum and I used it both as warm-up and for wrapping around the tube.

It easily wrapped around the tube, although a little clumsy because of its size. I am thinking that perhaps the wrist model is better, but I`m not sure.

I will order one myself, but I will have to wait until I get some more cash available.

“Shiver” have a Thermotex pad if I remember correctly. Perhaps he`ll chime in on our discussion?

Originally Posted by Renholder
No one who actually got one?

I had the model called platinum and I used it both as warm-up and for wrapping around the tube.

It easily wrapped around the tube, although a little clumsy because of its size. I am thinking that perhaps the wrist model is better, but I`m not sure.

I will order one myself, but I will have to wait until I get some more cash available.

“Shiver” have a Thermotex pad if I remember correctly. Perhaps he`ll chime in on our discussion?

If you remember your experiences using the thermotex, could you describe any differences between the IR pad and a regular heat pad(if you used a regular heat pad).

You state that you don’t remember accurately if it was worth it or not, could go into more detail concerning what you do remember from using it?

Please let us know how it goes once you get one. The IR heat seems interesting to say the least.

Originally Posted by tourniquet
*Thinks to self*

Do I get the wrist or the elbow pad?

So, I was not the only one wondering about that, huh?

Those things are always too hefty, can’t conceal them, or just pricey.

Just go with a ricesock.

I’d hold out for something better, something clandestine.

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Originally Posted by stormy
If you remember your experiences using the thermotex, could you describe any differences between the IR pad and a regular heat pad(if you used a regular heat pad).

You state that you don’t remember accurately if it was worth it or not, could go into more detail concerning what you do remember from using it?

Please let us know how it goes once you get one. The IR heat seems interesting to say the least.

I remember that it was comfortable to use and supplied good heat. I have never used a regular heat pad so I can`t compare. The IR pad is expensive, but it is not THAT expensive. When I`m spending money on my dick, I don`t want to be cheap:)

I`ll copy and paste what Shiver wrote on an older thread where we discussed the Thermotex:

Renholder, I have a Thermophore pad ( - Home Heat Therapy Pad, Thermophore MaxHEAT Heating) and a Thermotex Platinum (Home - Thermotex Therapy Systems). The IR Thermotex is far and away the better device, but is also very expensive considering what it consists of. I guess it depends on your budget, and also whether you judge the value based on the components or the function.

The Thermophore has a matrix of heating wires that are fairly sparse and get extremely hot, then the thermal cut-out operates and it cools down, so you get a too hot/too cold thing repeating. The Thermotex is a uniform gentle warm heat that penetrates deeply without all the heat being on the skin surface. The only thing to note when using the Thermotex is that you will have to clamp or otherwise restrict the blood somewhat, otherwise the circulating blood will take away the heat to other body parts and the penis will never get up to the target temperature (see the thermotex site for more information on optimal temperatures for collagen elongation).

The trouble with using a non IR device is that the heat is absorbed mostly by contact with the skin, so the skin gets hot (even to the point of pain) whereas the deeper tissues are protected. The IR will penetrate through the skin perhaps 1" or so, which means the CC is well convered.

If you choose a non IR device then it’s a case of trusting the heat will go deep enough without damaging the skin. I wouldn’t recommend the Thermophore even if you do choose the non IR device as I don’t rate it even for its intended purpose (others might want to suggest a better model).

For pumping I think between us we’ve established in other threads that the acrylic tubes are not IR transparent. It heats the tube up fine, but the only heating you get is the same as you would with a conventional pad (thermal convection from the air in the tube). A warm water filled tube might be a better way to go as it would conduct heat better than the air (which is a good thermal insulator).

The Thermotex Platinum (3 pad model) is rated at 36watts.


Let me start by saying that I don’t PE that much, as I spend most of my PE time researching how to effectively do what we are trying to do, and nobody has effectively demonstrated that yet - only that ‘certain things sort of get results for most people some of the time’.

Here’s what I do currently do (as of the last month or so):

Once per week (occasionally twice) I use either a cable clamp or a velcro strap at the base of the penis to restrict blood flow by about 50%. I apply the IR pad and leave it until I get the penis to temperature. The correct temperature to me is a certain fuzzy sensation that is comfortably warm with a very deep heat sensation (no skin scalding at all). Depending on the clamping degree this can be anywhere between 10 and 30 mins. I aim for it to take 30 mins as it seems to have a healthy pink glow that way, whereas if I do it quicker it gets a very deep oxygen starved look about it.

I remove the pad and restriction, and using a soft cloth to aid grip, I stretch hard for as long as I can maintain the grasp, and re-grasp as needed if it slips. I stretch it in all directions, then U bend stretches along the full length of the shaft in multiple directions to isolate areas individually. The exercise portion is no more than 3 mins. That’s it.

I measure the FSL and hope to see about 1/16 extra. If I do I’ll repeat mid week. If it seems less then I’ll wait a full week. If and when I don’t see any improvement then I’ll wait longer still. This seems to be working for the moment, but I know from past heat based extensibility experiments that there comes a time where you just have to back off and let the body do it’s thing to normalise around this new set point before any new gains can occur.

If I was doing the same thing with girth then I’d use clamped squeezes instead, but make the exercise duration maybe an hour or more and apply heat the whole time, and release the pressure every 5 mins or so (heat and clamping seems to burn oxygen at an accelerated rate).

I have two vaccum tubes, but use them very infrequently just for the sake of mixing things up or boredom. I don’t consider them as part of my PE program. Using a pump is a good way of stopping the blood cirulation in itself due to the pressure it exerts on the pubic bone (greater pressure on the tube than pull on the penis since the area of the tube is greater than the penis inside it), so a constriction device isn’t really necessary.

IMHO Time is the most important factor. Whatever method you use to get a result, you need to get it to rebuild in a stable manner. There may be ways of accelerating that, but we don’t know them yet.

I (currently) believe that Each Day training is much like over training in BB, but that may change. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to follow my route until there was sufficient evidence to support it. For now it is better to follow the crowd as that’s what seems to get the best results betwen us all.

Regarding the Thermotex, it’s certainly a great product, but I honestly can’t recommend it (considering the cost) for PE unless there is some compelling evidence.

Basically if you can afford the Thermotex then go for it. It will do everything a regular heat pad will do and more, but if cash is tight then I’d have trouble justifying it right now, as most of my beliefs are subjective until something substantial proves it different.

So….does any of you americans know which webshop might sell these pads cheapest in the US?

I`m buying one NOW:)

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