Sta-kool: Good to hear things are poised to get back on track. Hopefully it won’t take too long to feel right again. Is availability a frequent issue? Is that just for hCG, or does that also happen with test?
This morning, I made an appointment (before seeing your good advice). I have to wait until May 18. I’m impatient for sure, but considering how long this has been going on, another few weeks won’t kill me. I eventually settled on a guy in Baltimore (inconvenient) who does some research as well as practicing. His research focus tends to be on pituitary (which is likely the area implicated by high FSH), and I know he has looked at some issues relating to hypogonadism. That may be as much as I can hope for at this point. (Its easy to find endocrinologists, but not so easy to figure out who has experience in areas that seem most relevant to me. Reproductive specialists, might be OK, but they seem to have an IVF/fertility focus. It s pretty easy to find folks who specialize on diabetes or on metabolic/weight loss issues. After that, though, I found it pretty hard to get much information folks with experience in areas that matter to me. (Maybe they all do to some degree, but I can’t help but think there should be easier to zero in on specialists.)