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Venous Leakage...The Ultimate Cure


Venous Leakage...The Ultimate Cure

My venous leak started in my 20’s. Decade by decade it became more evident. Prior to this my dick was tight and stiff. It hurt to push it down while erect. I think I may have initiated the leak by trying to hide boners in my pants in high school. Pressing it down. Forcing it into positions that would better hide it. Did this even when it hurt.

As decades passed I noticed my erections improved when i wore a broccoli ring (rubber band) around the base. Gradually this became ineffective. In my 50’s I began using broccoli rings with viagra or Cialis. Worked a while but leak continued getting worse.

By my 60’s it was much worse. Finally has gotten to the point that not even the combination of a pump, tight cock ring, and Cialis produced an erection suitable for penetration. Although I learned to wank with a softy….I could not enjoy penetration.

Finally I decided to take the final step…….inflatable penis implant. I did this reluctantly at first. But after talking with 3 great guys who had these implants I decided to take the plunge. They said their greatest regret was not having this done years earlier. Now they have full control over their dicks….and can have any level of erection or flaccidity at any time. They can have 24 hour erections if they choose. Can have sex, shoot, keep their boner, have sex again, shoot again….as much as they choose. And the guys who were growers have become showers. No performance anxiety…..totally obedient dick. Dick looks and feels normal to you and your partner. I was sold.

I decided on the Coloplast Titan 3-piece implant. It is best for larger dicks.

I have documented my implant journey at an ED site called Frank Talk. I have included pictures of before and after the surgery and dialog on my progress. I had the surgery about a week ago. Several guys on this forum are suffering from venous leakage. Thus I thought this could be helpful to those guys…and interesting to others. On that site I am known as Genome. Some guys from this site are members there.

Thanks for sharing that MagnumXL.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

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I suppose it goes without saying that an inflatable prosthetic would be an effective treatment for any type of erectile dysfunction that is refractory to medication, not just veno-occlusive dysfunction.

You may have posted your experience in other threads, but did you have imaging studies that confirmed that your ED was, in fact, due to “venous leak”.

Originally Posted by redbear52
I suppose it goes without saying that an inflatable prosthetic would be an effective treatment for any type of erectile dysfunction that is refractory to medication, not just veno-occlusive dysfunction.

You may have posted your experience in other threads, but did you have imaging studies that confirmed that your ED was, in fact, due to “venous leak”.

Actually it was self diagnosed years ago. My problem has never been in getting blood into my penis….but in keeping it there. Hower my diagnosis was confirmed by my urologist (an outstanding physician) who is also a Men’s Sexual Health Specialist at Vanderbilt university. A few pithy questions about my personal experience and history. I told him why i thought i had a venous leakage. He asked me a series of questions.

Thanks for sharing, glad things are working out for you! So how does this implant work in terms of giving you an erection?

Big dick by the way.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Thanks for sharing, glad things are working out for you! So how does this implant work in terms of giving you an erection?

Big dick by the way.

The implant consists of 2 plastic tubes……one that goes in each corpus cavernosum. The tubes can be inflated or deflated to any degree desired. They are inflated by a small bulb pump located in the scrotum. A reservoir of salt water is placed in the abdomen and is undetectable. When the pump in the scrotum is squeezed, salt water goes from the reservoir and into the tubes in the corpus cavernosum. Thus one has total control of the level of flaccidity or erection that one desires, whenever or how long one desires. Anyone with such an implant can have a rock-hard erection when desired.

Implants are a good way to go for guys who find that nothing else works well. Many who have had them are satisfied with the results. Thanks for telling us about yours, Magnum.

Think of it. A rock hard-on whenever you want? :)

Tell us this: Did you experience any length or girth loss after the procedure? This seems to be common with some of the implant models.




Many guys experience some loss of size. It varies around half an inch to an inch. Some gain a little girth. I will not know the effect on me for about 6 weeks when i am healed and can fully pump it up to maximum erection. I do think i will lose over an inch. But I will let you know in a couple of months. If you follow the link i gave, you can see pics of my dick before and after my surgery. Right now, for healing over the next 6 weeks, my penis is slightly inflated. Call it a chub. But it seems a lot smaller than my past chubs.

I may be wrong, but i suspect that my aggressive PE a decade ago made my venous leak get worse more quickly than it would have without PE. BUT, I had the venus leak LONG BEFORE PE. So I am NOT saying that PE caused my venous leak. But it at least sounds possible that some super aggressive PE has the potential to cause venous leaks.

Originally Posted by avocet8
Implants are a good way to go for guys who find that nothing else works well. Many who have had them are satisfied with the results. Thanks for telling us about yours, Magnum.

Think of it. A rock hard-on whenever you want? :)

Tell us this: Did you experience any length or girth loss after the procedure? This seems to be common with some of the implant models.

Last edited by MagnumXL : 11-25-2010 at .

Wow that is incredible it works just that easy. I had no idea they would be rock hard with those, and look like a real erection. I had pictured it not getting much thicker than when you are limp and it just getting “rigid” for penetration, if that makes sense. But quite the contrary, with some people even ending up thicker. Good move on your part.

And your pictures make you look pretty damn big what are your stats?

Sounds fine, with all that control over your penis etc. But besides the loss of size, I think that would be the very last option to go for, if you are fully ed. I wouldn’t call this cure, it’s similar to have a leg prothesis, which is not a cure either actually

And yes, I also think that PE can be dangerous too. Did you try out prostaglandin e1 injections, before you had your prothesis?


Injections are a viable option for those who have problems getting blood to enter the penis. They are a more aggressive approach as that which takes place when one takes Viagra/Cialis/Levetra. However injections are not especially effective with significant venous leaks. The problem with venous leaks is keeping blood in….not getting it in. I certainly agree with you that implants are the remedy of last resort.

However you may find it interesting that implants have the highest satisfaction rate of all ED approaches. 92% of recipients rate it as satisfactory, Pills, injections. and Vaccum/constriction ring approaches are rated far, far less effective by those who use them.And there are no side effects. And one enjoys total penile control.

Interesting and welcome side effects i have experienced are bigger loads, greatly increased penile sensitivity (pleasure), and a significant decrease in delayed orgasm. These problems were caused by tight restriction rings used to keep blood in my penis. Without the cock rings I can release more semen and have better nerve function than was possible with the tight rings on. Here are my before and after pics, and dialog on my surgery.

Originally Posted by amar7
Sounds fine, with all that control over your penis etc. But besides the loss of size, I think that would be the very last option to go for, if you are fully ed. I wouldn’t call this cure, it’s similar to have a leg prothesis, which is not a cure either actually
And yes, I also think that PE can be dangerous too. Did you try out prostaglandin e1 injections, before you had your prothesis?

I am thrilled for you magnum, this sounds like a great step you took.

Magnum, can you do PE such as manual stretches after this procedure? I’m guessing no right?

Guess this would be one way to beat the turtle. Look forward to hearing how this works out for you once you are healed up.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Magnum thank you for your contributions here and for sharing of your latest journey; I did some catch up reading on all that has taken form in your posts on franktalks.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

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