Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




Does anyone here think they may have anorexia of the penis? That is, your penis is average to large yet you feel it is small when compared to others, regardless of the other persons size.

And yes, I know the medical term is “body dysmorphic disorder”, but I prefer wangarexia.

I think we all suffer from that to a certain extent. If you are average hung yu will see your penis at a different angle to looking at someone else and the comparison is always affected, by the distace you are from the mirror. The size you see is related to double the distance you are from the mirror, whereas the other person is the actual distance you see so it will look bigger.

A better comparison is both of you standing in front of a mirror. But I’ll say no more about that!

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Yup, I am in that category. With my penis and my body. I am 5’5” and 190 at about 12% bf and everyone tells me I am huge but I just do not see it, I know I am bigger than most guys but I don’t feel as big as everyone says. This also goes along with my dick, at 5.9 by 5 it is not a bad size when I see it on other guys here but on me it looks so tiny,UGH!

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Me too. I guess it’s a common problem.

:_pump: :donatecar

Well Here’s my equivalent of Galileo’s Balls experiment.

Tits finger experiment.

Stand at arms length from a mirror. with (say) left arm outstretched towards the mirror. Drop the wrist down leaving the middle finger hanging, a couple of inches from the mirror. Other fingers curled.

Then, with the other arm at your chest, do the same with the middle finger hanging down.

Both are the same size in reality but there is a large difference in what you see.

And that my children, is how everyone has a bigger dick than you.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Well I think this whole ‘Wangarexia’ goes far beyond just comparing your own to other dudes you’ve seen. For me it is also affected by girls I have been with in the past. I mean according to the ruler, I’m statistically on the larger end of the scale (now 7.5”). There have been woman who have told me in the past that I am the biggest they’ve been with, but this just makes me think this is what they have said to EVERY guy they’ve been with, making me feel even worse. I dont know what causes this but for some reason I always want to be the biggest and best. Such a wierdo.

On Newbie Routine since 06-25-07

Beginner Stats & Pics


Originally Posted by Wazoo
I dont know what causes this but for some reason I always want to be the biggest and best. Such a wierdo.

Your not a weirdo.

It’s just the traces of “animal instinct” residing in your genetic make-up, you’ll find it instilled in pretty much every male on the planet. To varying degrees of course.

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Originally Posted by petitfaun
Well Here’s my equivalent of Galileo’s Balls experiment.

Tits finger experiment.<SNIP>
And that my children, is how everyone has a bigger dick than you.

That is just bizarre — I just did it with a pair of rulers, too.

I have been thinking a lot the last few days of how we get such a distorted view of our penises. Thanks for another piece of the puzzle.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
That is just bizarre — I just did it with a pair of rulers, too.

I have been thinking a lot the last few days of how we get such a distorted view of our penises. Thanks for another piece of the puzzle.


Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Ha! Funny word, I like it =)

I dunno if I do or not, I mean, I want it to be thicker but I’m driven more by the extra pleasure I’ll be able to give women with a slightly thicker cock. I’m not asking for much! 5.5” is my goal. Before I started PE I never knew how thick the average cock was but I expected mine was kinda skinny, I proved myself right (~5”) and I’d hate to be stuck at that forever.

I set these goals when I first started PE and I hope to accomplish them. I’m driven not by fear or anxiety about the size of my cock so much, but just by the knowledge that with a bit of luck and persistence it could be soooo much nicer.

Don’t forget the volunteer effect.

Big guys tend to be proud and post their big numbers in their signature or at the drop of a hat when requested. Even on the “anonymous” Internet, no one wants to admit that they’re average or below, so the small guys tend to stay quiet.

No, everyone is NOT 8” BPEL.

Originally Posted by Steady
Don’t forget the volunteer effect.

Big guys tend to be proud and post their big numbers in their signature or at the drop of a hat when requested. Even on the “anonymous” Internet, no one wants to admit that they’re average or below, so the small guys tend to stay quiet.

No, everyone is NOT 8” BPEL.

Sometimes 8.25” inches is not big enough. Yet it is more than ample. What is wrong with me anyway? What demon in hell inflicted this size stigma on men anyway. And why do women feel insignificant about breast size and all that shit? Well here we go time to jelq! No matter how big it grows you never really feel 100% confident. Have to find confidence in something else because your never big enough to satisfy that greedy beast.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Totally agree, and yes I always compare my penis as being smaller in the locker room. when it is actually average.

2007-11-09 6.290 * 5.110

2008-01-21 6.650 * 5.100

2008-03-12 6.900 * 5.100mifoto

Originally Posted by kingpole
Have to find confidence in something else because your never big enough to satisfy that greedy beast.

For me, it’s not a confidence issue…I’ve been blessed with plenty of dick. I deliberately haven’t posted measurements because there are a lot of people here who are working very hard to get less than what I’m lucky enough to have.

Some of it is simply being contrarian: the experts say you can’t enlarge your penis, so I have to prove them wrong.
Some of it is because I’ve only found one woman whom I was too big to enjoy. The rest, including the tiny, short ones, all seem to have an inexhaustible ability to take everything I have, and the bigger and harder I get, the harder they cum. Just how much is too much? As a scientist, I am honor-bound to find the answer!
Some of it is because as long as I’m too big to get decent head, I might as well just sack up and go for broke.

Most of it is because I simply enjoy the feeling of having a big dick. It’s good to wake up, grab a nice big chunk of morning wood, and say “Damn, that’s a big dick. And it’s mine!” It’s good to look in the mirror after showering and see a guy with a big dick. It’s good to be able to think silently to myself, when I’m forced to deal with jerks, “Well, I might be stuck dealing with your BS for a while, but I don’t care, because I’ve got a big dick.”


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