3 Months Newb Routine, no girth
I did the minimum of 3 months newb routine. Worked myself up to 10 min of manual stretching, 15+ min of jelqing. I use plenty of heat and I do 2 on 1 off or 3 on 1 off. Or more rest days just to give my dick a small break when my EQ is low.
I started kind of high I think with 5 min of stretching and 8-10 min jelqing with maybe too much intensity (Got red dots a few times at the start but they went away quickly)
Either way I gained length but no girth. I might even lost some girth when I gained length but it could be my head just playing games with me.
Also it seems I am getting the jelq correct now with the grip, firmness, erection level and all of that. I get good expansion in the shaft/glans during my jelq GRIP but I never get any “massive” expansion right after I finish the exercise, maybe 1/16 or something.
Should I up the jelq time/intensity? Include any other more advanced girth exercises? Do less rest days? What about a decon break of a few weeks or should I only do that when I hit a length plateau? I have been suggested pumping but I will wait with that.
I’m also considering hanging in a few months or so as it might increase girth too.