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3 Months Newb Routine, no girth

3 Months Newb Routine, no girth

I did the minimum of 3 months newb routine. Worked myself up to 10 min of manual stretching, 15+ min of jelqing. I use plenty of heat and I do 2 on 1 off or 3 on 1 off. Or more rest days just to give my dick a small break when my EQ is low.

I started kind of high I think with 5 min of stretching and 8-10 min jelqing with maybe too much intensity (Got red dots a few times at the start but they went away quickly)

Either way I gained length but no girth. I might even lost some girth when I gained length but it could be my head just playing games with me.

Also it seems I am getting the jelq correct now with the grip, firmness, erection level and all of that. I get good expansion in the shaft/glans during my jelq GRIP but I never get any “massive” expansion right after I finish the exercise, maybe 1/16 or something.

Should I up the jelq time/intensity? Include any other more advanced girth exercises? Do less rest days? What about a decon break of a few weeks or should I only do that when I hit a length plateau? I have been suggested pumping but I will wait with that.

I’m also considering hanging in a few months or so as it might increase girth too.

Girth is a nightmare for some people to make good gains on. It’s taken me a year to get to where I am from a somewhat inconsistant PE journey.

Try adding an extra five mins to the jelqs or do some squeezes. It might be too soon to start with the clamping but pumping at low HG might bring you something.

Was - 5.1x4.1

Now - 6.2x4.4

Goal - 7.0x5.0

If I gain what you did in a year with inconsistent PE I would still be very grateful. What do you call inconsistent PE though? And how do you think you made those gains?

I don’t want to try any really advanced clamping until i reach 5 MSEG from medium intense PE although I’m tempted.

I needed 8 months to gain girth, so don’t worry. By the way I do am consistent, just keep it up.

Originally Posted by ICANdothis
If I gain what you did in a year with inconsistent PE I would still be very grateful. What do you call inconsistent PE though? And how do you think you made those gains?

I don’t want to try any really advanced clamping until i reach 5 MSEG from medium intense PE although I’m tempted.

Inconsistent as in the odd month off, last week I had a 4 day period where I could not do any proper PE with the exception of kegals and leaving a cock ring on for an hour. I really enjoy manual stretches, I find it theraputic and a fun way to play about with my cock without having to ejaculate. I try to make sure I stretch every night though.
I am grateful for what I have gained, I’d still rather be bigger but accept this is something you need to stay committed to even when it seems like it’s not working at all.

Was - 5.1x4.1

Now - 6.2x4.4

Goal - 7.0x5.0

Ok, look…if you are gaining do NOT change your routine. When you think you have stopped gaining continue doing your routine for a full month after.

Don’t worry about girth for now! Get your length goals first and THEN worry about it!

As soon as you switch to girth exercises length is only going to get harder. Remember that three months at PE is nothing; many of us have been at it for 2 + years, and a few of us have turned it into a lifetime endeavor.

Trust me on this one. Keep up on your newbie routine and max out your length gains or you will be kicking yourself later.


Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

I guess its wise to max out my length gains before going girth but in all honesty I wouldnt give a damn if I didnt gain anymore length. I’m 7+ NBPEL (About 8” BP) and less than 4.5 MSEG. Everyone has its own priorities, and yea it would be cool if I reach 8” NBPEL, but what use would it be with only 4.5 MSEG.

Imagine 8” NBPEL with 4.5 MSEG to 8” NBPEL with 6 MSEG. Yea 1.5 girth increase, some people did it, I know I can but with 8” NBPEL thats a BIIIIGGG volume increase from girth work, dont think anyone did that before.

I like a challenge though. :)

Last edited by ICANdothis : 11-18-2008 at .

I didn’t know your current stats. 7 NBP is respectable. If you really feel like switching to girth then by all means.

I have been trying to break 6.75 NBP for about a year. Once I jump start my length again I wont be stopping till I hit 7.5 +


Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Deppending on what you want to achieve depends on my advice, If it is an all round bigger penis then first you work on length gains then girth or if you just want girth go to routines that only or prodomanantly promote girth increase.

Thanks For All Your Help

My routine is mainly to gain girth and I am getting lenght, so I think the penis also has it’s will.

Yeah I noticed this also been doing clamping for a month now, and I have noticed that my length has also increased.

starting stats;

6.25 BP
5.25 grith


7.75 BP
5.75 girth

trying to get to 6.0 girth
length is good, i don’t want anymore length, a lot of women have problems longer the 7.0 so i like to loss .5” length.

ps. I been PE for a few years on and off, with the longest off period being 6 months.

I know what you are going through. I have just started to flirt with 7” BPEL, but my girth is just a little over 4.5”. I started doing low-intensity Ulis, and got hooked on the expansion they give. All the vets say to work length before girth, but most of those guys already had over 5” before they started.

If I had your length, I would hit the girth-builders until you get to at least 5” EG. That is my plan. I don’t think 5” EG will make it any harder to achieve length gains down the road. Just hang or stretch more.

Personally, I started doing one set of Ulis a day after experimenting with manual squeezes for a while to see how my unit reacted (time, different pressures,etc.) I don’t use a clamp; only a small piece of ace bandage that I use like a tourniquet. It is definitely doing the trick! It’s all curled up like a piece of rope now, but I like it (the ace bandage, not my schlong). After about a month, I’m doing one or two 10 min. Sets in the morning, and one or two in the evening. I’m monitoring closely to see if and when discoloration starts to rear it’s ugly head. Good so far. I think the key is to stay on the lower side of intensity, and follow BIB’s advice and not tie off with a full much pressure. You can regulate the pressure by kegeling blood in as you go. It takes some experimenting, but it’s easy to master in no time. Good luck man.

I heard that dry jelqing increases girth better. Is this true?

December 2008 BPFL=2.75 with BPEL=4.5


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