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30 second stretches too long for noob

30 second stretches too long for noob

I have been doing 15 second stretches since I first started PE, since then I have not sustained any injury. Tonight I did thirty second stretches and now the whole tip of my member is dark purple and has needle point bruises. What the f#*! . How long should I wait before I start PEing again, or is it alright for me to continue tomorrow? Does bruising hinder growth? Maybe it’s best for me to stick with 15 second stretches

You can use 30 second stretches. Just don’t try to pull your dick off next time. :)

Ha ha, darn how did you know I was pulling hard? How do I know when I get a good stretch- what does it feel like?

That is something you kind of have to learn for yourself. Let’s put it this way. Right now, you are pulling way too hard. You should feel a nice strain at the root of your penis with no pain and no busted blood vessels in the tip.

Try and keep the 30 second stretches for the end of the routine. 10 second stretches are cool. Make sure you stop stretching if it begins to hurt. Stretching can give discolouration if kept in a hold for long periods of time.

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Dont forget a good warmup before you stretch. Also pulling harder will not make your dick grow faster. Pull basically means “extend” and not yanking out. So stay within your comfort zone. Take a week off PE till the spots disappear. Bruising on a continual basis can hamper your erection levels.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

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