Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

5 Months And No Gains


Originally Posted by 114life
The newbie routine is more than just, “hey, you don’t know what you’re doing, play it safe and do this.” It’s the foundation for everything else. The idea is start there, condition your dick to change, for what’s to come. Jumping headlong into something advanced is a really good way to toughen your tissue. Once toughened, gains are difficult to come by.


My progress Start: c. 5" NBP x 5.5 MEG

Aug 21: 5.9" NBP x 5.7 MEG

Nov 21: 6.5” NBP GOAL: 7" NBP

Originally Posted by 114life
The newbie routine is more than just, “hey, you don’t know what you’re doing, play it safe and do this.” It’s the foundation for everything else. The idea is start there, condition your dick to change, for what’s to come. Jumping headlong into something advanced is a really good way to toughen your tissue. Once toughened, gains are difficult to come by.

It’s also evident, newbie gains are the materialized potential of the tissue conditions you already have. That said, maximize that potential first, the most non invasive way possible. Then pick a format; hanging, stretching, pumping, and move forward.

My older brother is a great example of jumping headlong. Since none of you know him.. He went straight to hanging about 7 years ago, picked some ungodly 30lb routine he read somewhere, not here. Bypassed any semblance of a newbie routine like it was something for sissies. Had a promising gain, initially, then fell flat with problems and zero gains. He’s been back and forth from decon to the next greatest thing he can find. Too proud, he’s yet to try the newbie routine, and reset. He keeps stressing the shit out of his dick.

I’m not saying that’s your answer, couldn’t hurt, but if the warning to anyone reading this actually lands on brain matter then we’re all better for it.

Appreciate the post man, puts things into perspective

I’m going to get back to basics and do the newbie routine and nothing else

Looking forward to bumping this thread in three months to report back

Why wait 3 months? Make yourself a progress thread, and at the same time, post notes here ‘n there on how it’s going. It’ll give you something to look back on, and maybe help someone else in the future. We all go through this now and then. We all want everyone else to succeed as bad as we do ourselves.


Originally Posted by Hard_gainer1500
I tried jelqing as part of the JP90. I can say its the only time I’ve felt “fatigue” after a workout. I think that’s also when I was consistently hitting 6.5

I read a well written post on reddit about the dangers of jelqing. Maybe it was an overreaction but I cut it out of my routine completely after that.

Appreciate the response!

Hey mate,
When I started PE I read that I should stretch, jelq and kegel. Apparently kegelling didn’t directly create gains so I didn’t do that. Stretching, I didn’t like the feeling of so I only did that for one week. But jelqing was wonderful! I jelqed for 20 minutes, 5 on 2 off for 6 months without missing a single training day! And I grew exactly nothing.
I was jelqing at over 100% erection and deeply into the shaft. I’d read that that was advanced.. 🤦‍♂️ After that I began jelqing at a much lower erection level and added a kegel before each jelq stroke. Exactly 2 months after jelqing like this I gained half an inch in length and and quarter inch in girth. It looked huge! So, read, learn, experiment but most importantly just keep at it!

Well I was really hoping to bump this thread with positive news

I’ve been following the newbie routine religiously for 3 months.

Unfortunately still no gains. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but it definitely stings having put 8 months in and still at the same size

I’m going to try clamping as a last ditch effort

Appreciate all the support and advice from the community

Go for it! You should be well conditioned. Good luck 👍

Originally Posted by CBateman
I always like to help fellow hard gainers because I consider myself one.
You definitely need an advanced and proven method:

Hanging with FIRe

This is a good start. If I were you I would study 5.5squared’s logs. This may give you the gains you crave :-)


Can I add clamping to the newbie routine or should it be done on its own?

Add it gradually. Monitor your EQ and try not to finish while clamping/edging.

Try to control yourself at the PONR. A lot of this work your doing depends on your sexual activity. If you need your penis to perform frequently you have to feel it out.

4 hrs per day is about half ( or less ) of what’s required over minimum 1.5 months to see gains

I’ve used my extender of 1 month at 7-9 hrs per day and seen 0.2 inches increase in BPEL but I also jelq 20 mins every night

Edit: Also change your username to FastGainer because of law of attraction:D

2022: BPEL: 7.08" x MSEG: 5.00"/18.0cm x 12.7cm.

2024: BPEL: 7.50" x MSEG: 5.30"/19.0cm x 13.5cm.

Extender: 1.3k hours (13/10/2024). Goal: 3k hours.


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