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About edging yes I searched

About edging yes I searched

I don’t have any serious problems with premature ejaculation, but I do cum fairly quick if the thrust tempo is fast. I started edging recently to gain some more control, but I’m wondering exactly how it helps you control. People here seem to be so vague about this stuff.. Does edging daily just cause you to build up to orgasm slower, or does it just help you realize the senses that show an oncoming orgasm, so you can do something about it (slow down tempo, switch positions, that stuff)

Also everyone says that rubbing one out after PE is bad, but what about before PE? I actually NEED to ejaculate before my pe, otherwise it’s impossible for me to remain flacid for my stretches or even semi-erect for jelq. Even after ejaculating before my pe I still have to stop jelq’ing here and there because I get too erect.

I do kegels 2x/day, but clinching my PC while thrusting just causes more sensitivity, and reverse kegels don’t help much either, so those aren’t going to help much either.

I edge alot, and balloon, and I can last quite a while - but that is under fairly controlled circumstances. I find that in an uncontrolled situation I ejaculate now more easily (and therfore quicker) than before I started edging.

Not everyone says wanking after PE is bad, but that is certainly the overall answer arising from the recent PE Survey on here. The next survey will, I believe, address this aspect more closely since there is much debate about it. As for masturbation pre PE, there is litle discussion on here. I do a long edging session (ending in ejaculation) and then have a hot bath before any PE session. The reason is not so that I can remain flaccid, but to ensure that my unit is as softened up as possible for the PE session. You can look at my stats on the PE database to see that the system has worked OK for me.

As for kegels, I do these as a completely seperate exercise so I can’t comment.

If you have got the time (because it is VERY long and often gets right away from the point) read the thread “Sweet Rewards. Ballooning Works” by Werner Ashford.

It helps. Let us assume you are fucking the living day-lights out of a delightfully angelic petite, and you feel yourself coming - do not despair - just take your monster out, edge past ejaculation and continue with the prize. This is a fairly obvious question, therefore it is possible you may be confusing the two separate exercises edging and kegeling. This is understandable as they are intertwined: to edge, you must to kegel.

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Originally Posted by rawrrawr
I don’t have any serious problems with premature ejaculation, but I do cum fairly quick if the thrust tempo is fast. I started edging recently to gain some more control, but I’m wondering exactly how it helps you control. People here seem to be so vague about this stuff.. Does edging daily just cause you to build up to orgasm slower, or does it just help you realize the senses that show an oncoming orgasm, so you can do something about it (slow down tempo, switch positions, that stuff)

You should read “Sweet rewards - Balloning works” the thread is in my favourites (see Sig for link) Theres a lot of info in that thread, goes into great detail, but its looong.

Originally Posted by rawrrawr
Also everyone says that rubbing one out after PE is bad, but what about before PE? I actually NEED to ejaculate before my pe, otherwise it’s impossible for me to remain flacid for my stretches or even semi-erect for jelq. Even after ejaculating before my pe I still have to stop jelq’ing here and there because I get too erect.

No, actually most say masturbation before PE is bad, as it affects your ability to get a high enough erection level for jelqing.

Getting too erect is something that your body will get used to, it needs time to differentiate between masturbation and edging.

Originally Posted by rawrrawr
I do kegels 2x/day, but clinching my PC while thrusting just causes more sensitivity, and reverse kegels don’t help much either, so those aren’t going to help much either.

You do 2 kegels a day?? Thats not enough.

You are not supposed to clench the BC muscle whilst thrusting - that eill make you cum quicker. The idea is too build the strength of the muscle up, then when you get the urge to cum, hold a LONG kegel (or reverse kegel for some) to stop the ejaculation. This only works however, if you have strengthened the muscle enough.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Thanks for the response, as far as not being able to sustain an erection for jelq, that’s not really a problem for me (my refractory period is only a minute or two, if that). Other then that, would the masturbation affect gains just by ejaculating pre-workout?

And I think you mis-understood my kegel comment, I don’t do 2 kegels/day, I do 2 kegel SESSIONS/day (each 5-10 minutes long). When clinching the pc to stop orgasm, should I stop right before the PONR, or when I first feel that “tingle”?

Originally Posted by Slack
You should read “Sweet rewards - Balloning works” the thread is in my favourites (see Sig for link) Theres a lot of info in that thread, goes into great detail, but its looong.

Agreed — on both counts

Originally Posted by Slack

No, actually most say masturbation before PE is bad, as it affects your ability to get a high enough erection level for jelqing.

This contradicts your favourite thread ( “Sweet rewards - Balloning works” the thread is in my favourites ) !!! Masturbation (in the form of ballooning) is recommended ther as a precursor to PE

Originally Posted by pgt7787
This contradicts your favourite thread ( “Sweet rewards - Balloning works” the thread is in my favourites ) !!! Masturbation (in the form of ballooning) is recommended ther as a precursor to PE

When I say “masturbation”, I mean “masturbation with ejaculation”.

As opposed to Edging/Ballooning, which is “masturbation without ejaculation”.

I shouldve cleared that up.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Slack
When I say “masturbation”, I mean “masturbation with ejaculation”.
As opposed to Edging/Ballooning, which is “masturbation without ejaculation”.
I shouldve cleared that up.


Having said that, often edge/balloon to ejaculation before my PE and don’t find it affects my routine or gains. I would say, though, that we are all different and I seem to be in the minority on this.

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