Adding to my routine
Hello Thunders, after a month of basic PE I have already noticed small gains and much better EQ. My routine has consisted of 250 Wet jelqs, helicopters, and a few basic stretches for my warm up. I did these while taking a hot shower to keep my unit properly warmed and to reduce damage. My question now is what’s next? I would like to do this routine another 60 days and then begin a better PE schedule. What exercises are best for length and girth? I’m wanting to achieve 1.5” length and 1” girth hopefully. Any routines you guys have done that gave great gains would be appreciated. Another thing I needed to know was how do I do a V Jelq? I didn’t see much info on it and I want to make sure I am doing these right before incorporating 90 in my 90 day routine.
Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG
Super lazy and inconsistent :(