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ADS breaks

ADS breaks


I have been using the Vacextender for about 4-6 hours a day for 6 days now. I wanted to know if I need to take breaks from ADS or if I should go by the “never let it turtle” theory.


OK thanks alot for the quick reply

If 4-6 hours is the only PE you are doing and it is in an extender, I would recommend that you up the time some to about 8-12 hours if at all possible. You can gain with an extender (I am living proof of that) but you really do need to put in a lot of time to gain with it.


What routine did you follow on the VacExtender; in particular:

1/ starting out, what was the % of the max flaccid length of dick that was held ?
Was it 1 cm longer than the normal flaccid or nearly max stretched flaccid etc.

2/ what was your daily extender routine (time x sets) - in addition to the other exercises ?

3/ did you progressively increase the tension/force, say, every week or month ?

4/ did you use the extender in conjunction with any hanging ?


When I used an extender I was a strap type instead if noose and soon moved to the Autoextender. I recently bought the Vacuextender head to use as an ADS with bungee.

As far as my routine when I used an extender (my introduction into PE):

1- I’m not quite sure what you are asking could you rephrase

2- Daily routine varied, but I made sure to get in minimum of 8 hours in and max our around 14 hours. I would also do manual stretching a jelqing periodically through the day

3- I just kept is maxed out (spring compressed all the way).

4- At the time I was doing no hanging

I gained my first 1/2 inch with this pretty much extender only routine.

Joe, I assumed you had the VacExtender (which doesn’t have a spring but screw-in bars) - hence the question about the length of stretched dick held by the VacExtender compard to the full stretched flaccid.

Which is more effective for extended healing:
ADS with bungee or Extender?

BTW how long did it take for the 1/2 inch gain?

I find that the ADS with bungee is more effective and concealable.

It took me roughly 3-4 months to gain 1/2 inch.

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