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Advice on routine for stretching tight foreskin.

Advice on routine for stretching tight foreskin.

So I’ve starting PE but something that worries me is having a tight foreskin.

Flaccid, I can pull the foreskin back easily over the head. When erect, I can get it about half way down the head and it’s tight. With Vit E or lube and I get it just when the head starts and the vain kind of buldges out and it feels uncomfortable.

I worry my foreskin will retract behind the head and I’ll have to go to A+E and this is usually why I use condoms.

I’d like to avoid getting cut (I’m 25, can’t take time off and the idea of it scares me!) so was wondering if anyone knows of some good stretches/routine to help stretch it so it’s like a normal uncut dick basically. Also how long it would take.

Any advice is welcome.

I would think that all you can do is to put fingers of both hands inside yuur foreskin when it is flaccid and pull it sideways. If you are on your own then do it while watching television or whatever. But do it gently at first so y0u know how much strain you are putting on it

It will take a while but you will expand it eventually.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

As another thought. If the foreskin is too tight to take your fingers. Try the handles of two large serving (table) spoons .

You can put the ends in so the curves match your head, and hold the outside skin againtst the spoon with your thumbs to stop it slipping and then pull the spoons sideways

or try various grips which may suit you better..

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Hi, Sandy

There’s a lot you can do to relieve the situation. There’s a large online community, of which I’m a part, of guys devoted to “undoing” circumcision. Over the years lots of different methods have been developed by this community which enable us to expand the remaining skin to produce what is sometimes called a “fauxskin”. A lot of guys with the same problem as yours also use these methods to expand their intact foreskins, thus avoiding the need for surgical intervention.

As well as informational sites, there are also several mailing lists. A good place to start looking is Check out their list of external links.You can also try to searching Google for “foreskin expansion” or “foreskin restoration”. There is also an article in Wikipedia on the subject.

As with PE, you should make sure that you get as much good information as you can before you start. There are lots of choices available to you that don’t involve a surgeon’s knife. Above all, be aware that there is no “overnight fix”. Skin expansion takes time, but done properly and safely it may relieve your situation.

All the best.

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