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Clamping hanging routine advice?

Clamping hanging routine advice?

So I’ve done PE on and off for a few years, and all gains stopped. So I started hanging (about a month now) and am liking it. Now I’m reading up on clamping and want to incorporate it. Would this program look reasonable?

5 minutes- IR heat lamp
20 minutes- hanging
10 minutes- clamping
20 minutes- hanging
10 minutes- clamping
20 minutes- hanging
10 minutes- clamping
5 minutes- IR heat lamp
Ace bandage wrap on and off until I go to bed.

I was thinking that the clamping would replace the dry jelqs in between hanging sets. What do you guys think?

Every man has moments of self doubt and adversity, but it is what each man does in these moments which makes all the difference.

Great :up: if you want to be sterile.

One of the reasons for doing jelqs in between hanging sets is to deliver fresh blood to Mr. Happy. Replacing those with clamping is asking for trouble. Although, I haven’t tried any routine moderately resembling yours.

RR- I’ve had a similar notion to combine the two [but the knack of clamping is escaping my grasp ;) and everytime I try it I break out along the clamp line in zits for a week]

My plan was to clamp first for a set or three and then hit the hanging bench- the rationale being to pre-exhaust the tunica laterally before stressing it longitudinally, in attempt to defeat the tunica longitudinal strength by weakening it overall.

But I think in this case penflex is right about the jelqing vs clamping between hanging.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

rr, I’m currently doing something a bit similar. I warm up, clamp for 3 sets of 15, in between sets I kegel in fresh blood, squeeze old blood out. I also let in fresh blood while clamping of course. About 1.5 hours later (a trip to the gym). I come home, hot shower, warm up again, hang for 3 sets of 15 and of course kegel in blood and lightly jelq. It’s been working good so far. I honestly wouldn’t do that all at once, with what seems to be you’d have the same blood in ur penis the whole time :/.

Sorry, it’s sad to say I actually correct other people on forums and I hate it when people type like that. We all mess up :].

Damn Thunder, what are you a retired English teacher? You seem to get really annoyed over things like that…:)

Thanks for the advice. I don’t think I’m going to do that plan, it was just an idea. How about this instead?

Morning or afternoon
3 sets total of 10 minute clamps

5 minutes- IR heat lamp
3x 20 minutes- hanging, jelq 5 minutes
5 minutes- IR heat lamp
Ace bandage wrap on and off until I go to bed.

Does that look better?

Every man has moments of self doubt and adversity, but it is what each man does in these moments which makes all the difference.

I think you might be better off not splitting the workout if possible, so that the clamping effect is fresh when hanging.

Also perhaps hit your PE in the AM if possible, so that you can ADS while healing.

Just a thought.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Although I’m still newbie, there’s someting about a regimen that includes clamping and hanging DONE DURING THE SAME SESSION that, to me, seems like it’d be especially effective. I’ve done both of these moves before and even done both in the same workout and it just POUNDED my dick. I would think that going back and forth between hanging sets and clamping sets with jelqing in between would just cause your dick to “give up and grow”. If you had the time for such a regimen, I think it’d definitely produce a kind of “newbie pop” if you were stalled out. I think it’s a good idea.

I’d prefer to do whatever routine all together, but it is near impossible to get two hours alone. I live with my parents, and when I move out there will still be other people in the house. (Though I hope to get my own floor when I move out.)

Every man has moments of self doubt and adversity, but it is what each man does in these moments which makes all the difference.

Try hanging one day, and clamping the next, I’m trying it so far and liking it.

Start: 6" length, 4.5" girth / Now: 6.1" length,4.7" girth 1/10/08- 6.25" NBEL length BPEL 6.75" 4.7" Girth

2/12/08- 6.60"NBEL 7" BPEL under head girth- 4.7" base-5"

Time PE'ing:8 months Goal: 10" length, 7" girth My progress thread with pictures: Imasleep's progress thread.Journey to 10x7! Check IT OUT, I have alot of questions posted there with no answers please!

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