Am I ready to clamp?
Hi all.
I’ve been reading about clamping lately, as I just discovered that it wouldn’t be very hard for me to obtain and use a cable clamp.
I have read several opinions on how long to do the newbie routine before starting clamping, but I am still unsure whether I am ready.
I started PE back in March, did it for a few weeks, stopped, started again, stopped again after a few weeks.
Finally, I started once more with the linear routine instead of the newbie routine in mid-June. Since then, I’ve been keeping at it, increasing the workload and getting some nice gains, until I had to stop at the end of September.
I am going to restart this routine for 4 more weeks starting next week, but after that, I’ll have to stop again.
So, basically, I have done more than four months of PE, but with breaks. Would it still be safe to start clamping in mid-January, after I finish those four weeks of linear routine?