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An ultimate solution to turkey neck

An ultimate solution to turkey neck

After a month or so of turkey neck is pretty bad. My balls hang about 3 inches below the bottom of my shaft when flacid. I’ve gotten a better lubricant and retracted the foreskin in between jelqs so that I don’t stretch the skin and yet my balls seem to keep hanging lower and lower and the skin connect my ball’s and shaft keep getting looser! I don’t see how this doesn’t seem to be a huge problem for more people who jelq. I’m afraid my balls are gonna keep getting lower and lower until it just looks like complete shit. I notice that in the morning the balls don’t hang nearly as much. The same applies to when I’m erect and when it’s cold. I don’t know if that helps my case at all. The thing is, it has only been 1 month!

I’ve read that if you take time to stretch the penis in an upwards direction with one hand, and then use the other to stretch the skin that’s moving up the shaft downwards for several sets of 30 second reps, that you can decrease the ammount of turkey neck. I have it also, and while not necessarily attractive it does add some girth! :-)

Start: 6/30/2007 - (NBPEL 6.25", BPEL - 7"), (Mid EG 5.25") (Base EG 5 3/4")

11/10/2007 - (NBPEL 6.75", BPEL - 7.5"), (Mid EG 5.5") (Base EG 6")

Goal: 7.5 NBPEL, 6" Midshaft EG

How would it add girth? Also, I’ve heard that too but I’m pretty sure that will just stretch the skin more. I think for just 1 months of jelqing though, I have way too much stretching and it continues to stretch! 3 inches below the shaft are where my balls are!

Try ballooning, as you balloon the skin tightens and the testicles draw up closer to the body. As you get conditioned from ballooning your balls tend to stay closer to the shaft. Also I do believe ballooning and the recommendation in the above post is very suitable for turkey neck.

I have big nuts so I really don’t care to much about balls hanging low. I hate it when the weather gets hot they hang to low,ballooning has help bring this into control.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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