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Anyone get legitimate 1 inch or more girth gains

Anyone get legitimate 1 inch or more girth gains

It seems like girth gains are more fluctuating than length gains. Like a ballooning effect, it may have more girth from constant pressure over time, like pumping up a balloon, but after those nonstop hours of girth exercises stop, the girth you thought you gained, atrophies.

Anyway, I actually gained .5 inches in girth in my 1st year of PE and never gained again. Just by doing basic routines, I think it had alot to do with erection strengthening, and some newbie gains. But mainly erection strengthening-which I hardly consider gains.

Either way, Anyone gain a permanent 1 inch, or more, in girth? I mean, a true, solid inch of girth-growth that has stood the test of time

And if so.. What attributed most to those CEMENTED-REAL gains?

Hmm, seems like clamping is the way to go. Just curious if those gains are permanent. I see he gained about an inch, but still curious to see if he keeps those gains, beings he’s on and off PE. He said, keeping up with maintenance. Something about clamping seems dangerous. What if the clamp gets stuck-doesn’t want to unclamp. Well just curious either way.

I tried pumping and that did nothing for me.

In regards to losing gains, I think you have to give your dick time to heal and reform. So you need resting times.

I gained .5 inch from pumping. I have been off PE for long periods of time. I still have it.

Clamping did nothing for me but destroy my EQ. I have tried several times to clamp. Same results each time. Clamping works well for some, but not for everybody.

Here is an interesting thread from guys telling how they gained an inch in girth. Lots of variety:

If you gained an inch or more in girth, please check in

I wanna try just pumping my head

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