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Are my goals realistic

Are my goals realistic

Due to my last sexual relationship I decided I really need a bigger penis to be happy. My penis is currently 6.7 BPEL, about 5.1 mid EG, and about 6.2 NBPEL. While I’ve researched a lot and I realize short term goals are important, I have a long term goal that I really want to strive to. I want to be 8 BPEL or around 7.4 or so NBPEL and around 5.6 mid EG. Is this a realistic goal for a newbie to set? Soon I am going to start on the newbie routine and plan to move to more advanced techniques like hanging 4+ months in. I just want to know if this is something I can actually achieve someday. I have the drive, but are such gains probable?

Those goals are 100% reasonable. People here have gained 2+ inches in EL and 1+ inches in girth.

Just stick to your routine and stay consistent and you’ll get to your goal size

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Very realistic, but more than anything find a girl that’s not loose. You’re above average in length. Look at my stats in my sig. Yes, my recent ex felt loose to me. I can only imagine how small or average guys would feel in her. It’s all about a good match. With some girls.. I don’t know if they will ever get one. Hanging is awesome.

I just feel bad that she was 5’1 and had a tight vagina and she STILL wanted a bigger dick. I don’t need a monster just a solid 7.5 or so that I won’t be ashamed of. This is really, really killing my confidence way more than it should, so I’m glad that these goals are reasonable.

Once again odd. Maybe her last partner had a larger girth, but just because she is 5”1 does not mean she is tight. It does make it more likely in my experience though. In a year if you stick with this, you’ll never have that feeling again. I see no reason why you wouldn’t be at 8x6. No one but a whore or terrible pelvic floor muscles would request more than that dude.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Very realistic, but more than anything find a girl that’s not loose. You’re above average in length. Look at my stats in my sig. Yes, my recent ex felt loose to me. I can only imagine how small or average guys would feel in her. It’s all about a good match. With some girls.. I don’t know if they will ever get one. Hanging is awesome.

I have come to this conclusion as well. My last partner wasn’t extremely tight, but she was shallow enough for me to tap her CDS and make her squirt. She would always talk about how big my dick was. M current girlfriend is the perfect match for me. It normally takes me a few minutes to get it in, fits like a glove when I’m in, and when I put her legs up she begs me to stop going so deep(which really means she loves it). I’m 6.5 x 5.25.

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