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Need some realistic goals

Need some realistic goals

I just started my PE routine a week ago, and need to set up some realistic goals. Right now I stand at 6.75 BPEL x 5”, and 5.85” NBPEL. My long term goal is a solid 8x6 (NBP).

I’m starting with a 3 on 1 off routine, with a warm up, 10 minutes manual stretching, 20 mins jelq, and warm down. I may throw in 5 minutes of v-stretching in the near future. I’m also cutting some fat to limit the fatpad, right now about 23% body fat, aiming for 15%.

So my question is, assuming I’m an average gainer, how long should I expect until I can hit my 8x6 mark, and also what can I expect to achieve by the new year (4 months) assuming I stick to it and don’t slack.

I know that gains are going to vary from person to person, so I’m just looking for a general idea.


6.75”x5” is nearly the same as my starting stat (see Sig)

I would say after 4 months you would have gone from 6.75”x5” to 7.25”x5. I havent predicted a girth gain, as girth is notoriously hard to gain for some (like length for otheres, actually…)

As for the 8x6 target, I would say 2 years, maybe less.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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