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New to PE.


New to PE. Are these goals realistic

I’m just under 6” BPEP around 5.85 w/ 4.5 girth. Would like to get 7” 5.5”girth are these realistic goals for this noob?

Last edited by boomerang75 : 08-15-2005 at .

These goals are attainable, but you need to put in a lot of hard work and time. That takes usually more than a year to get those kind of results.

Boomerang75 Welcome to Thunders!My advise would be to take it slow.I don’t know how old you are ,but you’ve had that penis your whole life,so don’t be in a hurry to change too fast.Also listen to the vets.Read all you can read! This place is a wealth of information,about all kinds of things,PE and otherwise.Good luck with your PE and keep it safe.

Thanks guys, I’m a big guy at 6’230+ I lift weights (bench over 400lbs) and look weird w/my turtled weenie at the gym is almost as bad as sporting a standard 6 inch-er in the bedroom w/my wife. An inch in both directions is my goal. I’d love to see some kind of growth after 3 months.

Don’t expect an inch in both directions by your 3 month goal. However, you should gain a little size in 3 months, and that is something to build on. Think of it this way….If you gained 1/16 of an inch a month in each direction, you’d have your goal in under a year and a half. Not too bad. Just be patient with it, and if you have any problems, come and ask us.

PE goals reasonable, and technique questions

Total Newbie to PE. Wanting to know a couple things. I am dedicated to this and do not expect overnight results, I am following the forums and trying to learn as much as I can. First off I have a moderate bend in my penis to the left, about a little over an inch overall. From my reading I believe this can be somewhat, if not completely straightened through exercise? A number of posts refer to a penis extender for this. I know the reason is because the ligament on the left side is shorter so I am focusing on stretching that side. Should I be doing both sides still or should I stick with the up and down and one side stretch only? Also wondering if my PE goals seem reasonable, these are my starting stats.

2015-11-25 BPEL 7.000 MS EG 4.750 FL 4.000 FG 3.250
My goals ultimately would be BPEL 9.00 and MS EG 6-6.5 with a straightened penis.
My penis when warmed up is already capable of flaccid stretch of about 8.25 inches. It seems to me that everything will be held back by the shorter ligament on the left side as it is what becomes tight when stretched more so then the other ligament. There is a huge difference in tension even during an erection. The left side ligament is tight and hard, while the right is much softer and seems to have a lot of room to stretch still.

My question is this, are my PE goals reasonable? And does anyone else think I am on the right track with focusing on stretching out the left side ligament to catch up the right side first?

Thanks for any and all input!

I hope this is in the right place as I am unsure as a Newbie.

Bpfl 4.00 FG 3.25 BPEL 7.00 EG 4.75 Nov 25, 2015

Goal Bpfl 6.00 FG 4.50 BPEL 9.00 EG 6.00-6.50

If you are having a flaccid stretch of 8.25 then your penis BPEL may be more than 7. Measure right.

A small left bending is nothing. No penis is completely straight.

The totally realistic goal is about 1 inch in length and 02.-05 in girth, in about a year in my opinion.

If you wan to correct the curve, then yes, stretch more to the right. Pull on your right. It will not produce amazing results though. Just results.

Your penis is allready big. You just need a tad more girth which is doable in a year.

I strongly believe that you are longer than 7. Measure again.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by bill10
If you are having a flaccid stretch of 8.25 then your penis BPEL may be more than 7. Measure right.

A small left bending is nothing. No penis is completely straight.

The totally realistic goal is about 1 inch in length and 02.-05 in girth, in about a year in my opinion.

If you wan to correct the curve, then yes, stretch more to the right. Pull on your right. It will not produce amazing results though. Just results.

Your penis is already big. You just need a tad more girth which is doable in a year.

I strongly believe that you are longer than 7. Measure again.

You are probably right bill10 with the BPEL. I am sure I had measured closer to 8 at times but 7 seemed like a safer average. I will try and do a better measurement today for my reference chart. I am thinking I may get a 1/4 inch or better out of straightening it. Ultimately the girth and the straightening is what I am after, I just thought the length would probably come with it, with the exercises and stretching. I am also working hard at the Kegels and I can see and feel more blood flow, the veins are starting to pop out again like they did when I was younger!

Overall I am happy with my length, would just like it straighter and thicker. I am 5 foot 10 and 180 pounds, fairly athletic build but starting to get a little belly and a fat pad at the base of my penis. When my penis hangs it just looks to thin to me. I had shoulder trouble for about a year, that is now almost healed so I will be working out again soon to try and lean down the belly and the fat pad a bit. My comfortable weight is closer to 170. I do the Tapout XT program with my 2 kids. Excellent workout program with just tension bands and your own body weight.

Thanks again for the input bill10. Once I am done the Newbie routine in another month or so, I will be focusing on girth and straightening and Kegel strengthening.

Bpfl 4.00 FG 3.25 BPEL 7.00 EG 4.75 Nov 25, 2015

Goal Bpfl 6.00 FG 4.50 BPEL 9.00 EG 6.00-6.50

Don’t do to many kegels.

You will achieve the opossite of what you are trying to do.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Hey Guys, been around P.E for a while but never really committed until last month when I got some free time, I’ve been jelqing for about a month now, about 10 - 15 minutes every other day, and haven’t seen too many gains, in any area whether it be flaccid or erect, my length right now is about 6.2 BPEL which is around average I think but its my girth that I really want to improve, 4.5 inches MSEG right now and haven’t seen a change up to now, when I jelq I warm up for a few minutes first then when I’m 40 - 60 % erect, I jelq, switching between an overhand and underhand grip every few minutes or so, and each stroke usually lasts about 2 to 3 seconds at the most, for about 10 -15 minutes, I use Vaseline which is a bit of a headache because of the clean up afterwards, I always find it hard to get off haha, I just wanted to know if I’m heading in the right direction, like what’s better the overhand grip or underhand ? And how strong should my grip be, I usually grip strong enough so I can feel the blood moving through my penis with the head going a little swollen on every stroke, or is that too tight ? And how long do I need to jelq for to see some gains either in length or in girth because I’ve been going a month and haven’t seen anything up to now, so I’m wondering if my technique is a bit off, I’m just a bit worried that I’m doing something wrong or that I’m not doing enough, because I haven’t seen gains at all.

It’s too early yet to see gains.

Any grip will do, as long as you can move blood to the glands.

Same thing goes for your pressure question.If the blood goes up, it’s good.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by boomerang75
I’m just under 6” BPEP around 5.85 w/ 4.5 girth. Would like to get 7” 5.5”girth are these realistic goals for this noob?

Welcome to thunder’s boomerang75.

Originally Posted by bill10
Don’t do to many kegels.

You will achieve the opposite of what you are trying to do.

Kegels are not helpful bill10? They would be detrimental to what I am trying to do? Can you explain please?

Bpfl 4.00 FG 3.25 BPEL 7.00 EG 4.75 Nov 25, 2015

Goal Bpfl 6.00 FG 4.50 BPEL 9.00 EG 6.00-6.50

With pleasure.

Excessive kegeling can and will put a lot of stress to your pelvic floor muscles.

If you overtrain those muscles there is a good chance instead of having rock hard erections, to have ED. Meaning that those muscles due to excessive exercise won’t simply have the strength to sustain a rock hard erection.

Also if you cramp them or numb them by overtraining there is a chance to lose feeling of orgasm. Meaning that you will ejaculate without knowing that you are about to ejaculate.Rare but it can happen.

Kegels are awesome exercise. Take the path in the middle. Not too much, not too little. It will be completely safe and you will achieve the best results, thiw kind of exercise has to offer.

And before you ask, you can try doing 30-40 2-3 sec hold kegels in every session, every other day. It’s safe. After that you evaluate judging by your penis reactions and adjust properly.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

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