Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bathmate, extender and exercises together?

Bathmate, extender and exercises together?

Hello everyone!

I would like to ask for advice on my current routine and how I can improve it. I have been using the Bathmate for a year and I’ve noticed that, on the same day I use it, I go from 7.2x5.3 inch to 8x5.9 inch. However, these changes only last for about 24 to 30 hours after using the Bathmate. A few days ago, I discovered this group and decided to start with exercises to try to achieve permanent gains.

Additionally, I have both the Bathmate and an extender, and I would like to know if I could use them together to maximize gains. However, I think it might be too much to use them simultaneously, especially since I have never done specific exercises before.

My question is if anyone could recommend an adapted routine or guide me in the most efficient way, especially to increase length. I’m not sure if my penis is already conditioned due to the use of the Bathmate, so any guidance on this aspect would also be greatly appreciated.

Any guidance or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much!

Originally Posted by toroxx15
Hello everyone!

I would like to ask for advice on my current routine and how I can improve it. I have been using the Bathmate for a year and I’ve noticed that, on the same day I use it, I go from 7.2x5.3 inch to 8x5.9 inch. However, these changes only last for about 24 to 30 hours after using the Bathmate. A few days ago, I discovered this group and decided to start with exercises to try to achieve permanent gains.

Additionally, I have both the Bathmate and an extender, and I would like to know if I could use them together to maximize gains. However, I think it might be too much to use them simultaneously, especially since I have never done specific exercises before.

My question is if anyone could recommend an adapted routine or guide me in the most efficient way, especially to increase length. I’m not sure if my penis is already conditioned due to the use of the Bathmate, so any guidance on this aspect would also be greatly appreciated.

Any guidance or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much!

Hi toroxx!
Since you’ve only done Bathmate I would recommend starting the beginner routine as recommended in the FAQ and not using the extender for this phase. If you want to favour length, do more stretching. Remember that PE requires a lot of dedication, perseverance, caution, it is not a sprint but a long run, even breaks have their usefulness. Do not overtrain your penis and pay attention to the signals it sends you, if positive go ahead calmly, if negative stop and review what you are doing. If you have any doubts, ask without hesitation, I wish you a good journey and inform us of your progress. Cheers :up:

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