BB Checkin In, Few questions
Just stumbled upon the forum, just wanted to say this seems like a very informative place. Thought it might be interesteing to stick around. Just a few questions..
1. The newbie sticky’s at the beginning seem very interesting, but extremely confusing to the average person, not aware of PE. I understand the excersizes and when to do them, just a little confused on what’s next after i have the newbie routine down.
2. Being a powerlifter/amateurBB, dedication should not be an issue, so when should i start seeing gains, while sticking to the newbie routine as told by the sticky. I’m a pretty patient person in terms of gains, as long as i feel that it will pay off in the long run.
3.Also, after stretching, my member never seems to be sore(soreness usually a sign of the body being torn down, building itself back up stronger) after a routine. What works for you guys?
4.Lastly,Are there any supplements/herbs to speed up the process of growth?