Hey NS,
I think I have something very similar : Once got a big bad bloodmark at the top of the glands, left side of the urethra opening. Was probably from what Slack mentioned : Stretching with too much force and a too tight grip.
I also mistook them for the normal red spots that vanish after a few days, but had to learn that this thing was something way more serious. The color would fade too, after some time, but the skin changed. It’s rougher, bumpier, there are even small whiteish pimple like objects in that area. I think it could be scar tissue (?), because the skin partially reflects the light in a strange way.
I’m struggeling with this for months now and it annoys the hell out of me, because I have to pause or go light plus I too have to hide it from my SO. I do have sex, but oral sex too risky at times.
Some things I noticed :
I didn’t have it in the first 3 months of PE and that’s strange because I think I used way too much pressure back then.
It allways comes back strongest after a break of a few days/ a week or more. I warm up really carefully, 5-10 minutes with a rice sock-like thing, really warm - still happens.
It’s almost always the stretching that causes this, but it could be one false move in the following girth workout also - one false jelq and banggg…
It doesn’t seem to be the most common experience since I only found 3 or 4 threads on various PE boards offering valuable info on the subject. It could quite be that I happen to discolor easier than others.
What I’ve learned from that research :
Different people suggested to do hot/cold water dips (2 min in cold water, then 2 in hot, and so on) few times a day to enforce blood circulation in that particular area. Some said you should start with cold to ‘seal’ the broken capillaries, cells, whatever. Then the warmth should remove blood particles (?) from the skin to ‘wash them away’, as i understood it. That treatment is also used on cases of thrombosis i think.
Then you can use Arnica or any other healing lotion/creme ( i use one with vitamines ). Apply to dark area a few times a day for a week or two.
Massage the area very slightly with some lubricant, moisture creme, etc for some minutes over a few days.
Somebody sweared it would be beneficial to take a very hot bath and kegel for 15 minutes or so, the person that tested it reported it worked for him and that the bloodmark almost dissapeared in one session ( didn’t try that in a hot bath, I kegel while doing the hot/cold treatment ).
It’s said that medication like aspirin that thins the blood helps ( gets used with thrombosis too ). Or alternatively have a night out with the boys and drink some beer, which also improves blood circulation.
I remember reading an old thread over at the hangers forum on MOS where BIB of Bib Hangers was asked how to handle this and he suggested not to stop completely but to continue workouts with low intensity. He argued the bloodspot would return after a break, and that has been my experience aswell.
That’s what I learnt through researching. Now some of my experiences and some advice :
I did pause several times not doing any PE, which wasn’t beneficial at all. Yes the bloodspot would fade considerably in color, but would return when starting PE again. But I have to say that the longest break I managed to do was 14 days max. Had two breaks lasting about one week each.
When stretching, I try to squeeze as much blood as possible out of the glans, so the extreme pressure won’t happen. I grab with an OK grip overhands (palm facing floor), but I use the other fingers to pressure the blood out of the glans first, before lastly closing the OK grip with thumb and index finger.
After some off-days, do some light jelqing before stretching - I mean very low pressure for 2 or three minutes. Then wait until the unit goes all fluffy again, and then begin to stretch.
Now to what I did in the last weeks : I restarted my workouts really, really slow with very low pressure, all so slightly increasing the pressure over days. I stretched very carefully, trying not to put too much pressure on the glans. Went too fast at times and had to step back for some days, but overall it atleast didn’t make the discoloration worse, I’d say it looks a good deal better now.
So the discoloration is tolarable most of the times now, but the problem with the skin remains. I start to fear that this could be a permanent thing ( most likely, if it proves to be scars ). I’m thinking about trying out some ‘anti-scar’ lotion I have, but I’ll have to apply this for weeks to see a change. Will report after trying.
That’s almost everything I know about this, but I’m no medical expert. So try things at your own risk.
Hope it helps, please excuse any mispelling, I’m not a native english speaker.
Good luck,