Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Been Trying To Get PE to work for me for 10 years with results.

Best wishes.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Slickbackmang
Yeah I’m pretty sure PE might be impossible for most people as in my 10 years of have never been able to find photo graphic proof of results, but that’s always attributed to shyness.

I hung with no days off for 6 months and then 2 days in one day off for 6 months
Then 3 days in 2 days off for six months heavy and light weights tried both.

I did that amount of variation for every exercise.

I really did think a $5000 donation might turn a few heads especially for such a small amount of length gain but I guess not.
If anyone wants to pick a charity I’d be happy to donate the money to that to.

Hi again friend

I´ve done PE for some months 10 years ago or so, and gained maybe 3 or 4 milimitres in the newbie kind of routine. Not much, but also didnt dedicate it a lot of time or attention.
Then 10 years later, 14 months ago, I´ve been consistent with PE and gained a firm 13 milimitres.
Gained a bit with extenders, a bit with hangers, noting with manual stretches and nothing with other techniques. Some girth with clamps.

16-17 milimetres is not something you can attribute to a distorted measurement or bad will or broken glasses. PE works. But works very slow. Imagine, 13 milimetres in 14 months… it´s slower than a broken clock with gives you some good signs twice a day.

Now lets focus in the work you need to do to have a better dick
Saying that you did 6 months heavy and light is not enough information, The important details are rather fine and needs be treated separately. As example hanging is something you can do perfectly according to the manual , so to say, and obtain nothing in 1-2 months, but then it lifts off and start giving you returns.

My advice is you need first to trust the methods, cos they work, but some doesnt work as expected and the body have hidden secrets that are still undeer lot of research so it´s perfectly possible that you are doing it all good with hanger, the deformation is there, but with a level of inflamation there are 3-4 milimitres that wont show off until you give it time and healing, then you see no result, abandon for 2 years gap, the temporary gains appear, you dont notice, then after some time, they are gone back to normal because you didnt cement, etc… so dont get discouraged. Be consistent, Dont abuse rest or call a 3 years hiatus a decon break because you fool yourself… that´s not 10 years of PE… you abandoned for good parts of i.

So my proposal: buy a good extender, which is something you still didnt try, a comfortable one like penimaster. and wear it 9 hours a day at low tensions around 600 grams.
Or if you dont trust the slow pace of long hours with it, you could give hanging a one more try, following certain rules that will certainly work for most people. But this require more than faith.

Honestly during my PE, most of the time I keep thinking the methods I apply, simply dont work, or arent efficient, feels like scammed, and dick feels same size to the naked eye, but looking back to my log, with the ruler pressing my bone, it´s 1.5cm longer and thicker. I know it´s not much, not yet a whole inch, but enough to keep consistency. Also it´s sort of a part of lifestyle so if you feel it´s not making you any good, maybe you dislike the whole process of PE, but it works.

About photo evidence, there are proof here and there, but under my experience, I can right now do 2 photos with the ruler, changing the camera position and make it look 0.5cm longer and another pic 0.5shorter, 1 whole cm diference just faking angles, which is close to all I gained…. so what´s the point? I can do the pics right now showing a fake evolution. But do you think i will torture my dick daily if it is absolutely not working after 14 months of intensive PE?

Come on lets try something and give your dick one more try

Originally Posted by lowe
Hi again friend

I´ve done PE for some months 10 years ago or so, and gained maybe 3 or 4 millimetres in the newbie kind of routine. Not much, but also didn’t dedicate it a lot of time or attention.
Then 10 years later, 14 months ago, I´ve been consistent with PE and gained a firm 13 millimetres.
Gained a bit with extenders, a bit with hangers, noting with manual stretches and nothing with other techniques. Some girth with clamps.

16-17 millimetres is not something you can attribute to a distorted measurement or bad will or broken glasses. PE works. But works very slow. Imagine, 13 millimetres in 14 months.. It´s slower than a broken clock with gives you some good signs twice a day.

Now lets focus in the work you need to do to have a better dick
Saying that you did 6 months heavy and light is not enough information, The important details are rather fine and needs be treated separately. As example hanging is something you can do perfectly according to the manual , so to say, and obtain nothing in 1-2 months, but then it lifts off and start giving you returns.

My advice is you need first to trust the methods, because they work, but some doesn’t work as expected and the body have hidden secrets that are still under lot of research so it´s perfectly possible that you are doing it all good with hanger, the deformation is there, but with a level of inflamation there are 3-4 milimitres that won’t show off until you give it time and healing, then you see no result, abandon for 2 years gap, the temporary gains appear, you don’t notice, then after some time, they are gone back to normal because you didnt cement, etc.. So don’t get discouraged. Be consistent, Don’t abuse rest or call a 3 years hiatus a decon break because you fool yourself.. That´s not 10 years of PE.. You abandoned for good parts of I.

So my proposal: buy a good extender, which is something you still didnt try, a comfortable one like penimaster. And wear it 9 hours a day at low tensions around 600 grams.
Or if you don’t trust the slow pace of long hours with it, you could give hanging a one more try, following certain rules that will certainly work for most people. But this require more than faith.

Honestly during my PE, most of the time I keep thinking the methods I apply, simply don’t work, or arent efficient, feels like scammed, and dick feels same size to the naked eye, but looking back to my log, with the ruler pressing my bone, it´s 1.5cm longer and thicker. I know it´s not much, not yet a whole inch, but enough to keep consistency. Also it´s sort of a part of lifestyle so if you feel it´s not making you any good, maybe you dislike the whole process of PE, but it works.

About photo evidence, there are proof here and there, but under my experience, I can right now do 2 photos with the ruler, changing the camera position and make it look 0.5cm longer and another pic 0.5shorter, 1 whole cm diference just faking angles, which is close to all I gained.. So what´s the point? I can do the pics right now showing a fake evolution. But do you think I will torture my dick daily if it is absolutely not working after 14 months of intensive PE?

Come on lets try something and give your dick one more try

This post read like snake oil. It’s crazy how I have done everything according to many of the people who post here’s guide lines what I say I have done is still picked apart.

I’m actually slightly offended and shocked that 8.5 years and thousands of hours later you still try to blame it on me not doing enough work.

I haven’t had gains from 40 months of intense torture so yes I would think you would do that, and if you didn’t see results maybe just WANT to see results and they appear.

I have taken probably 200 measured photos of my penis a year since there’s around a thousand in my folder.

I find it hard to believe you didn’t measure your penis once but ok.

It seems odd to me this forum wouldn’t have a single proven guideline on how to even change your penis size by half a center meter when someones offering 5000 dollars but hey to each there own.

The offer still stands by the way. I don’t mind how long it takes but I’m good for it.

I think you should try heat with ultrasound. For a guy with your dedication to get bigger I guess this will be the way to go for you. Read Kyrpa, Manko and Longertrech treads to learn about US and their gains. This method is perfect for guys that reach a plateau after many years of PE.

Wish you all luck!

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
I think you should try heat with ultrasound. For a guy with your dedication to get bigger I guess this will be the way to go for you. Read Kyrpa, Manko and Longertrech treads to learn about US and their gains. This method is perfect for guys that reach a plateau after many years of PE.
Wish you all luck!



Originally Posted by Slickbackmang


I don’t know how to link but use the seartch function and you will find them.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by Slickbackmang
This post read like snake oil. It’s crazy how I have done everything according to many of the people who post here’s guide lines what I say I have done is still picked apart.

I’m actually slightly offended and shocked that 8.5 years and thousands of hours later you still try to blame it on me not doing enough work.

I haven’t had gains from 40 months of intense torture so yes I would think you would do that, and if you didn’t see results maybe just WANT to see results and they appear.

I have taken probably 200 measured photos of my penis a year since there’s around a thousand in my folder.

I find it hard to believe you didn’t measure your penis once but ok.

It seems odd to me this forum wouldn’t have a single proven guideline on how to even change your penis size by half a center meter when someones offering 5000 dollars but hey to each there own.

The offer still stands by the way. I don’t mind how long it takes but I’m good for it.

You’re probably not getting much for replies, because your postings are offensive. Here’s one link to a recent study using the Restorex device:
https://www.res … inical-results/

There are so many published studies that show results.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

The thing is no one wants your money. If you want to donate, donate. If not then keep or give it to the charity of your choice.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


Money doesn’t seem to be any issue… so reading through your post I am surprised that I didn’t see you trying an extender, one of the few documented methods shown to work.

I used a Phallosan Forte for my first 1” of gains. Started slow as hell… actually zero gains for my first 3 plus months but then things started to happen and my penis responded really well.

Based on your post, your unit may need more time and LESS strain to respond.

Good luck and stay positive,

First redneck to say the phrase, “hold my beer while I go and microwave my unit for a bit”

Originally Posted by Slickbackmang
This post read like snake oil. It’s crazy how I have done everything according to many of the people who post here’s guide lines what I say I have done is still picked apart.

I’m actually slightly offended and shocked that 8.5 years and thousands of hours later you still try to blame it on me not doing enough work.

I haven’t had gains from 40 months of intense torture so yes I would think you would do that, and if you didn’t see results maybe just WANT to see results and they appear.

I have taken probably 200 measured photos of my penis a year since there’s around a thousand in my folder.

I find it hard to believe you didn’t measure your penis once but ok.

It seems odd to me this forum wouldn’t have a single proven guideline on how to even change your penis size by half a center meter when someones offering 5000 dollars but hey to each there own.

The offer still stands by the way. I don’t mind how long it takes but I’m good for it.

WTF! snake oil? I was just trying to encourage you , not rejecting your claims that you tried it all…
I didnt say I never measured my penis, I said ruler say i am 1.5cm longer without any doubts, I also measured more than 200 times.
So you say i wanted to see gains and they appeared because I invented them? bff..

Anyway I am going to apply my snake oil again, I want another 1.5cm over the next year.

Guys, guys! The veracity of the OP is suspect at best. Leave a comment if you feel you can shed some light. If he’s accurate that he’s tried everything over ten years and not grown, it’s unlikely that we can add anything new. Bob

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Slickbackmang

It seems odd to me this forum wouldn’t have a single proven guideline on how to even change your penis size by half a center meter when someones offering 5000 dollars but hey to each there own.

This is simply false. Extenders are clinically proven to work and you didnt try it.
Also other methods have been applied with success by many people here including myself, though not all methods work for everyone due to many factors that have not clinically been isolated because of the lack of study.

Dont expect hanging be clinically tested anytime soon because the cost and difficulty to control the variables is infinite so it all depends on you.
The fact that no one wants your money proves this to be not snakeoily but simple people sharing experience.

I gained around 0.8 cm with extenders ( several months)
Around 0.3-4 cm with hanging (80days)
Nothing with hand stretches
Nothing yet measurable with pumps, I abandoned it because of different kind of problems
Nothing with jelq, or 0.2cm at most

If you proved it all for 8 years, it´s mostly impossible that you didnt deform it at least 1 milimitre. I think your claim is more snake oily than mine

Originally Posted by Titleist
Guys, guys! The veracity of the OP is suspect at best. Leave a comment if you feel you can shed some light. If he’s accurate that he’s tried everything over ten years and not grown, it’s unlikely that we can add anything new. Bob

what is OP?

Original poster… the person that started the thread/topic.

First redneck to say the phrase, “hold my beer while I go and microwave my unit for a bit”


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