Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Beginners fastest way to increase length and girth

Beginners fastest way to increase length and girth

Good day everyone,

I’m new here.. I just want to here some advices from all the members about the fastest way of increasing length and girth for beginners..

Please share some tips.. Thanks, in advance..

I hope someone will give some of their time to help..

God Bless Us All.

Follow the newbie routines, and start by reading the newbie forum for 3 to 6 months. Then add in some of the advanced techniques. This is the best way to go about this

Do not break your penis! You are better off going a bit to lite starting out than going to hard and pulling your penis off.

PE101, sort of a cheat sheet of all the links you need to get started.
START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Threads/Info

All of the links below are from the thread mentioned above.

Do this to make your penis bigger.
Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine

Videos, still pictures, and in depth explanations of the exercises!
A Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises
Penis Enlargement Videos

http://free-pen is-enlargement- … g/es/index.html

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Don’t mess around going to hard and hurt yourself right off the bat. Newbie routine and then work up. In a few months when your new bigger dick works you’ll be glad you did.

I think in recent years we have gone from the “ONE ULTIMATE WAY!” type of approach to calming down a bit and saying you have to find effective methods that work in your lifestyle.

For instance, if I asked you how to get your heart in better shape, is there strictly “ONE ULTIMATE WAY” or would you agree that a variety of approaches (treadmill, swimming, walking etc) may in fact each have merit, with the individual deciding if it’s a good fit for him (e.g. The guy with bad knees would want to go for the swimming instead of the treadmill).

Right now we have almost warring political factions of hanging vs. Jelqing. Why must they be at war? Are treadmill users at war with swimmers?

And why can’t I continue hanging if it works for me and I take the safety precautions? I don’t have the time or patience for manual exercises.

Nothing will give you an overnight result though. Just keep at it, and always keep your approach multi-strategied (nutritional combined with overall health combined with skin health combined with the PE activity that works best for you).

Not too many in this forum are going to say jump right up to the heavy stuff.

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