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Big flaccid gains, not much erect

Big flaccid gains, not much erect

Gents, I have only practiced PE for about 6 weeks, have seen small gains in erect length and girth but very significant gains in flaccid length and especially girth. Flaccid girth is actually bigger than erect sometimes but when things stretch out during an erection that disappears.

I saw some older posts that talk about increased flaccid length but the extent of girth gains surprises me. Is this unusual? Hopefully it will translate into erect gains.

I am mostly jelqing, stretching, hanging some light weights as well.


"I'm not Mr. Lebowski. You're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or His Dudeness … Duder … or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing."

From what I´ve read and experienced the flaccid gains come first.

6 weeks is yesterday in PE. Give it 5 years at least and then post your experience to help other PE students.

Practice carefully and wisely. Good luck.

12.2009 - BP 6 x 4.7 :cutlass: Goal - BP 7 x 5.1

Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.

As wadafac said, flaccid gains often comes first. If you see any type of gains after only six weeks you should be happy.

Oh yeah? I have no flaccid gains or at least not thatmuch however my erect lenght is substantially different

I also read that people with flacid length will have comparatively smaller lenght when erect whereas guys with smaller dicks can have substantial erections and this is my case

My dick completely flaccid is about 3.5 inches when erect is 7x5.5

I was wondering if the reason for the initial growth might be due to stretching the skin of the penis which seems like it should be quicker than stretching the tunica or ligaments. True?


Starting: 5.5" BPEL, 5.0" MSEG (Jan 2012). Current (4/9/2012) 5.75" BPEL

Immediate Goal: 6.5" x 5.5", Continuing on to: 7.5" x 6.0" and eventually would like to reach 8.5" x 7"

3 weeks and I have had a lot of flaccid gain, both girth and length, I don’t want to sound exaggerated or anything, but when I go to the bathroom and take a look at the mirror, oh boy, is that thing mine? Lol. I always had problems showing naked in the gym showers, but last 3 days (I go daily), I’m proud of my buddy, no more hiding. (Damn.. Does that feel good uh?) Erect not much gain yet

Just my 2 cents ;)

Iv been PEing for a few years now. My routine is as follows- 5min hot water warm up, 10min manual stretching, 10min jelqing fairly intense and then ice water cool down.

For the last two weeks Iv been PEing 5 days a week and have massive flaccid size.

I want to know if this is a positive sign, as in would I achieve errect gains soon??

Originally Posted by giggity
I was wondering if the reason for the initial growth might be due to stretching the skin of the penis which seems like it should be quicker than stretching the tunica or ligaments. True?

More likely due to the destruction of elastin proteins, enabling your flaccid to present at near erect dimensions.

Originally Posted by ronnie84
Iv been PEing for a few years now. My routine is as follows- 5min hot water warm up, 10min manual stretching, 10min jelqing fairly intense and then ice water cool down.
For the last two weeks Iv been PEing 5 days a week and have massive flaccid size.
I want to know if this is a positive sign, as in would I achieve errect gains soon??

Does you routine work well? How much have you gained? I’m thinking about starting 10 minutes v-stretch and 10 minutes jelq too, because my current routine works but EQ changes too rapidly.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

When i started my BPEL was 6.75in, now its 7.3in. So not much gains in 3 years. I tried weights for a while but that just ended up in an injury. Manual stretches have been the best for me so far. Is there anyone who has made good progress with manual stretches?

Originally Posted by ronnie84
When i started my BPEL was 6.75in, now its 7.3in. So not much gains in 3 years. I tried weights for a while but that just ended up in an injury. Manual stretches have been the best for me so far. Is there anyone who has made good progress with manual stretches?

I have made huge succes with manual stretches, I once did a routine 20 minutes of stretching 2 days on and 1 off. It was after the newbie routine. I’m just looking for lighter routine, because I think that my current is a little bit too intense.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

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