Thunder's Place

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Erect vs. Flaccid Gains, Which Shows First

Erect vs. Flaccid Gains, Which Shows First

On average, you members and veterans, which have you seen start to show up first after you’ve started a newbie routine. I read in one thread that it was flaccid, another was erect after the first few weeks. I’m just curious, and ensuring that I’m on the right track. There’s probably a thread about this, and pointing me there will shut me up good as well.

I’ve done about four weeks roughly come this weekend, and I’ve seen very little growth in BPEL, but an almost 1/4” EG increase, and I hang a bit lower, maybe by half an inch. The stretches include mostly tunica work, with inverted V’s and V-A’s, and some lig pulls.

That leads me to my next question, are their any stretches you’d suggest that have shown a decent amount of length growth? Aside from the basic ones out there.

As of 1/1/2009 - 6.25" BPEL // 5.0" EG

Bpfsl gains usually come first followed by erect gains. In my case, my bpfsl was always 1/2 inch longer than my erect length. When I take a decon break, I loose 1/4 bpfsl and gain that in erect length.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

I saw plenty of flaccid growth before any noticeable erect growth. Everyone is different though. If you are seeing improvement in either one, you are on the right track.

Thanks to both of you, but BPFSL.. I guess I can figure out what that is. What’s a decon break though? Or what would that entail?

And as for skeebo’s response, that’s what I’m probably seeing most of. It’s just weird to have flaccid length growth, yet erect girth growth. It also feels weird to feel a lot thicker when erect.

As of 1/1/2009 - 6.25" BPEL // 5.0" EG

I found my flaccid length increased alot before I noticed any major Erect gains.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by parallelpoint
Thanks to both of you, but BPFSL.. I guess I can figure out what that is. What’s a decon break though? Or what would that entail?

And as for skeebo’s response, that’s what I’m probably seeing most of. It’s just weird to have flaccid length growth, yet erect girth growth. It also feels weird to feel a lot thicker when erect.

A decon break is short for deconditioning (sp) break. It is basically taking an extended period of rest from PE (from as little as a few weeks to months) when one feels that they have plateaued in their growth. Many use a decon break to not only let their penis recover, but to also assist in promoting growth when they resume their routine at a later time.

Good explanation, skeebo. I would add that a plateau is generally something you can measure, not just something that you feel. If you’re measuring, and you’re not gaining, you’ve plateaued. At that point, you can increase the intensity, duration or frequency of your current routine, add something to your current routine, or take a deconditioning break with the hope that when you resume, your penis will respond at a lower force level than it was before the break.

A deconditioning break is especially helpful when you do not want to (or can’t, reasonably) increase the intensity, duration or frequency of your current routine, or add a new technique or method.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I saw flaccid gains first. I started ~4 months ago at 6” EL 5.5” BPFSL and am now 6.5” EL 6.8” BPFSL.

I like to put a hot rice sock wrapped in a hand towel on my penis during my stretches (not just before). This really helps to loosen and relax/stretch the tissues. I also like piss pulls (about 10 tugs every time I take a leak) to give the penis more stretches throughout the day.

BPFSL = bone-pressed flaccid stretched length.

It is a measurement I never take, as it hurts me like hell. My penis seems to need a couple days to recover from it too. Others have no problem taking it.

Originally Posted by heatseeker
I saw flaccid gains first. I started ~4 months ago at 6” EL 5.5” BPFSL and am now 6.5” EL 6.8” BPFSL.

I like to put a hot rice sock wrapped in a hand towel on my penis during my stretches (not just before). This really helps to loosen and relax/stretch the tissues. I also like piss pulls (about 10 tugs every time I take a leak) to give the penis more stretches throughout the day.

That’s interesting and something I haven’t heard yet, doing the hot wrap during the stretch itself. Unfortunately, I’m not sure which one to do that with other than the manual stretches in directions. As that’s only a small amount of my routine, I don’t know if that’d help overall.

I’m really glad you all got into this thread, the responses are very insightful.

And skeebo/others, how long was it until you found yourself doing the decon? Just out of curiousity.

As of 1/1/2009 - 6.25" BPEL // 5.0" EG

I have yet to take a decon break. I have yet to plateau to the point that I feel the need to do so. From all of the threads that I have read, most take one after their progress has stalled for a few months (or longer).

On average, flaccid gains come up first.

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