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boiling water in bottle - best heating method yet

boiling water in bottle - best heating method yet


After trying methods for heating the unit after PE; I have used the following:

microwave heated sock
IR lamp
heated element fan
dipping my unit in warm water in a cup container

The best method yet is to use boiling water in a plastic bottle, strapped onto your unit, see below for step to make:

0.2 litre - 0.5 litre plastic bottle
1-2 metres squared of silver foil
full reel of sellotape
Pair of thick, long socks

Steps to make

Cut out the silver foil and engulf (aside from a small area where your unit will be placed) the entire bottle with the silver foil. The foil acts as a heat reflectant and will keep a large amount of the heat within the bottle and make the bottle warmer for longer
Sellotape the foil around the bottle to secure in place

Steps to use

1. Fill up a kettle with the correct amount of water (make it slightly more than the volume of the bottle)
2. Boil the water fully
3. Pour the water inside the bottle and close the lid, make sure the lid is a secure fit and no water can escape
4. Put the bottle inside one of the thick socks, the reason for this is that the bottle is too hot to put in contact with your unit and will need a layer to insulate the bottle more
5. Place your flaccid/semi flaccid unit parallel to the bottle, with the bottom of the bottle resting against your stomach (hips). A good way to do this is to stand up, put your flaccid unit onto a nearby table (which is the same height as your crotch) and then push the bottle gently against your hips, putting the bottle on either the right or left side of your unit
6. Using a sock, or a strap, wrap the sock around the bottle around your unit and tie off, your unit should now be tied to a heated bottle
7. To move around, simply upend the bottle so that your unit is pointing upwards with the bottle pointing upwards. You now should a small (depending on the bottle size) bottle sized bulge that is between your belly button and your crotch.

Although this bulge is noticeable one can simply tuck the bottle between your legs (if wearing loose fitting trousers) this might prove a problem if you are wearing skinny jeans

The heated bottle method can last (in a well foiled bottle, I use 3 foil layers all over) from 2-4 hours constant heating. This is enough to help recover from even a serious PE injury, and will definately speed up unit regeneration.

So what do you guys think?

Also can the administrator please allow me to post to the Main Member forum? I have been on this site for 2 years now, thanks


Yeah, I’ve done that. You can do a wrapped stretch by using the bottle like a rolling pin and wrapping the penis around the curved surface. You can also stick it between the thighs an up against the crotch to heat those tissues. I’m sure this has come up before.

I have also thought about cutting up one of those reflective blankets (the things handed out at the end of marathons) to use during hanging sessions, but I never got round to that.

Using the term “boiling” in relation to something that’s supposed to touch your penis… I don’t like the sound of that. :eek:

Also, if I had to boil water whenever I was about to do PE, I probably wouldn’t do PE.

Rice sock is so simple and so effective.

Originally Posted by stuzilla

Not if you don’t have a microwave.

That’s the situation I’m in. Instead, I bought a cheap electric kettle since my tap water doesn’t get hot enough. Interesting idea with the water bottle for prolonged heating, I’ll have to try it out.

Originally Posted by stuzilla
You can do a wrapped stretch by using the bottle like a rolling pin and wrapping the penis around the curved surface.

Brilliant! Never thought of that.

Not sure about the OP’s setup - sounds like a lot of work.

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

Originally Posted by onenekkidguy
Brilliant! Never thought of that.

Not sure about the OP’s setup - sounds like a lot of work.

I used to use a 1/2 litre coke bottle, double sock it and use this between hanging sets, as it cools remove sock 1, then sock 2.

Originally Posted by stuzilla

Not if you don’t have a microwave.

Forgot about that. :) Still, boiling water sounds like too much work, especially if your PE session is split into morning and evening.

Depending on what temperature your water heater is set to… it could be a viable alternative to boiling.

In the earlier stages of my PE career I used various heating methods but I found a hot water bottle, meaning the one’s
used in winter to keep our old ladies warm in the 80’s worked brilliant. I mean my sessions were at most 2 hours and if
I was running a marathon then I would just reheat the water and trust me it stayed warm enough for PE purposes.

The heating pad method I have struggled with, it worked but the heating pad just did not edge up to sufficiently
warm levels.

The UV light was great but I did not enjoy the mobility I wanted. However let it be noted I pump and I work while
I pump and normally just like to forget about PE and focus on the studying or work at hand.

Thanks for sharing Jack.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

I tend to use my GF hot water bottle which has a fluffy cover.

Worked much better than I thought. Keeps the temperature the same through out sessions. They last for hours those.

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Forgot about that. :) Still, boiling water sounds like too much work, especially if your PE session is split into morning and evening.

Put water in kettle, boil kettle, fill bottle, cover with socks. 1-1.5 mins.

The water would stay hot enough for 3*20min sets. No work at all.

Hair Dryer. Point and shoot.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by jack1015
The best method yet is to use boiling water in a plastic bottle, strapped onto your unit…

So what do you guys think?

I think that I crossed my legs and stopped reading after, “boiling water in a plastic bottle, strapped onto your unit.” And then skipped down to the very end of your post.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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