Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

BPFSL Before or After Stretching


BPFSL Before or After Stretching

If I take my BPFSL measurement right after warm-up as I usually do, it’s about 1/4” shorter than if I take it after 10 minutes of manual stretching.

Which measurement should I consider when tracking progress?

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

Everything is relative, so it’s always your choice when/how to measure (just be consistent across all measurements). That being said, I think you should choose the measurement that has fewer factors. When you add factors, that can muddy results. So, I would say the first measurement, even though it’s smaller.

Will do…thank you @DL!

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

I second what Don Logan said.

What is most important is doing the same thing to prevent variables. Much like people prefer to weigh themselves first thing in the morning. This is the actual weight of your body, not the weight of your body as well as good that hasn’t been digested yet.

Starting Stats - BPFSL: 13cm, BPEL: 13.5cm

Current Stats - BPFSL: 15.4cm, BPEL: 14.6cm

All stats are pre warmup. Starting Stats taken on 8/20, restarted with those same stats 2/21 due to lack of dedication.

For tracking progress you need 2 measurements. Before and after.

Before being completely cold, before you touch your penis the first time for any routine, you slowly stretch and measure.

After, as soon as you complete your routine for the day.

Simple as that. Measure those 2 every single day and log them. With those numbers you can create graphs and multiple ways for statistical analysis.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by igigi
For tracking progress you need 2 measurements. Before and after.

Before being completely cold, before you touch your penis the first time for any routine, you slowly stretch and measure.

After, as soon as you complete your routine for the day.

Simple as that. Measure those 2 every single day and log them. With those numbers you can create graphs and multiple ways for statistical analysis.

Actually not a bad idea.
I may start doing this myself.

Originally Posted by igigi
For tracking progress you need 2 measurements. Before and after.

Before being completely cold, before you touch your penis the first time for any routine, you slowly stretch and measure.

After, as soon as you complete your routine for the day.

Simple as that. Measure those 2 every single day and log them. With those numbers you can create graphs and multiple ways for statistical analysis.

Hey @igigi,

Thanks for the tip! This actually sounds good.

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

You are welcome brothers. That is the way we are tricking progress in our UltraSound experiments. By tracking those 2 numbers it is possible to measure strain after each routine, weekly, monthly, besides overall gains.

The way it works, let us say that you measure Pre BPFSL (before) 20cm. Then you measure Post BPFSL (After) 20.7cm. The following day of course you will not be 20.7cm. You will go back to maybe 20.1cm. After your routine this time perhaps you will be 20.8cm. And so on. By the end of the week or 2 week you will measure maybe Pre BPFSL 20.5cm and Post BPFSL 21.2cm

So if you grab the first 2 numbers 20cm and 20.7cm, that gives you a strain of 3.5% which is excellent for one workout. And of course as mentioned before you can create a strain curve in a graph over time and match it with existing literature on tendon and ligament tissue.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by igigi
You are welcome brothers. That is the way we are tricking progress in our UltraSound experiments. By tracking those 2 numbers it is possible to measure strain after each routine, weekly, monthly, besides overall gains.

The way it works, let us say that you measure Pre BPFSL (before) 20cm. Then you measure Post BPFSL (After) 20.7cm. The following day of course you will not be 20.7cm. You will go back to maybe 20.1cm. After your routine this time perhaps you will be 20.8cm. And so on. By the end of the week or 2 week you will measure maybe Pre BPFSL 20.5cm and Post BPFSL 21.2cm

So if you grab the first 2 numbers 20cm and 20.7cm, that gives you a strain of 3.5% which is excellent for one workout. And of course as mentioned before you can create a strain curve in a graph over time and match it with existing literature on tendon and ligament tissue.

Nice thanks. What did you do for your girth work? I can see it took a while. Yesterday was the first time in about two months that I clamped.

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

Originally Posted by damianromante
Nice thanks. What did you do for your girth work? I can see it took a while. Yesterday was the first time in about two months that I clamped.

Its a long story and theories we are still testing. It seems like working for girth is not an effective approach while your BPFSL > BPEL. Wether girth or length exercise, in this scenario most gains will translate into BPEL. Only when BPFSL becomes = or < than BPEL, girth automatically skyrocket with girth exercises which is what happened to me.

My length gains stopped some 10 years ago. Nothing else worked. I hit a dead end. After a couple of years of research and study I realized the Septum was my limiting factor and it was a dead end. Simultaneously my girth grew very fast from about 5.2” to 6.25”. 10 years down the road to now, I started following the science a couple of years ago related to UltraSound, waited for more reliable feedback and finally tired it last year. Problem solved. After 10 years I grew up almost an inch in BPFSL. And now of course to prove the theory, my girth should NOT increase in this process, because my BPFSL is once again > BPEL.

Specifically what grew my girth during Septum dead end, clamping plus erected stretch under PGE-1 assisted erections.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by igigi
Its a long story and theories we are still testing. It seems like working for girth is not an effective approach while your BPFSL > BPEL. Wether girth or length exercise, in this scenario most gains will translate into BPEL. Only when BPFSL becomes = or < than BPEL, girth automatically skyrocket with girth exercises which is what happened to me.

My length gains stopped some 10 years ago. Nothing else worked. I hit a dead end. After a couple of years of research and study I realized the Septum was my limiting factor and it was a dead end. Simultaneously my girth grew very fast from about 5.2” to 6.25”. 10 years down the road to now, I started following the science a couple of years ago related to UltraSound, waited for more reliable feedback and finally tired it last year. Problem solved. After 10 years I grew up almost an inch in BPFSL. And now of course to prove the theory, my girth should NOT increase in this process, because my BPFSL is once again > BPEL.

Specifically what grew my girth during Septum dead end, clamping plus erected stretch under PGE-1 assisted erections.

When will you translate BPFSL into BPEL and how, igigi?
I’m extremely curious to see how this works for you since I’m currently trying to transform my first P1 gains of BPFSL into BPEL.

[before PE] Start BPFSL: 17.6cm (6.93 inches) start BPEL: 16.7cm (6.57 inches)

[currently decon until aug 2024] latest BFPSL: 21.2cm (8.35 inches) latest BPEL: 19.5cm (7,68 inches) latest NBPEL: 17cm (6.69 inches)

Click here to see my amazing US progress report (always updated!Kyrpa's methodology) ;-)

After a bit of time measuring before and after, I highly suggest it.

Longerstretch also has a thread discussing the strain curve which helps put things into perspective. Read that when you get a chance, it’s really helping me focus.

Igigi, I would also like to hear further explanation on your theory. Currently my bpfsl is longer than my bpel. I know that will translate to bpel, but how? Is it at this point that I put more girth in to thicken up and will that add to the length? I could see how that is possible. By adding more bloodflow, it could speed up the cell recovery and expansion. At the same time, I see how that could hinder length.

Starting Stats - BPFSL: 13cm, BPEL: 13.5cm

Current Stats - BPFSL: 15.4cm, BPEL: 14.6cm

All stats are pre warmup. Starting Stats taken on 8/20, restarted with those same stats 2/21 due to lack of dedication.

Originally Posted by CBateman
When will you translate BPFSL into BPEL and how, igigi?
I’m extremely curious to see how this works for you since I’m currently trying to transform my first P1 gains of BPFSL into BPEL.

That is a good question that I will have to work on.

I believe this coming second Period will provide some insights as to what is going to happen with BPEL. For example, when I am going to work on BPEL, if I can barely gain BPFSL from this second period, then I will certainly dedicate on BPEL and attempt to close the gap already created. On the other hand, if this second period bring good BPFSL, I believe I will rest and prepare for another third period. Since we have seen evidence that BPEL follows BPFSL, if that is the case, if I can keep adding BPFSL, I want to see if I can replicate the same effect just with a bigger gap.

One of the things I have taken about before, is the fact that the bigger the penile volume, the bigger the proportions. For example a gap of 1 inch in a 10cm BPFSL penis, is not the same as 1 inch gap in a 25cm BPFSL penis and so on with every single measure, strain, tension, etc.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

So what you’re saying is bpel naturally grows to match bpfsl? The way you say it, it sounds like you have a way to make bpel reach that point, rather than letting it do its own thing.

Starting Stats - BPFSL: 13cm, BPEL: 13.5cm

Current Stats - BPFSL: 15.4cm, BPEL: 14.6cm

All stats are pre warmup. Starting Stats taken on 8/20, restarted with those same stats 2/21 due to lack of dedication.

Originally Posted by igigi
That is a good question that I will have to work on.

I believe this coming second Period will provide some insights as to what is going to happen with BPEL. For example, when I am going to work on BPEL, if I can barely gain BPFSL from this second period, then I will certainly dedicate on BPEL and attempt to close the gap already created. On the other hand, if this second period bring good BPFSL, I believe I will rest and prepare for another third period. Since we have seen evidence that BPEL follows BPFSL, if that is the case, if I can keep adding BPFSL, I want to see if I can replicate the same effect just with a bigger gap.

One of the things I have taken about before, is the fact that the bigger the penile volume, the bigger the proportions. For example a gap of 1 inch in a 10cm BPFSL penis, is not the same as 1 inch gap in a 25cm BPFSL penis and so on with every single measure, strain, tension, etc.

So am I understanding you correctly that if you can keep gaining BPFSL, you won’t feel the need to do girth work to close the gap? But just extend your BPFSL more and more and expect the gap to eventually close on its own more or less?
Because that would be interesting. I always wondered about this thought experiment: say you start with BPFSL = BPEL = 15cm and gain 7.5cm BPFSL.
Can this big of a gab even exist? BPEL= 15 and BPFSL = 22.5 ? Or will the body with time automatically partially close the gap?
My hypothesis is the gap may close slowly.
I will also start gaining BPFSL again on 01.06.2021. We will see if my current gap increases more and more. Although I am also doing girth work to close it.

[before PE] Start BPFSL: 17.6cm (6.93 inches) start BPEL: 16.7cm (6.57 inches)

[currently decon until aug 2024] latest BFPSL: 21.2cm (8.35 inches) latest BPEL: 19.5cm (7,68 inches) latest NBPEL: 17cm (6.69 inches)

Click here to see my amazing US progress report (always updated!Kyrpa's methodology) ;-)

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