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Extreme JAI stretching


Extreme JAI stretching

Hello everyone. I’m happy to be back at Thunder’s.

Ok, so after a looonngg break from PE for three years or so I have come back and decided to try something a little new that I’ve never heard of for PE. My idea was to do some extreme JAI stretching for hours (lol) at a time. Since I had trained for about a year and half before in PE doing all sorts of hanging, clamping, jelqing, manual stretching, ADS etc I thought my dick could handle it. Well after about 5 days of doing JAI stretches for about 2-3 hours a day at a time (TV helped me get through this) with at the max 10 min break once or twice in the 2-3 hours I noticed some interesting things.

First of all my dick has been hanging longer in flaccid mode for every day I did this routine and even the past 2 days I’ve been taking a rest. It hasn’t turtled once to it’s oringinal size while I’m flaccid in all the days I’ve done this or rested. I’ve gotton a lot of positive PI’s while doing this. On the first day my dick hung longer all day after the first time I did this, on the second day I got morning wood real hard after I woke up which I normally don’t get (though I didn’t get this on the third or fourth day). Another positive PI that I see as Is when I would do this JAI stretching for about a half a hour I noticed when I pulled out my shaft it would stretch out easier and it felt much more pliable (stretchy).

Unfourtenly I didn’t measure like a idiot before doing all this to know where I started out at measurement wise but I did take measures after doing this for a couple days and I noticed I gained about something like .25 inches in BPFSL and BPEL. My fatpad I know has increased over the three years so I’m suspecting that’s why I didn’t gain really much from just NBPEL (I could say it was a gain if I’m sitting though or lying on my back, when my fatpad is reduced).

I think the gain was from letting my dick decondition for about three years (which is more then enough time to fully heal) and probaly new cells were created from all the micro tears that where healed in various tissues of my dick at the base or outer shaft.

So as it stands I’m going to take like a week to a month break because the base of my dick is pretty sore (even the ligs) and try to let everything heal again all the way, then I’ll try this method of stretching again and see if my repeats the process and I gain something and my dick hangs longer in flaccid again. Hopefully after about a week of rest I will still have the flaciid gains.

For those that want to know how I did my JAI stretching I did it a little differently that how you are supposed to. I actually stretched to a max stretch everytime and held it for 2 seconds then took about a second of rest before the next JAI. Most of my JAI stretches were performed straight up towards so I could stress all the tissues and inner penis. While doing this I as I mentioned above I even got lig fatigue/soreness along with the shaft at the base.

Anyway it was a pretty interesting expierment and I look forward to trying it again soon after much rest. What do you guys think? I’ll post more here in this thread to keep it updated with how my rest period is going and if my dick turtles back etc…

It’s always interesting to hear about new approaches. Basing on some studies on connective tissue I planned to do something similar (although not prolonged for so much time), but I couldn’t because my shoulder pain. If you plan to stay on this routine, I’ll hear with interests your results.

So you PE’d for 5days and want to take a break for up to a month? That is very unorthodox. Like marinera said new approaches are good and interesting. Hope it goes well for you.

Yeah it is pretty unorthodox and new, hopefully it can add a slightly new perspective for you guys here on my expierence with it. I’m hoping for gains in this approach. At the very least in flaccid length but at the best in erect length.

That’s how I’ve been PE’ing lately. Go for about a week with 3 hours daily PE, then I go into a light maintainance routine for some week. Yes, watching TV helps a lot.

My Measurements | My Favorites

I’m curious. Have you been making steady gains with your new routine Dicko7x5? I’m going for a week to a month depending on PI’s and measurements, and I’ll extend the rest time if I don’t see any gains.

I have not been doing anything serious this last year, just some on and off stuff. With this approach I’ve actually seen results within a week (1/5”), but it’s not for newbies and sometimes it doesn’t yield gains. I’m trying to build off the fatigue that I have reach the day before, each day, to accumulate strain. Approaching the ligs has given me the most results. But I’m always learning new things and try to do new stuff.

From my experience there’s three things that have worked well for me looking back: long daily sessions, lots of heat and focusing on the ligs (downward stretches).

My Measurements | My Favorites

Sounds good dicko, I think I got most of my lig gains already so that’s why I’m focusing on the whole shaft/tunica mostly.

On a side note to let others know, I’ve rested a couple days now and I got morning wood again the other day (which as I said earlier I normally never got). My shaft both outer and inner feels like it’s still fatigued/healing without me toucing or palpatating my cock. The fatigue comes and goes throughtout the day. Interestingly that fatigue (soreness) comes always when if I try to take a nap or go to bed. I will defintly wait for that feeling to go completely away before I begin another couple sessions of this type of JAI stretching.

I remember hanging before and using ADS for like hours and hours a day and I don’t remember expierencing this much fatigue in my shaft before. So, I take this as a good sign, a positive PI. I’m also still longer flaccid all day long and the gain is still there.

I would take the approach like BIB said of keep stretching while your dick is fatigued/sore so you can keep breaking limiting factors but I tried that and it didn’t really lead to much gains and I was hanging up to 7 hours a day at one time. I got way overtrained.

Hopefully this new approach works better…

Last edited by LoveMachine : 04-27-2010 at .

Sounds strange that you didn’t gain from 7 hours a day hanging. So you hanged for 7 hours everyday for how many days and with what weight? Some people do very long sessions But they do the sessions only a couple of times a week.

My Measurements | My Favorites

I can’t imagine the fatigue in arms and hands after such a routine. It’s a shock approach, newbies stay away from that.

Originally Posted by marinera
It’s always interesting to hear about new approaches. Basing on some studies on connective tissue I planned to do something similar (although not prolonged for so much time), but I couldn’t because my shoulder pain. If you plan to stay on this routine, I’ll hear with interests your results.

I am also interested in the connective tissue side of this story. Your response supports the contention that deconditioning (long) allows for decreased collagen fiber thickness which should give greater ability to stretch and give a guy a chance for lengthening through collagen fiber lengthening.

I like the traditional JAI stretch because it gives a great stretch without active BC muscle kick-back (maybe the purest lig stretch). I had good response with it. My only question is by doing marathon sessions right out of the blocks, do you think that even with a very impressive length gain, you may be sacrificing much of your deconditioning fiber thinning. The shock of this very long 5 day regimen IMO would be a potent stimulus for fiber width growth as well. What do you guys think?

A deconditioning break of as much of a month may be beneficial here. Will the long break keep fiber diameter growth to a minimum? It will be interesting if you feel a subjective difference in resistance to the JAI stretch (as it is all ligament without other influences) when you start again. Do you think that light to moderate ADS throughout this week and through a period of the break (maybe a week) may influence the elongation accomplishments and minimize potential fiber width gains?

Originally Posted by pudendum
I am also interested in the connective tissue side of this story. Your response supports the contention that deconditioning (long) allows for decreased collagen fiber thickness which should give greater ability to stretch and give a guy a chance for lengthening through collagen fiber lengthening.

I am interested in this routine because the effects of the cyclic stretch on connective tissue: basically, it seems that cyclic stretch weakens the collagenous tissue acting like a sum of ‘cracks’ - so a different mechanism than ‘creeping’, the mechanism on which traditional, long or medium lasting hanging/stretching sets relies.

It could makes sense that, once, the tissue is weakened (not to the point to cause an appreciable damage, anyway), some medium or long lasting sets could take advantage of this situation, allowing for more extension. So ideally : a number of repeated, short cyclic stretches, than 1-2 sets of hanging, than wearing an extender for some hours.

About the deconditioning: what anecdotical evidence seems to show us, is that after some time of stretching hanging gains stall. So, of the two mechanisms involved in the adapation to the stretching force, elongation and thickening, the more time goes on the more the latter becomes prevalent (the thickening). At this point a deconditioning is the only choice. Complete rest seems to be a way to restore previous ‘slimness’ of CT.

Could an extender work reducing the thickness of the tissue?
I doubt. Once the tissue is thougher, even a light tissue can act like a signal to preserve the tissue strength, if it’s clear what I mean. Like in weigth-training: once your bench press is gone up, you can train lighter and your 1 rep max will not go down that much (I know PE is not weigth training, I think some bodily adaptive mechanism could be analogous anyway).
On the same way, a light tension is used in riabilitative field exactly to strengthen torn tendons/ligaments.

Dunno, this is basically only speculation of course.

I think I’m going to try this cyclic approach in my next run and see how it goes. It does seem many times like manual stretching is more effective than extenders or even hangers, relatively speaking. Perhaps it is because of this cyclic effect. In manual stretching you usually repeat the stretches every 20-30 seconds, but as Marinera pointed out, in hanging and extenders it’s just one long stretch, it’s more static. I don’t like tugging/jerking or any fast movements when stretching but to ease into every stretch so maybe a stretch 3-5 seconds will be practical.

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Out of time edit:

In my previous post, what I meant to write was:

Originally Posted by marinera


Could an extender work reducing the thickness of the tissue?

I doubt. Once the tissue is thougher, even a light tissue can act like a signal to preserve the tissue strength…

In my previous post, what I meant to write was:

>>…Once the tissue is thougher, even a light forcecan act like a signal to preserve the tissue strength…

Didn’t Xenolith do cyclic work on length as well, as opposed to the creep thing, and fail?

I know his ideology was different, but in practical terms he did something similar with high intensity and long breaks.

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