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Can one have permanent gains from clamping alone

Can one have permanent gains from clamping alone

I’m thinking that if it’s possible, then I’ll do my current exercise until I get some clamps then cut back on jelqs and stretches, keep up with the kegels, and do some serious clamping.
Because I really just want some EG.

So can you get permanent results from just clamping.
I think jelqing is pointless for me because I do it at like 20-25% erect and that’s not what I want.

So after a bout a few weeks my exercise will be a the stretches, a few jelqs clamp and kegels. And that will give the girth.
Correct me if I’m wrong or if I sound stupid and inexperienced feel free to tell me so.

All I want for Christmas is a little EG,

and to correct curvature, which is going well.

I couldn’t find the threads where veterans mentioned about loosing their girth gains. Most of them clamped and pumped. I believe Jelqing give you more than 50% of permanent gains (I can prove it :) ). I just started clamping, so I can’t make thing much clearer than that.



7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

J - I think you’ve got a “trying too hard” mentality. You’re all ready to throw away the basic exercises which have given many men here their gains and trying an advanced technique before you’ve given the basics a fair try. This smacks of desperation and desperation leads to overtraining and injury. I understand that girth is your major goal, but don’t jump into things that could hurt you before you’ve done the basic routine for a while.

IMO clamping helps with girth and gains from it do last (one never wants to use “permanent” here since it doesn’t happen for everyone). However, my experience and that of others is of adding clamping after some gains made with jelqing and stretching. Starting off just clamping may not produce the results you seek. I don’t think anyone has done that, but then I don’t read every single thread so it may have been done.

I’ll suggest what is suggested to everyone new to PE (as your profile says you are): do the Newbie Routine for two months, then add clamping and edging and see what happens. Do not be in a hurry for gains. You’ll only end up with an injury and will have to stop all PE until you heal.

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