Can pelvic floor tightness/pain cause pain in the shaft?
Hey guys,
Just got a strange pain I wanted to ask about. Last night I tried behind the balls(BTB) jelqing as a test. I probably was a bit too forceful when pressing into the perineum aka taint. Either way, this morning I felt soreness in the taint, so I must have pushed too hard. I had an erection in the shower which felt normal, but then 15 minutes later I tried to get another one to see the EQ and I got pain in the shaft, which I haven’t ever had before. I was worried, stopped and got a hot pack to put on my pelvic floor(PF), thinking the tightness may have caused the shaft pain somehow. Has anyone experienced this? Why would I get shaft pain from BTB jelqing when it doesn’t even put much pressure on the shaft since it begins and ends BTB?
The boner with pain might have been due to clenching the PF at the same time as having the boner, and the PF was already sore. So maybe there is a nerve which can cause brief pain in the shaft due to soreness and clenching together? (Can the perineal or pundendal nerve cause pain in the shaft, just from soreness in the PF transmitted to the shaft, even if there is no problem in the shaft itself?) And maybe in the shower I wasn’t clenching so it was painless. But I don’t remember if I was clenching in either case.
Half an hour later(after the hotpack relaxing the PF), I got a normal boner without pain, so I am wondering what caused the painful one. Thanks.