Concentrate stretching on short sides
If you guys are doing manual stretches, do you guys see differences in stretched flaccid length in the different directions that you hold? I’m only doing manual stretches and jelqing in my routine right now and follow the sample clips exactly as how they are narrated in the videos.
My point is since the ligaments is whats holding back our penis length, shouldn’t we concentrate more time on stretching in the hold directions that are noticeably shorter in length. In the videos, the stretches are held the same duration in the north,south,southwest,and southeast directions. Has anyone ever tried stretching longer in the southwest and southeast directions until their stretched flaccid lengths were equal? Shouldn’t it just make sense that if we don’t let the shorter sides catch up to the longer ones, that we would just be held back in progress by these shorter sides?
I hope you guys got what I meant by all this.