Could I have a mild form of ED?
Here’s what I know.
Night wood is basically non-existent while morning wood only recently became somewhat frequent with the introduction of ulis at the end of every workout.
I can at best get a semi with mental stimulation. Usually it’s nothing more. I almost always require physical stimulation to get hard however maintaining an erection is not a problem.
I am not a heavy porn user. I recently went more than a year without watching any porn and before that, porn incidents were very infrequent. Only recently did it start to become more common. Despite this, I also find that getting an erection from viewing porn usually doesn’t happen either.
Spontaneous erections for no reason almost never happen. In fact, I can’t remember the last one.
Finally, getting and keeping an erection is usually not a problem but it requires a combination of mental and physical stimulation and seems to fade rather quickly unless maintained.
I know that despite all of this, sex would not be a problem if I were to have it (still a virgin). It’s just that all of these indicators seem to be saying my EQ is not would it should be. Anyone have any advice?