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Cure for Premature Ejaculation for me anyway.

Cure for Premature Ejaculation for me anyway.


I am new, and I have a 7-7.5” bpel and girth unknown (but it’s about 1.25-1.4” wide)

I have, unfortunately, (off and on) struggled with Premature Ejaculation. Sometimes it’s drastically worse than others.

I am sure it has lots to do with how I masturbated growing up and my various stages of sexual guilt from religion. As I have become a scientist and open minded person from (military & college) & experience with women I have lost most sexual guilt.

Anyway, even to this day (being 25, started having sex at 16/17) if the situation or anxiety is high enough or other various factors I can be a 2 min chump. Other times in my past if I’m comfortable enough with a girl I have gone long, but just pumping not the good full-on body, close and personal love making a couple should do.

However, after I left the military I started smoking pot. I don’t smoke anymore, except before sex.

Why you may ask would I discuss this here, well for some reason because of THC’s muscle and nervous relaxing capabilities I can religously have sex like a god and since I’ve smoked for awhile I’m sensually and mentally aware.

Now I’m not suggesting illegal activity, in fact if I could do without it I would give it up in a heart beat (as I exercise and value my health).

I’m just curious what other supplements I could use that would be legal and AS EFFECTIVE. So I can completely quit smoking.

Things I have tried (with minimal or no success).

1.) Stop-Squeeze. Just plain awkward too.
2.) Holding orgasms (works the best, but 8 pumps, stop repeat sucks).
3.) Alcohol — worthless for me, makes me clutzy.

What I just bought (big man’s pump, leather velcro cockrings). — Hoping they will help.

I have an excellent sex life now, it just requires some good-old mary-jane.


P.S. Anyone else do the same thing? Perhaps?

I do know that with a little MJ I can go for a long time and am borderline multi orgasmic. Hopefully on of the more experienced members here can chime in with someone else, just wanted to say I do the same.

I’ve personally never tried it before sex but I love smoking pot and my girlfriend hates me doing it so I stopped but now I think I have a good reason that will also make her happy on account that I can be a quickshooter myself sometimes. Chicken fried steak night at KFC just stresses me out.

Welcome to Thunder’s, Groovelab, and great first post!

One reason men have premature ejaculation is because their conditionned that way. As in, as they grew up and masturbated, their mindset was to go for the goal as fast as possible. Now that they’re older, they’re conditionned that way. I’m trying to find a solution myself that’s natural. First thing I’m doing is masturbating and taking my time, not just doing it to cum as fast as possible. It’s hard to find some privacy though. There are several ways to help control it. So I’ll experiment with other ways. The only other ways I’ve learned to last longer is to try different positions like her on top, or sitting. I’m not sure, but I think I’ve read that pot will eventually render your soldier a little hard to use in the future.can’t confirm that though.

From what I know.


MJ will change your blood pressure slightly as does tobacco, but I think for those of us who are trained to “go for the goal” as youngsters, the mental and muscle relaxation properties of MJ will allow the mind to not run it’s normally scheduled program so to speak in terms of sexual stamina.

MJ is known to heighten sensitivities (it can also allow for peaceful sleep for insomniacs), if one tends to be active it is known to slightly increase heart rate, yet after a period of time will slightly lower body temperature (which is why people get tired and sleep with it).

The “zone factor” of it allows for lots of redicuolous sex (for me) that my nerves would fire and finish me before I ever got to any reasonable speed and pace during sex normally.

I’m hoping this will eventually retrain me.

So depending on your physical activity level when doing it and experience handling and experience with the mental effects, will determine your response..

As for it reducing your manhood, well everyones physiochemistry is different, I was a cross country runner and athlete, also ran and trained in the military, I am tall with big lungs and wide veins and have adopted weight lifting more recently.

So I imagine MJ may harden arteries similar to tobacco, but typically if one smokes ONLY BEFORE SEX to relax, the TOTAL amount of smoke is FAR LESS, thereby hardening your arteries far less and of course clogging your lungs far less..

I however dream of a drug OR training method more advanced than Johnson and Masters and I’ve also tried antidepressents for this when I was 18/19 and they didn’t work. Some people take Zoloft or Prozac to do this. I think they could make a safe drug to target the neurochemical pathways better.

Scientific American publishes a book in their book club on the effects of MJ. Again being illegal is not my favorite thing, but I refuse to not have good love making.

I imagine using a “vaporizer” to get pure THC and air, and no smoke or plant material would be far healthier and would circumvent any potential lung cancer or hardening of the arteries, but being in college, those cost like 100 bucks.

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