Just to clarify, when I took my baseline measurement I was doing everything I could do to get to 6 inches. No matter how I moved, and no matter how hard I pressed the ruler against the bone, the most I could get was 5.75 (plus the ruler offset, which I didn’t notice at that time). I had an erection. A HARD erection. My dick simply wasn’t 6 inches no matter how I measured it. When I measured yesterday, everything was the same. I was laying on my back on the bed with my dick perpendicular to my body. As soon as a put the ruler up to my dick I could see that it was already past 6 inches. When I pushed the ruler back to get the BPEL measurement, it easily measured 6.5 (plus the ruler offset). I found it as hard to believe as the other people who are doubting that I measured correctly, but I am positive that both measurements were taken the same way. I know my dick didn’t “grow” 3/4 of an inch in a week. However maybe I just gave the tendons a good stretch and that allowed my dick to reach it’s full natural potential. I can’t explain it, I just know what I see on the ruler. I measured again today just to double-check, and it is still 6.5.
As far as my routine goes, I work from home and my wife doesn’t, so I have lots of time to pull on my pecker. I start off in the shower jelqing and stretching while doing kegels. Then I go sit in my recliner, put my computer in my lap and do more stretching and dry-jelqing. Then I eat lunch, and in the afternoon I do more stretching and jelqing.
I started another post a few days ago where I stated that I’ve been doing steroids and growth hormone for a while. I was going to start injecting .5 IUs of GH into each side of my pecker every day. I’ve only done it twice now, so I don’t think it could have had any effect, but I just want to put that on the table. GH isn’t known to cause site specific growth, but I figure if I’m injecting it anyway, I may as well do it in the place I want the most growth. :-)
Also, I just remembered. When I’m stretching, I also massage the tendons with my other hand. I didn’t read that anywhere, and I don’t know why I do it, it just seemed to make sense to help the tendons relax.