Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does anyone else think 5.5 girth is pretty damn big

So, I had 5.5” girth my whole life and never thought that I am big. I believe this has something to do with what nature gave you.
Because you have it for all those years, looking at it every day, so you get used to it.
Now you have something new down there and that is why you think it is big.
Same will do for me after I gain my half inch and hit the 6” mark.

But as other guys already stated, 5.5” girth is damn good. And I know it now, thanks to the thunders!

There is lot of guys with 4.5” girth and they would feel the same after they gain up to 5”.

Originally Posted by UkranianTitan
… but a terrible place to go if you suffer from size insecurity in my opinion.

I have different experience. Before I found this site I never thought that I am somewhere between over average to big.
Rather around under average to average maybe.
But thanks to thundersplace I found the real numbers and realized that I am pretty good in fact. There are days that I feel average, but then there are days that I feel pretty damn big.
And that is only thanks to thunders and all the informations and facts that are here, from the real ppl.
am 7” bpel and 5.5” meg.

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

I have a 5.35 girth (sometimes around 5.4) and I do not consider it to be big, but rather “above average”. I would say 5.5 is the beginning of “big”. However, I think big is from 6.

Size is terribly inflated on the internet & self reported measurements in general, both length & girth. UkrainianTitan is one of the few people I’ve seen who has a very knowledgeable view on size. To me it seems like 5.5” girth on the internet is 5” girth in reality with the way it’s talked about & so on.

It’s hilarious that in professional studies the DEAD average is around 4.6” but when it comes to self reported measurements almost everybody is at least 5” girth and so 5.5” just becomes “kind of big”. Not to mention a lot of self reported girth measurements strangely only come by .50 increments when it should be rounded to the nearest .125 considering how a small girth change can still be noticeable. I honestly think a genuine 5” girth is more of the goldicock size where it’s “thick but not too thick” & start of big rather then 5.5” for a lot of women, especially with good EQ.

Last edited by plas : 11-18-2019 at .

Originally Posted by FutureBigShock
So, I had 5.5” girth my whole life and never thought that I am big. I believe this has something to do with what nature gave you.
Because you have it for all those years, looking at it every day, so you get used to it.
Now you have something new down there and that is why you think it is big.
Same will do for me after I gain my half inch and hit the 6” mark.

But as other guys already stated, 5.5” girth is damn good. And I know it now, thanks to the thunders!

There is lot of guys with 4.5” girth and they would feel the same after they gain up to 5”.

I have different experience. Before I found this site I never thought that I am somewhere between over average to big.
Rather around under average to average maybe.
But thanks to thundersplace I found the real numbers and realized that I am pretty good in fact. There are days that I feel average, but then there are days that I feel pretty damn big.
And that is only thanks to thunders and all the informations and facts that are here, from the real ppl.
am 7” bpel and 5.5” meg.


I know since I was 16 years that I’m not oversized in length, but thanks to Thundersplace I am aware of my respectable girth (included my size before PE too).

Because of porn perceptions I believed that my girth was in the average or less. Nowadays I know that I’m lucky at this match… My life won’t change now with this knowledge, but I believe that is very possible that my life would be different if I had been conscious of that information when I was 20. One cute coock heals lots of insecurities with girls.

>>> Start: 14'5 cm (5.7") BP - 14'5 (5.7") EG

>>> 14 meses de PE: 18'4cm (7¼") BP - 16'2cm ( 6⅜") EG

>>> Tras 6 meses de parón: 17'6cm BP - 15'7cm EG |----> Progresos Garvi

Originally Posted by Blues Guy
5.5 might be SLIGHTLY above average but I don’t think it’s huge. I’ve gotten a lot of feedback… my number is well over 100 women. Not saying that to brag, just to make a point that I’ve gotten a lot of opinions: I’ve asked many of them about my girth which I’m self conscious about. I’ve been told I’m skinny by several —- one of them was my ex girlfriend. Here’s what I think: I’ve seen the survey that says 4.59 inches girth is average. I think that is total BS —— that’s gotta be tiny. I think the average girth is at least 5 inches. Maybe a little more. I’m at 4.5 and been told by multiple girls that I’m thinner than average (one even said "yeah, it’s pretty skinny"). Granted, some said it was totally average, but they’re probably talking about length. I also had one girl tell me I was smaller and thinner than the last 5 guys she had been with. She’s European, they don’t really lie as much about this stuff.

I have no idea who they survey for these 4.59 average numbers but they’re total BS. 4.59 is skinny as hell.

Sorry to revive this thread, but I went through the whole thing after a 5 years break. I want to point out that it’s not surprising to be called skinny at 4.5 girth since it’s smaller than 2/3 of guys… but that doesn’t mean it’s far from average. If we plug the numbers in … , 4.5" puts you at 36.3%, meaning basically 2 guys out of 3 are bigger than you. So you think "wow there’s no way I’m close to average." But if you enter 4.7, it says you’re at 52.8%. That’s right, 0.2 inches is the difference between being smaller than two thirds of guys and being right in the middle. Assuming it’s a gaussian, you can guess another 0.2 inches would put you bigger than 2 guys out of 3… and it is! The site puts 4.9" at 69.6%! In other words, the difference between being bottom third and top third is only about 0.4 inch.

Now to follow the main topic, 5.5" is put at 92.6%.

I would also like to put things from another perspective. We can use those percentages to easily calculate the number of guys on average a girl would need to see to see one of a specific size or bigger by calculating 1/(% of guys bigger than you).

So at 4.5 girth, 1/(100%-36.3%) = 1.6 guys.
4.7" : 1/(100%-52.8%) = 2.11 guys
4.9" : 3.29 guys
5.1" : 3.29 guys (I think the website is bugged here. It’s giving the same number as 4.9")
5.3 : 6.06 guys.
5.5 : 13.5 guys
5.7 : 37.04 guys
5.9 guys : 125 guys

I don’t know how many sexual partners women have in general, but let’s say 10 over their life (seems high to me, but I guess you’re more likely to have sex with women who have more sexual partners anyway). That means most women will never see a 5.5"+ dick in their entire life. Less than 1 out of 3 girls would see a 5.7" guy in their entire life. Less than 1 out of 10 girls would see a 5.9" guy in their entire life.

start stats :7.7x5.8 (2014-06-02 ) / Short term goal : 8x6 (achieved on 2014-06-14 and 2014-04-23 respectively)

Mid term goal : 8.5x6.5 (achieved on 2020-06-21 after 6 years break.)

Long term goal : 9x7

Mine doesn’t feel big at 5.3 but I am assured by my wife its noticeable.. So don’t stress if you feel its small.

5.5 Is Definitely Large

It’s insane as to how long this thread has gone on for but I love it. Lol. I’ve done my fair share of research and but in a different approach. I stayed away from forums like this and mostly searched up forums whereas women are doing the talking. Now for some reason women tend to lean more towards measuring the width of a member rather than the circumference. Anyways most say that their favorable width is 1.5 inches which is usually an average of 4.6 inches and they even mention this on several threads. Ok so 1.75 is most of women’s personal limit and anything above that is for size queens and at that width they usually correlate it to between 5 inches and 5.5 inches. Now besides that I did find quite a few where circumference was talked about and the majority of women tend to lean towards 5 inches of circumference to being on the thicker side. Well if you look up most dildos around the 5” and up categories they are usually labeled as “thick”. Once you start hitting beyond 5.5” they start being categorized and much thicker and girthier than the average. Also if you read the reviews you can see that women start talking about 5” to start being their upper personal limit and begins to be called fat. Beyond that tends be for the “size freaks” and women who enjoy a more painful experience. So to answer the question based on women’s personal opinions then YES it is a common and understood FACT that the majority agree 5.5” to be a very thick member whether she is a size queen or not. Anything above that is basically is the huge side or for dildos in the lengths of like 7.5 inches and longer in relation. Now I’m not stating they can’t handle this, the majority of them can accommodate more, but when it comes to a personal preference of theirs, most will usually stay away from toys of that circumference or daily use. 5.5 is NOT very common, and it is definitively the start of being considered big. Things like 6.5 inches and up are just for those freaks who enjoy painful penetration and get off on it. Most ladies, id say 95% or more are not in this pool of women and even they mention it in a few forums. Once again, YES 5.5 is thick. Yes, they will definitely notice it once it is in their hands. They may not comment on it but some are just like that. Even when is started at 5 inches I was already being called thick, even by very experienced women. My ex had already been with at least 30 men and at 5” I was one of the thicker ones, although not the thickest. She also had a huge dildo around 11 inches long and the girth was still no bigger than 6” and the widest point. Now at 5.25 I can feel the diff in my penis, it looks wider and feels heavier. Anyways sorry to go off on this but it kind of disappoints me how some dudes who were born with natural girth exceeding these number try and justify that it isn’t big simply because they’re used to it.

(07/15/20) 5" NBP/6" BP/5" EG

(10/24/20) 5" NBP/6" BP/5.25" EG

Current Goal: 6" NBP 5.5" EG

Originally Posted by Stejeda1988

It’s insane as to how long this thread has gone on for but I love it. Lol. I’ve done my fair share of research and but in a different approach. I stayed away from forums like this and mostly searched up forums whereas women are doing the talking. Now for some reason women tend to lean more towards measuring the width of a member rather than the circumference. Anyways most say that their favorable width is 1.5 inches which is usually an average of 4.6 inches and they even mention this on several threads. Ok so 1.75 is most of women’s personal limit and anything above that is for size queens and at that width they usually correlate it to between 5 inches and 5.5 inches. Now besides that I did find quite a few where circumference was talked about and the majority of women tend to lean towards 5 inches of circumference to being on the thicker side. Well if you look up most dildos around the 5” and up categories they are usually labeled as “thick”. Once you start hitting beyond 5.5” they start being categorized and much thicker and girthier than the average. Also if you read the reviews you can see that women start talking about 5” to start being their upper personal limit and begins to be called fat. Beyond that tends be for the “size freaks” and women who enjoy a more painful experience. So to answer the question based on women’s personal opinions then YES it is a common and understood FACT that the majority agree 5.5” to be a very thick member whether she is a size queen or not. Anything above that is basically is the huge side or for dildos in the lengths of like 7.5 inches and longer in relation. Now I’m not stating they can’t handle this, the majority of them can accommodate more, but when it comes to a personal preference of theirs, most will usually stay away from toys of that circumference or daily use. 5.5 is NOT very common, and it is definitively the start of being considered big. Things like 6.5 inches and up are just for those freaks who enjoy painful penetration and get off on it. Most ladies, id say 95% or more are not in this pool of women and even they mention it in a few forums. Once again, YES 5.5 is thick. Yes, they will definitely notice it once it is in their hands. They may not comment on it but some are just like that. Even when is started at 5 inches I was already being called thick, even by very experienced women. My ex had already been with at least 30 men and at 5” I was one of the thicker ones, although not the thickest. She also had a huge dildo around 11 inches long and the girth was still no bigger than 6” and the widest point. Now at 5.25 I can feel the diff in my penis, it looks wider and feels heavier. Anyways sorry to go off on this but it kind of disappoints me how some dudes who were born with natural girth exceeding these number try and justify that it isn’t big simply because they’re used to it.

I’m 5,7 in girt and have slept with 40+ women. 15-20 of them in a period of 6 month when I was single in 2018. They were between 37-50 years old. I think all of them have had children. They all felt pretty loose to me and non of them said anything about me being big.

So I guess 5 in girt can’t possibly being considering big.

And if a girl say that you are one of the biggest she had with 5 in girt that is probably just to stroke your ego.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

One thing about dildos. Me an my girl have a dildo that is 14 cm girt. It,s 5 mm smaller than my dick but it hardly fits my girlfriends pussy. I requires lube and pre stretching and she doesn’t like it. It’s to big and to hard for here but it’s smaller than my dick and I have no problem pounding here for 30 min. She can be sore sometimes and if I were a cockring my girt is 6+ inches but still feels smaller than the dildo. The conclusion is that you cant compare a dildo with a dick because it’s different materials. So if you compare the girt of the most sold dildos to a dick you will probably need to add around 2 cm to that to get the most preferred girt on a real dick. So 12 cm girt in a dildo is probably like 14 cm girt on a dick.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

It always amuses me when guys with good girth say that they slept with lots of women but the women didn’t comment on their girth.

It would be like a man sleeping with a woman with very large breasts. It’s pretty darned obvious, to the point where it would just sound silly to say it.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat

It always amuses me when guys with good girth say that they slept with lots of women but the women didn’t comment on their girth.

It would be like a man sleeping with a woman with very large breasts. It’s pretty darned obvious, to the point where it would just sound silly to say it.

I often comment on breasts. Now I’m not in to big boobs, more normal to small and firm but of course I comment on big boobs lika I do with small. Women like to hear that almost as much as men like to hear about their penis being big.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

When I was 5” I would already be considered in the 76th percentile. So technically I was on the girthier side than most men, but definitely not considered the biggest by any means. Being at 5.75” already puts you in the 97th percentile so it’s rather weird that not one of the women you slept with never commented on it. Although as Firegoat stated, it just might be so obvious that they just never mentioned it. Either way did you ever gauge their reactions? They could’ve just been quite excited and wet and not so much loose. Tbh 5.75” is my goal. I’ve recently hit 5.25” in girth but it definitely made my dick look shorter than it already was. I’m only at 5.75” BP and 5.15” NBP so it looks relatively short, like a chode and I hate it lol.

(07/15/20) 5" NBP/6" BP/5" EG

(10/24/20) 5" NBP/6" BP/5.25" EG

Current Goal: 6" NBP 5.5" EG

Originally Posted by firegoat
It always amuses me when guys with good girth say that they slept with lots of women but the women didn’t comment on their girth.
It would be like a man sleeping with a woman with very large breasts. It’s pretty darned obvious, to the point where it would just sound silly to say it.

I’ve never commented on breast, I’ve just enjoyed them; however, I do believe there is a difference between a big cock and big breast. I don’t think most men will feel a sense of intimidation when grasping big breast because they are just for the most part going to be fondling them. Where as, with a cock, there is an expectation that ultimately it could be finding its way into one of a few different orifices. So for this reason a woman or a man might acknowledge it’s on the larger side as they are emotionally preparing to potentially accept it inside of them. Especially if it’s a bit large than they have physically experienced before.

With all that said, I’ve never experienced playing with a large cock with an expectation that I would be blowing it or receiving it anally. Nor am I of an intimidating size that might cause a woman to pause. Lol, so I have no practical knowledge to go by here:-)

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

So I did a TON of extensive research online regarding female preferences on dildo sizes and came to a personal solid conclusion. Keep in mind these are actual reviews on Amazon or youtube videos. The average “regular” dildo for women is considered 4.75” in cicumference. And they speak openly about this and are very well aware that this is average. Surprisingly women know their numbers too. Now this is regarding most women and not including size queens. The majority of them stated that at 5” it already begins to become girthy or thick. And it seems this circumference is usually their favorite. I also found a few that were in the 5.25” circumference category and at this point most women were already saying it was nice and thick or even perfect, and some even mentioned it was too thick. Now when I researched the 5.5” in girth, this is where things got interesting. At this point most of the women writing reviews tended to be “size queens” and a lot of them even admitted it. This is when the dildos were already falling into the 9 inches plus category. Even being called very thick. It’s insane the amount of information you can find by researching dildos on Amazon lol this is how I have confirmed that YES 5.5 is very thick. Now once you start running I to 6” and up it really falls into a realm of sizes that a very few select number of women can handle. Look it up yourselves y’all. As for me, ill stick to 5.5” being my goal, anything over that is just extra and to boost my own ego lol.

(07/15/20) 5" NBP/6" BP/5" EG

(10/24/20) 5" NBP/6" BP/5.25" EG

Current Goal: 6" NBP 5.5" EG


Originally Posted by firegoat
It always amuses me when guys with good girth say that they slept with lots of women but the women didn’t comment on their girth.
It would be like a man sleeping with a woman with very large breasts. It’s pretty darned obvious, to the point where it would just sound silly to say it.

This guy is just trying to crush someone’s spirits. Super doubtful on his post or measurements.


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