Thunder's Place

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Does easy length equal easy girth

Does easy length equal easy girth

I was wondering that guys, like me, who gain length easily, generally gain girth more easily also?


Starting (3 weeks ago)
BP 7.65 x 4.75

BP 8.25 x 4.875 (not totally sure about the girth)

It worked that way for me!! :D


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Horse you are some mad science project gone wrong, but gone right in your case… ;)

I would say it varies between people. As other have said before (in past threads) is all depends on if you are slow or fast gainer. Unfortunately for me I am a slow gainer after my initial beginner gains. This is the reason why I took a break and now starting over again as if I have never PE at all. I think I might of been trying to hard before my break. Just my opinion.

Very true, Thunder. And very important to realize for the newbie. There are a few of us, for example, Andrew69, who have gained fast. Most don’t!!

Andrew has shared with me his take on this. He is convinced that if you work hard, and find the right combo, you will gain. I wish that were true for everyone. Based on what I’ve read here, I believe that this is simply not the case.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I feel very lucky that I have gained about .75 - .85 in just 3 weeks. I really hope I can achieve girth results like HH.


Also keep in mind that I started at 6” girth. Few guys start at that point. Those are amazing length gains you’ve made, though!! Enjoy the experience!!


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Savour everything you can gain. But of course, don’t get your hopes too high because if you are expecting 3” in 6 months and don’t get anything near that (which would be typical) you will set yourself up for big dissapointment.

To answer the title question more specifically - I gained length very easily but girth has been an uphill battle for me, past those initial growth spurts that most PEers see in the first few weeks…

i know i dont post much in here but in the past 2 yrs or so ive gained right at 2.75 length and only 1.25 girth, my thinking is that most guys such as myself worry too too much on length and not enough on equaling out the equation.

Hey MAxxx, 2 years and you haven’t read the forum guidelines yet? Please check them out when you get a chance, particularly the section on Style and Language. Thanks!

My fault Stevie, I have read the guidelines, it was 4:30 in the morning here when I posted that, I had just gotten home from djing at a club i work at and was pretty tired. Thanks for the heads up though.

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