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Does masturbation help growth


Does masturbation help growth

That is my question: does masturbation help penis growth? Does anyone know?

Just speaking from experience I would have to say no, because if it did mine would be a foot long.

I started masturbating around the age of 13 (normal I guess) and worked on it pretty hard up until the time I started having sex. Even after I started having sex I was so horney I could not get enough and still masturbated but not as much. Once I got married I finally was able to give the thing a rest. haha

Not normally but some believe a technique called edging may promote growth.


I Looked on about 20 posts when searching for edging. How is it preformed. You masturbate and don’t cum. How does this benefit PE? Bigger loads was the only pro I read.

Originally Posted by richandreward
How does this benefit PE?

I would think that maintaining an erection for long periods can’t hurt PE efforts. I have no evidence that it helps, but it does make sense.

How does edging make your dick bigger?

Originally Posted by westla90069
How does edging make your dick bigger?

The “theory” goes.. Just before you cum, your dick balloons up with blood. If you hold this state for a prolonged period, you will infact grow.

Even amongst such fine companions I do not care to explain how much I have masturbated :) It does not help growth unless I was supposed to have a 4 inch penis without masturbating. Now that I think about this, though, it is probably safe to say that 99.9% of males masturbate. How do we know it isn’t an important part of the growth process? My intuition says no, but you would have a hell of a time maintaining a control group for this research!

I want statistics; I want proof. We know that “regular” PE exercises work. We have a lot of physical proof of that. I want to see the results (if any) that have been achieved by someone who has done edging as their only PE workout.

BTW, it isn’t a theory. Your blood pressure is what causes your dick to enlarge when the small arteries are opened by the neurotransmitters released by stimulation. Just before ejaculation the ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscles squeeze on the crura and bulb of the penis giving it a bit of extra rigidity. This lasts only a few seconds.

With edging you have to be very, very close to ejaculation for this to happen and you have to be very much in control to prevent it from going over “the edge.” At some point it becomes automatic and you cannot stop it. So I’d like to see results from someone who has that much control and who has done no other PE exercises.

Werner? Anyone?

I think that NO, because if it would help, we all should be too long now. Just do it when you need it.

BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)

The point is there is NO physical proof that it does. Like monsterjohnson said “99.9%” of males have masturbated at some point in their lives and those that said that they have not lied. If it was true that masturbation made the size of your penis increase then we would all be hung like a horse and would not need any other form of PE. I have done my fair share of masturbation and it has not helped my size in the least. Hell by all means I wished it did because I would be at least 10 inches by now.

I have to also concur to what westla90069 said about edging. You can only maintain that point for a certain time and you can no longer control it. The time is too brief to make any difference in the size.

All that edging does is give you a longer blood workout; nothing wrong with that. I did edging from maybe age 18 on - we are talking decades of it. Length didn’t increase; girth didn’t. Except during those few seconds prior to ejaculation that westLa mentions.



If it did, I wouldn’t need a tripod for my camera.. I might however need a third knee pad!

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