Dorsal Nerve Injury-bruising?
Hey guys, I’m a beginner that got a bit too excited for a big dick. I jumped straight into hanging with little conditioning and ended up injuring myself. I made the mistake of not wrapping well enough and using a bit too much weight. I know I haven’t permanently fucked my dick but advice on how to proceed would be appreciated.
It’s been about two months since this injury happened and I’ve definitely seen improvement. I’ve been to a urologist and he said I have a perfectly healthy dick so that makes me feel better but I know something’s going on.
My symptoms are:
Coldness in glans
Numbness in dorsal nerve region behind glans
Slight bruising on glans and nerve region
Blanching of glans
Sometimes my dick feels lifeless like there’s not a lot of blood in it. ( it normally feels heavy and ready to get an erection)
When I kegel ( is it spelled kegal?) sometimes it feels like there’s no blood being sent into my penis.
In the beginning my libido disappeared instantly and I wasn’t getting erections like normal but that went away in about 2 weeks.
My erections are great now and there’s absolutely no pain anywhere
Now I’m worried if I’ll ever get feeling back into my dorsal nerve behind the head.
I think this could be nerve damage exacerbated by anxiety and weed as well as an unbalanced pelvic floor.
I’ve done research and I’ve seen that there are multiple types of nerve damage and I’m not sure how to classify mine. I hope mine isn’t severe but I’m not sure how I tell.
Sorry, I’m not sure if I’ve posted this correctly
Any pointers would help me out so much :) thanks y’all