Thunder's Place

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Dorsal Nerve ?? Slippage?


Dorsal Nerve ?? Slippage?

I’ve never heard anyone talk about this before….When I hang the hanger slides forward some. The Skin bunches up like we all know ( I guess some have it actually roll over?) but lately I’ve started to notice that my Dorsal nerve/vein/artery or whatever it is is either rolling over on itself or bunches up…It becomes a little hard to the touch, while hanging. It is not tender or swollen just a little hard. After I take the hanger off, it is back to normal. Its kinda weird/freaking me out.

1.)Should I worry about this, has anyone experienced this?

Side note: I do have alot of loose skin due to skin stretch and also being loosely circumcised. I think this makes it harder to get an internal structure pull.

2.)If wrapped correctly, should there be and hanger slippage, because I always seem to get some.

The last few days I have had a good lig pull but can’t get a good one today, it seems to all be on the skin.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Damn guys...

Yes thunder I was retightening the hanger and everything.

I dont know what the problem is. I was having a stellar week and past few days. I finally hit the ligs got the sore fatigued feeling, then today I spend the entire day, all day fumbling around trying to get the hanger on!! The blasted thing keeps slipping down…I toe in, I Toe out, I adjusted the bottom gap, I double wrapped, wrapped Thera, I have tried alot of shit. This is pissing me off because this is the critical time when gains come, and all I can get is skin stretch because it keeps slipping down.

Its like literally my flaccid girth shrunk or something…I can’t get a good tight fit on the ligs. And like I said the dorsal nerve is folding on itself when the skin bunches up before the head, creating two hard “bumps” They go down as soon as I take the weight off, but I can’t figure it out………

1.)Any suggestions BIB and others?

2.)If you felt it in the ligs the night before would you feel it the next day or it would take a couple of sets??


"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


A week or so into hanging I had the same problem. I have read a lot of posts where lots of others have had to fool with the hanger for a long time to get it right. It is just part of the learning curve- I am still making minor adjustments a couple of times a week. I re-read the information on Bibs’ site, and did a search and read what others did. Some of it worked for me, some didn’t. Everyone is different and it just takes a while to get it right. There is a lot of info on this in the hangers’ forum.

A lot of us have gone through this frustrating phase when we are doing good then have to work with the hanger. This is a long time commitment- don’t hang until you take the time to get the hanger right- or you may damage that nerve and will be out for a very long time :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

Thanks 2in2

For the advice

ITs just hella frustrating. I Know I was making progress and gains were on the way, I was getting fatigue….now I can’t even hang until I figure this thing out.

I’ve literally spent the entire day trying to figure it out…….

Any suggestions..

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


I am there with you, man- and I totally understand the frustration. What I found for me to be the best way to keep the hanger from riding up is a toe-out. This way you grab the tissues harder at the shaft than at the head. The other thing this did for me was open up the front a bit to allow my head to more comfortably nest at the front of the hanger. I hang either with no wrap or with just thera- I can ‘feel’ the grip of the hanger better that way, plus it is better for circulation. Every once in a while I will put cloth under the thera for a day if my dick is beat up too bad- but those days are far and few between.

I have also opened up the bottom of the hanger more than it used to be. I have found that it grabs the sides better and grips towards the top. This has helped with keeping the excessive left- over foreskin on the underside of my penis from riding way up. It has also helped with discoloration on the underside of my dick. All of these tweaks to the hanger have taken a month to get to- and I am still doing some minor tweaking. It is the most frustrating part of hanging- but I wouldn’t hang with anything but my Bib, I learned my lesson :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


First, that is not a nerve, but probably a vein. You could not see a nerve.

On the slipping, I do not have a lot to offer that has not been covered. Kind of odd that it was going so well, and then you had a bad day.

The only thing I did not see was a comment about the amount of blood left in the head. Did you decrease that?

Sometimes if you wrap a little tighter, the hanger has a harder time grasping internally. Or even if you use more wrap. The less wrap, the better as 2in said.

Of course, the other possiblilty is, the hanger was not actually slipping any more, but that you got some internal stretch, more length, which caused the skin to take more stress. Not unusual. Stretching skin does not end after the first couple weeks.



No Blood in the head… I always take care of that…..MAybe I am just overreacting….or I never noticed it before but when the skin rolls over this vein rolls over on itself and gets kinda hard… kinda freaked me out….

1.)Do you think this is something to worry about?

I do agree with you about the length though. My unit does seem longer and fuller already. Its amazing when you work and then you reach the “good work” after a few days or sets, I actuallt wanted to hang more.

I think I will just try to move the hanger back an inch or so.

I was just so excited I finally felt it in the ligs the past few days, but the bottom line is I want to make sure when the skin rolls over and the vein kinda buches up, this isn’t bad for it….


"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."



I know BIB has recommended toe out, which I have used exclusively until recently. Someone referred to using toe-in with BIB. I tried it and BIB slid less than toe out. Then I tried toe-in with Starter and it worked well. Let me explain how I tighten. When I put hanger on I tighten until it feels tight. I then hang weight(5 pounds perhaps) , go grab my rice sock out of microwave, take off weight and retighten upper wing nut( all the above done with bottom nuts fairly loose), I then tighten foward bottom wing nut all the way, till bottom front gap is zero. I then apply all the weight. This seems to accomplish a couple of things,

! With toe-in slippage is less than toe-out so I can hang closer to head w/o being too close.
2.With the toe-in it seems like most of pressure is fairly far foward , so in effect I’m stretching more tunica.
3.With all above being said, With heavy weights, the toe-out is probably more comfortable.

You’ve probably tried all above. Interestingly, with this toe-in my circulation seems better.



I’m still messing with the fit a day later….this is really pissing me off……I’m losing hanging hours! Only hung like 3 sets today!

Anyways, I tighten the top bolt all the way and it still slips. Also, this is dangerous as well because sometimes it will push down on the dorsal vein. When It does, it feels like it is ” buzzing” inside the vein. Either way, this can’t be good so I don’t do it. So the answer does not lie in the top bolt…

I wrap as indicated, put the hanger on, then pull the head out…..Put when I go to tighten the top bolt, it still pushes the top of my shaft up into the bolt impinging the flow of this vein (dorsal).

And I still get lots of blood in the head because the hanger comes forward……..So it can’t be hanger tightness that is causing this problem………

Any suggestions?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Ignore the one before this

here is the good one…..It wouldn’t let me edit my changes so I had to repost it.

I’m still messing with the fit a day later….this is really pissing me off……I’m losing hanging hours! Only hung like 3 sets today!

Anyways, I tighten the top bolt all the way and it still slips. Also, this is dangerous as well because sometimes it will push down on the dorsal vein. When It does, it feels like it is ” buzzing” inside the vein. Either way, this can’t be good so I don’t do it. So the answer does not lie in the top bolt…

I wrap as indicated, put the hanger on, then pull the head out…..Put when I go to tighten the top bolt, it still pushes the top of my shaft up into the bolt impinging the flow of this vein (dorsal).

And I still get lots of blood in the head, and the head is tight to the touch because the hanger comes forward……..So it can’t be hanger tightness that is causing this problem………

1.)Any suggestions?

I figure the ideal position would be the sides of your shaft pressed in enough as the hanger is tightened but when you are through there still is enough roof on top so this vein isn’t being pressed down on by that bolt….. I can’t believe no one else has experienced this…..I do have a very prominent vein on top, maybe it’s just me.

2.)Either way I don’t want to impinge this vein right?

Anoter way to put it, it seems as if I am maxing out all of the available sidewalls of the hanger before it can even become tight enough. ANd then when I do tighten enough, It hits that top vein, or somehow it still is slipping.

maybe I could go tighter but the actual hanger itself prevents that. The wing nut is impinged by the hanger. Either way, there still is only like less than a half inch to go in tightness before the two sides of the jaws toch…

Im listening…..

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


>maybe I could go tighter but the actual hanger itself prevents that. The wing nut is impinged by the hanger.<

What does this mean?

>Either way, there still is only like less than a half inch to go in tightness before the two sides of the jaws toch…<

A half inch is a hell of a lot. Remember, the top gap should be less than the bottom gap. What is the distance between the hex nuts on top and bottom? So the top teeth do not mesh at all? Or close?

>I wrap as indicated, put the hanger on, then pull the head out…..Put when I go to tighten the top bolt, it still pushes the top of my shaft up into the bolt impinging the flow of this vein (dorsal). <

Then the bottom gap is not wide enough.



BBS wrote:
>maybe I could go tighter but the actual hanger itself prevents that. The wing nut is impinged by the hanger.<

BIB wrote:
<What does this mean?>

It means that the wing nut on the left side digs into the right side of the hanger…..

Hold on, I think I just figured out something…you know how the hex nut on top on the right side can move, does this mean you can adjust the top left side too? In other words, you can adjust the top gap from both sides of the hanger? I never grasped this before or never heard anyone talk about it……This might be what I need….I thought you just put the bolt through and spin it shut from the right side only! I feel like an idiot, this whole time I’ve been hanging without adjusting the left top hex nut!! DUH!! That’s gotta be it!!

<A half inch is a hell of a lot. Remember, the top gap should be less than the bottom gap. What is the distance between the hex nuts on top and bottom? So the top teeth do not mesh at all? Or close?>

The bottom is about a qarter inch, front and back. Yes the top teeth do mesh, and like I said I just figured out you could adjust the top left hex nut! I got it now………

Then the bottom gap is not wide enough.

I will try this…., but I think if I adjust the top left nut that will be all I need…..Thanks! That was so stupid of me!

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


Just for the record, I still do not understand.




You’ve probably discovered this already, but here goes. When I put on the hanger I start with the bottom gap fairly wide(since BIB said top gap should be narrower. I then tighten top wing nut almost as much as I can, ie, it’s really tight but it would be possible to tighten slightly more. I would guess the bottom gap is between 3/8 to 1/2 inch front and rear. Now remember, the top wingnut feels really tight, I then tighten either the front or rear lower wing nut til the lower gap is virtually nil, depending on which variation of toe I want to use on that set. If I’m hanging really heavy I’ll also tighten somewhat the lower wing nut on the end that’s most open. I believe what this all says is that while the top nut is “tight”, the bottom ons can still be tightened more.
Any further adjustments are done with the top nut only.


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