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Dumb question about morning wood as a PI

Dumb question about morning wood as a PI

So I’m going over sparkyx’s condensed PI thread, and I’ve noticed that many cite their morning wood as an indicator of overtraining.

Here’s my problem.. I never much paid attention to it before I started PE. Now, I’m becoming a bit obsessed by it, because the ONLY time I have morning wood, is when I wake up with a bladder that’s ready to go go go. I think that this was the case before PE as well, but I can’t be sure, because I just never thought about it before.

As a background, I’ve never had any erection problems, and still didn’t during my first week of PE. They’ve always been skin-tight and rock hard. But now during PE, the only time I wake with an erection is if I don’t fully empty my bladder before bed.

So my dumb newb question is: if I avoid emptying my bladder ALL the way before bed to ensure that I have morning wood, is this cheating? :) I mean is it giving me a false positive PI? I’m not sure I’m asking the question the right way, will clarify if needed.



Did you have good morning wood before PE without emptying your bladder before bed? If so, you can cheat all you want but the fact is you have lost a PI. Regardless of whether you empty your bladder or not, you had morning wood before PE (with emptying the bladder) and don’t now. That, IMHO, is a sign you are overdoing things just a bit.


In other words Mr. Nine, yes.. That IS a dumb question? :)

RTG: I don’t THINK I had morning wood before PE with a totally empty bladder. I believe that I only ever woke up erect if I woke up having to piss (or was having a really ROCKIN’ dream before the 4 year old jumped on me).

Last edited by Eroset : 05-24-2005 at .

I didn’t say that. Or did I. I have to stop thinking out loud. :D

No, dumb would have been to end it by asking if masturbation effects gains. :leftie:


Ok, so if you never had morning wood before PE, it wouldn’t necessarily mean it is a negative PI that you don’t have it now. If, however, you start to get morning wood with an empty bladder, that would be a very good PI for you. If you still get morning wood with a partially full bladder that would be your PI. If that makes any sense at all. So really it’s not cheating. It’s making sure you still have that PI. Ok, nop I’m confusing myself so I will stop. :D

EDIT: Wait. What the hell is a negative PI? A negative positive indicator?!?! It should be a Negative Indicator or Positive Indicator. So you can either have NI’s or PI’s. Man I need some sleep!!!



No Wood + Empty bladder = normal for me, no PI positive or negative.
No Wood + Full bladder = Negative PI

Morning Wood + Full bladder = Neutral to Positive PI
Morning wood + Empty bladder = Excellent Positive PI


I will let Mr. Nine field this one as well, he has such a way with words.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by Eroset

No Wood + Empty bladder = normal for me, no PI positive or negative.
No Wood + Full bladder = Negative PI

Morning Wood + Full bladder = Neutral to Positive PI
Morning wood + Empty bladder = Excellent Positive PI



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