Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Erect Stretches

Certainly one must ask if such exercise is necessary at all. Seems obvious that one would exhaust the usual methods first before resorting to more extreme measures. Maybe we could call it Hillbilly PE-“Hey y’all! Watch this. I can snap my dick in half!”

Even old thread bring forth new eyes and minds. I never knew about this site until I started researching and reaching out for support via other’s experiences and knowledge.

There is no site that I have come across that neglected to highly suggest these exercises are recommended for those experienced and acknowledges the inherent greater risks. Yes there are other methods, but for some of us, we need this extra force of pressure.. At least all any of us can do is theorize and then find out.

Everyone is entitled to their medical knowledge opinion. If there is anything we learned from the practice of medicine in any field is that there is no absolute ONE truth. So just because some permanently cause a deformity does not mean it will happen to all.. And just because some did not obtain injuries from erect exercises does not mean all will be so lucky.

As with any physical task. There are inherent risks for injury. It should be a given understanding that we each practice at our own risk.

Yeah mate thats where common sense comes in.
For me common sense is that bending a rigid thing like tunica, bone or any other object will create more chance of breaking then bending a flexible thing like a below 100% “erected” tunica.

Its common sense, and common knowledge on this site, that in general erect exercise are more risky then flaccid exercises.

It is not forbidden to talk or advise about erect exercises on this site but its common to warn about the dangers which are real.

Better this way around then advising people to bend their 100% erect dicks 90°.

And yes old threads, espacially on here, are sometimes golden.

If that’s what you got from my posts.

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

Bending and twisting an erect penis has good chances to cause s.c. penis fracture. It’s not a funny thing. Stretching an erect penis is pretty much pointless, dangerous at some degree because the stress is unevenly distribuited; the erect penis though gots a protective mechanism, because it will go flaccid if stretched while erect.

I wouldn’t push too much on ‘the internal fear’ and so, I would remain on facts and relevant arguments. No psychologism allowed when arguing, that should be a rule.

Last edited by marinera : 01-17-2015 at .


Finally someone using references that more closely resembles our bodies response to external/environmantal stimuli. Going have to scroll down as I am using my phone and didn’t take notes on what number post. But it’s the one about explaining how the vines of a cucumber plant adapting to external stimulation.

Somebody else mentioned the effects of erect bends (and stretches) being similar to that of influencing curvature and “shaping” a plant’s stem by gradual pressure whereby the plant responds via adaptation of the external stimuli.

Again, never have I proclaimed that this site promotes fear.. Only that some individuals within express their own fears and pass them off as undeniable truths. Secondly, I never said anything about folding a rigid (100% erect) penis 90 degrees nor did I ever say to twist it (like a wet rag is probably the exaggerated example provided by a senior member).

Please READ & COMPREHEND: there is a major difference in bending and folding.. And that bending involves subtle curvature.. Not drastic curvature to near anything close to 45 degrees (decreased erection levels is the exception; flaccid state = MORE flexibility). And for the record, I have twisted (ever so lightly) my penis while erect (don’t ever recall doing it at 100% as obtaining an erect penis at that level is rare when by myself (for me anyway).

And telling anyone NOT TO DO an exercise strictly because you personally wouldn’t or are too concerned about the greater risks is an expression based on fear.. Not logical caution. Logical caution is to warn newbies to not use them until more experience is obtained and carry them out SLOWLY & PROGRESSIVELY.

And to address “Psychologism”: I seriously believe there needs to be a thread addressing the many psychological issues that relates and pertains to PE and other relevant issues that results from the practice of PE. You’re going to tell me that guys starting out at 6.25+” (NBPEL) desperately seeking to obtain an 8” NBPEL is a sign of a healthy mentality? Are you also going to try and deny that guys desperately trying to achieve 6”+ EG is a sign of healthy mentality? I have come to realise many suffer from what call “Big Penis Syndrome.”

Meaning, they feel inadequate even when in possession of a large-average sized penis to the point where a huge or dinosaur sized one is deemed “adequate”. I admit I regularly suffer from Small Penis Syndrome (5.5” NBPEL) but I’m happy and satisfied with my 5.25” girth (but wouldn’t mind gaining till it hits the 5.5” marker). As far as length goes.. My cap goal is 6.5” NBPEL.. Nothing ridonkculous like what I’ve read on these types of sites. So let’s make a rule that ignores this related and very relevant issue is the expression of a coward who is afraid of addressing and facing the ugly truths of the PE world, it’s practices and those that practice.


Finally someone using references that more closely resembles our bodies response to external/environmantal stimuli. Going have to scroll down as I am using my phone and didn’t take notes on what number post. But it’s the one about explaining how the vines of a cucumber plant adapting to external stimulation.

Somebody else mentioned the effects of erect bends (and stretches) being similar to that of influencing curvature and “shaping” a plant’s stem by gradual pressure whereby the plant responds via adaptation of the external stimuli.

Again, never have I proclaimed that this site promotes fear.. Only that some individuals within express their own fears and pass them off as undeniable truths. Secondly, I never said anything about folding a rigid (100% erect) penis 90 degrees nor did I ever say to twist it (like a wet rag is probably the exaggerated example provided by a senior member).

Please READ & COMPREHEND: there is a major difference in bending and folding.. And that bending involves subtle curvature.. Not drastic curvature to near anything close to 45 degrees (decreased erection levels is the exception; flaccid state = MORE flexibility). And for the record, I have twisted (ever so lightly) my penis while erect (don’t ever recall doing it at 100% as obtaining an erect penis at that level is rare when by myself (for me anyway).

And telling anyone NOT TO DO an exercise strictly because you personally wouldn’t or are too concerned about the greater risks is an expression based on fear.. Not logical caution. Logical caution is to warn newbies to not use them until more experience is obtained and carry them out SLOWLY & PROGRESSIVELY.

And to address “Psychologism”: I seriously believe there needs to be a thread addressing the many psychological issues that relates and pertains to PE and other relevant issues that results from the practice of PE. You’re going to tell me that guys starting out at 6.25+” (NBPEL) desperately seeking to obtain an 8” NBPEL is a sign of a healthy mentality? Are you also going to try and deny that guys desperately trying to achieve 6”+ EG is a sign of healthy mentality? I have come to realise many suffer from what call “Big Penis Syndrome.”

Meaning, they feel inadequate even when in possession of a large-average sized penis to the point where a huge or dinosaur sized one is deemed “adequate”. I admit I regularly suffer from Small Penis Syndrome (5.5” NBPEL) but I’m happy and satisfied with my 5.25” girth (but wouldn’t mind gaining till it hits the 5.5” marker). As far as length goes.. My cap goal is 6.5” NBPEL.. Nothing ridonkculous like what I’ve read on these types of sites. So let’s make a rule that ignores this related and very relevant issue is the expression of a coward who is afraid of addressing and facing the ugly truths of the PE world, it’s practices and those that practice.

I hope no one here applies your reason. Erect bends or modalities can break the only dick you’ll ever get.

PE doesn’t need to be extreme for it to work.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

DomnariRailings, better safe then sorry.
In a website where “hobby”, novice and 10+ year veterans meet this makes sense.

You can gain without any “extreme” erect PE.
If you overdo it, which some have done, chances are your penis wont heal back to its original state.

If you are influenced by people who fear doing erect exercises and thus you avoid it doing yourself then you are probably neither physicaly nor mentally ready to do them.
There is no way to determine when an erect bend is too much and when not.
With even a 90% flaccid risk for injury are greatly decreased.
So some fear is very good when you start to bend your erect dick.

I dont like your way of imposing your reasoning. I stopped reading after READ & COMPREHEND.
Still would be interested in a detailed thread about how to do erect exercises, their benefits and mechanics of growth etc…but here Im done..

I’ve done some erect stretching and clamped stretching over the last 6 months. I think it’s fairly safe. Any kind of bending is less safe, and downright dangerous above 95% hardness as others have said. Just grab a bit further down, and pull in the direction of the shaft, somewhere between an Uli and a stretch. I also think it’s too intense for newbies.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Pretty hard to relay my personal experience with erect bends and erect stretches.. And clamped erect jelqs.. With no problems when most were twisting my words and claiming I said things never said (which called for the “read & comprehend).

Even an erect penis still possesses a certain level of flexibility. Granted that flexibility is dramatically decreased to a bare minimum. It is ALWAYS stressed to take things very slow and cautiously progress. And as the erection level drops, the flexibility increases and allows for more extreme angled bends. It’s the same with ANY exercise performed with ANY erect level.

Even though this thread is focused on erect stretches, it relates to all erect exercises. And there is a call for such “extreme measures” when all other methods failed to yield results for many months.. Even when exercises, time and intensity has been altered many times.

I am honestly asking.. What else is there left to try?

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

I appreciate your input Bearded Dragon. I agree with only the experienced should attempt any such exercises. I will never advocate these exercises to anyone who is not familiar with their own Penis’ PIs. Which usually comes with extensive experience and knowledge with PE.

Which seems to be near to zero in your case, actually. You link to things you dont’ ever read. What’s your point, that bending the erect penis carries no dangers? Instead than writing sentences in capital letters (which is the same then shouting) and telling to those who disagree with you that they have imaginary fears you should shut up and learn because it seems you don’t even have clear what you are trying to say.

Guys listen to more exeperienced members, you know they have seen a lot of injuries and helped people to recover or to avoid them. Suggesting extreme exercises with doubious if any advantages is the mark of the guy who has no real personal experience of PE:

Last edited by marinera : 01-19-2015 at .

Ok Domnari, we can ramble on for ever, or if you believe in what you say you can give a go to erect stretches for two months and report back.


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