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Extender traction question

Extender traction question


I have a question to the people who are using extenders or have used them in the past. So I am using an X4 extender and have been using it for about 3 weeks now. So from what I understand is that you are supposed to wear the extender at certain ‘tensions’ that is gauged by the threads on the bars. There are three threads and each thread indicates that you are using it at that given tension. For some reason I can never get the tension much past the first thread for over 10 minutes without some sort of slippage.

So my questions are..

1. Do you increase the tension throughout each individual session, and does it get easier to increase tension towards the end of your session?

2. Did you experience something similar when you first started wearing an extender (as in you can not use much tension without slippage), but after a month or more you found you could wear it at a higher tension without slippage?


Personally, I wore it at the 1st bar and that worked fine for me. I recently visited their site. The old standard for 1500 to 2100 gram springs is long dead. I used to extend between 700-900 only. Which was the first bar of pressure. I did not extend with higher tension as that causes the slippage you see.

Current extenders offer up to 4200 grams so you divide out that and you have a mighty 1400 grams at the first traction level. Which, if I remember correctly, was almost as strong as the cheapest extender they used to sell on maximum tension. As many in the old forum used cheaper 1500 gram setups. And they gained fine.

My .02

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I kept my X4 at about 600 gr. during the first year.

I checked my tension position every 15 minutes and made adjustments to maintain the tension at 600 gr. The biggest adjustments came after an hour or so under tension.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"


>So my questions are..

>1. Do you increase the tension throughout each individual session, and does it get easier to increase tension towards the end of your session?

Initially I found the hardest thing was to get reasonable tension when I first clamped the noose. I gradually learnt how to get a good stretch before clamping the head in. Then I lernt that the tension gradually lessened during the stretch even without slippage. This is called stress relaxation and is caused by the penis tissues stretching in a non-elastic way. More info here - My Stress Relaxation-based Traction Device in Action.

I would resist the temtation to increase tension too much through a stretch until you become experienced. I got injuries doing that.

>2. Did you experience something similar when you first started wearing an extender (as in you can not use much tension without slippage), but after a month or more you found you could wear it at a higher tension without slippage?

Experience with fitting a noose or strap including using wrapping certainly helps. I never got used to a noose and moved on to a DIY velcro strap. After I became experienced with exdtending I also moved away from spring based extenders and now use a LeLuv Slider extender which is also sold as a Miracle extender. I tension by feel and find it much easier both to tension up and to maintain tension during the stretch.


Awesome thanks for the replies!

Does anyone know what each line indicates for tension in grams?

@Dtwarren1942 you said 600g, where would that be line wise? Before hitting the first line of tension?

Tension on a 3 line system is simple. 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 tension levels.

On my old 2100 gram system that was
700 1st line,
1400 2nd line and
2100 for 3rd line.

Take your current total gram max, divide by 3. Solve for tension per line. You follow the logic?

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by austfred
This is called stress relaxation and is caused by the penis tissues stretching in a non-elastic way. More info here - My Stress Relaxation-based Traction Device in Action.

That’s some interesting info! I’ll definitely take a look into that stuff about stress-relaxation and try and see if I can apply that to my routine!

As a side question in regards to that, what max tension can you achieve before noticing any discomfort and/or slippage? Mine is ~1000 grams (a little past the first tension marker). I’m curious to know if every person has a unique max tension before they experience slippage.

Thanks man! I appreciate it!

I have an older X4 so my lines represent 500, 1000, 1500. I too find 900 to 1000 the top limit for comfort. Any higher and I can’t go longer than 1 hour.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by ohmymisternine

I have a question to the people who are using extenders or have used them in the past. So I am using an X4 extender and have been using it for about 3 weeks now. So from what I understand is that you are supposed to wear the extender at certain ‘tensions’ that is gauged by the threads on the bars. There are three threads and each thread indicates that you are using it at that given tension. For some reason I can never get the tension much past the first thread for over 10 minutes without some sort of slippage.

So my questions are..

1. Do you increase the tension throughout each individual session, and does it get easier to increase tension towards the end of your session?

2. Did you experience something similar when you first started wearing an extender (as in you can not use much tension without slippage), but after a month or more you found you could wear it at a higher tension without slippage?


I am 750 hours in on X4. It’s a balancing act and takes much maintenance and feel. My first 200 hours were the most uncomfortable, definitely slipping and even some burning sensations at the base. When I am slipping from the strap I have to crank down a notch, which means I can wear the extender for less time, at the most 30 minutes, before needing to let it breath, typically 8-10 minutes breathers.

I maxed out the tension after about 200 hours in, then for the next 500 hours I acclimated to max tension. Three weeks ago I increased my extension bars by 0.50”. I am currently going through what I had first gone through, burning at the base and short cycles before needing to breath.

I count every minute in the extender, logged in excel. It can sometimes take me a good 8 hours to log a true 4 hours of time in extension. I account for every break. Right now, since increasing my max elongation, more breaks are required.

It’s a process and acclimating to the stress of elongation I feel is critical, otherwise I am certain that one could find themselves injured.

My experience is that the gains are incremental when compared to the amount of energy expended strapping in and out of the extender, I look at what I am doing and think, I am completely insane, which apparently I am fine with.

It takes feeling, patience, commitment, and a manic fetish for a longer dick.

I am averaging around 2.3 hours per day and just to make that little amount of time happen is some serious shit, I will be a year in the end of June.

Best wishes and good luck!

Last edited by LittleEngine : 06-07-2017 at .

>As a side question in regards to that, what max tension can you achieve before noticing any discomfort and/or slippage?
How long is a piece of string? I found how much tension I could take depended on many things.
1. . How I felt on the day
2. How long the extending session lasted with discomfort always coming in eventually
3 What sort of wrapping I used and what sort of noose, strap etc.

Finally how far I was unto the conditioning my unit. I believe it a good idea for extending newbies to gradually extend the session time as well as slowly build up the max tension. Moreover it is probably not a good idea to to go above 10oo gms tension. But remember the tension marks on most extenders are inaccurate. You can test them by pressing down on a set of digital kitchen scales.


Originally Posted by LittleEngine
I am 750 hours in on X4. It’s a balancing act and takes much maintenance and feel. My first 200 hours were the most uncomfortable, definitely slipping and even some burning sensations at the base. When I am slipping from the strap I have to crank down a notch, which means I can wear the extender for less time, at the most 30 minutes, before needing to let it breath, typically 8-10 minutes breathers.

I maxed out the tension after about 200 hours in, then for the next 500 hours I acclimated to max tension. Three weeks ago I increased my extension bars by 0.50”. I am currently going through what I had first gone through, burning at the base and short cycles before needing to breath.

So it sounds like you like to wear the extender at the highest possible tension right before you notice any slippage, correct?

I currently wear mine at the highest possible tension right before I feel any discomfort. So I can wear mine for up to 1-2 hours without any discomfort until I either have to pee, or have to take it off because of slight discomfort. I do notice that after 4-5 hours that at the tension I am using I’ll get discomfort regardless of how low the tension is, usually the discomfort is where the device is strapping onto my dick.

So maybe there are two schools of thought on how to wear an extender? 1. Max tension before slippage (and) 2. Max tension before discomfort?

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