Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Extreme Retracting

The anatomy of an erection: illustrated

Lloyd’s Comment: This article has quite a bit to say about the smooth muscles. Apparently, not only do the smooth muscles allow blood for erection by relaxing, their tension level REGULATES the blood supply all the time! So an abnormally high constant tension would cause abnormal retraction and low blood flow! Especially during puberty, this my cause abnormally weak penis growth. GOOD PICTURES AT LINK.

The Sexual Basics Menu

Which is why various aids can help or not.

(For a different description and line drawing, click here.)

The penis is composed of three different regions: a pair of parallel spongy columns called the corpa cavernosum and the central corpa spongiosum, which contains the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the body).

All three regions are made up of erectile tissue. Erectile tissue is rich in tiny pool-shaped blood vessels called cavernous sinuses, which are surrounded by smooth muscles and supported by elastic fibrous tissue.

The natural erection is prompted by the corpa cavernosa nerves (also known as cavernous nerves) which come to the penis from the prostate gland. Removal of the gland without sparing the nerves breaks the neural connection. The tissue cannot relax, allowing blood to flow in.

In the flaccid, or unerect, normal penis, the small arteries leading to the cavernous sinuses contract, reducing the inflow of blood. The smooth muscles regulating the many tiny blood vessels within the penis also contract.

When a man becomes aroused, his central nervous system stimulates the release of a number of chemicals that relax the smooth muscles in the penis, allowing blood to flow into the tiny pool-like sinuses and flood the penis.

The spongy chambers almost double in diameter due to the increase in blood flow. The veins surrounding the corpa cavernosum and corpus spongiosum are squeezed almost completely shut by the pressure of the erectile tissue; they are unable to drain blood out of the penis, causing it to become rigid.

If I take stimulants (as I often do before a workout) then do a lot of heavy lifting (like squats or deadlifts) then I end up with a baby dick. On their own, each causes me some shrinkage, but it is a truly disasterous combo for my flaccid penis.

Now I wonder if biofeedback would be the answer to this problem. Supposedly, with the correct artificial feedback, the mind can learn to control involuntary functions and muscles throughout the body!

I am amazed to think the powerful uncomfortable retraction I experience at times is due to ultra-tight smooth muscles throughout the erectile tissue! I always assumed it was some skeletal muscle attached by a ligament to the end of the inner penis. But now that I see that the ligaments are not in that location…

Certainly my exposure to amphetamines in the womb and during nursing could be a factor… They certainly have this turtling effect now. I only rarely take the drug, but have always been amazed by the VERY extreme turtling effect on my penis. There must be something that makes my muscles ultra-tight compared to other guys.

By the way, over the years, my erection (such as it is) has always been very reliable, complete, and rigid and was easy to maintain with minimal stimulation. So, with sexual stimulation, the relaxation of the muscles must have been very good. (Yeah, at 60 it ain’t quite what it used to be, but that is another issue.) Why the extreme tension while flacid which kept the flaccid near bloodless, like a completely empty balloon?

Originally Posted by Insane_Man
If I take stimulants (as I often do before a workout) then do a lot of heavy lifting (like squats or deadlifts) then I end up with a baby dick. On their own, each causes me some shrinkage, but it is a truly disasterous combo for my flaccid penis.

Any idea how universal the above reaction is? … I know many weightlifters use stimulates like ephedra for their work-outs.

Originally Posted by Lloyd Baker
I read that the smooth muscles (in the smooth muscle thread) relaxing shuts-off the blood from exiting the penis. .

Apparently, I got this part wrong. The relaxing smooth muscles allow more flow to the spongy structures.

Originally Posted by Lloyd Baker
Any idea how universal the above reaction is? … I know many weightlifters use stimulates like ephedra for their work-outs.

Stimulants are vaso-constrictors, the exact opposite of vaso-dilators such as viagra and cialis. They reduce blood flow, namely to the penis.

As for workouts shrinking the dick, basically your body shuttles blood to where it’s needed. If I’m squatting 450, the last place that needs blood is my dick.

Originally Posted by Insane_Man
Stimulants are vaso-constrictors, the exact opposite of vaso-dilators such as viagra and cialis. They reduce blood flow, namely to the penis.

Is it accepted that stimulants “vaso-constict” by the action of the smooth, nonvoluntary muscles imbedded in the vascular system? Now that I think about it, what else could it be? Only muscles move (contract or relax) in response to nerve messages… What else could “constrict” the vascular system?

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Male sexual circuitry

Ah! I see! The smooth muscles are built right into the blood vessels! Smooth muscles aren’t just "floating around" in the penis spongy matter. Now, I’m agains mystified by the strong pull I experience during strong retraction. Well, maybe the vessels shorten as well as constrict due to the contraction of the smooth muscles. By the way, a very good article… Excellent!

Just had a thought: I wonder if the "retracting penis" is an adaptation to cold weather… Say running half nude across the tundra instead of basking in the sands or jungles of Africa? Retraction would protect the penis from running through thorns and brush as well as cold.

Also, I now recall that my father had a retracting penis. I didn’t know this until he was very sick. He could not use the painless condom type catheter to handle his urine as he quickly retracted out of it. Dr. Said, "Too bad he’ll need to have the old painful "insertion" type catheter."

Maybe genetics is the primary factor with the retracting penis. Environment may be secondary or not important at all. Perhaps PE has little or no effect on the retraction phenomenon except that an enlarged penis would be more visible after retraction than a small one.

Originally Posted by webnoggin1
Does anyone have similar issues and does anyone know how to overcome this issue.

Where am I?

"Debate the idea..."

Originally Posted by goonbaby
Where am I?

AT Thunder’s… But are you retracted?

I was working out last night when the same thing happened and I remembered this thread. I was trying to observe why I turtled and it almost felt like my BC muscle was in a semi-permanent state of kegel.

Does that make sense?

I tried relaxing the whole area, and doing reverse kegels, and it felt like the turtling went away.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

Originally Posted by Lloyd Baker
These V stretching exercises I’ve been trying are disturbing both mentally and physically though certainly effective in applying stretch and easy to execute without tiring. Jelqing was a much difficult and tiring. I may or may not actually bother really giving the stretching exercises a fair trial; though my case would be an extreme data point that might be of interest. Already I feel slightly sick, like a “light” punch below the belt. The amount of tissue I have to work with is pretty insignificant compared to the videos and pictures. Apparently, my erection, which is healthy, but short is about 95% or more blood. My flaccid has little or no “meat”; kinda like an empty balloon.

After several days of V-stretching for 15 minutes after each shower (1 or 2 times a day) I see the following differences:

1. No slightly sick feeling anymore during or after stretches.
2. The septum or tunica(sp) that feel like “cords” during the stretch, no longer feel brittle or crystallized, smoother and maybe even a little flexible… Perhaps some “adhesions” have let loose?
3. No change in erect length.
4. Turtling less frequent, but still just as severe as ever at times.
5. More often flaccid remains partially blown-up with blood than usual, but “completely” empty condition also occurs (less frequently).

Oh, I forgot to mention point 6.

6. I often sense the feeling of “light” vibration in my genital area now. I don’t recall ever feeling this prior to beginning my PE V-stretch routine.

This AM, I have begun my ADS program with 2- J.P. Lann donut shaped golf club weights (with rubberized coating—nice). I was gratified to find my lightly retracted would not fit through the hole without lubrication though I’m sure my extreme retracted/deflated would fit.

I’ve had it on for an hour now with no tendency for the weights to come off even though I used no tape or anything. The penis becomes a bit engorged, edging toward erection, when I pay attention to the weights and then goes flaccid when my attention wanders back to work. The feeling of “light vibration” is enhanced by “installation” of the weights.

Hey, I’m really enjoying these dick weights! Feels like I have cock for a change!

Now this is weird: Urination was GREAT with the weights still installed! No tugging the dang retracted thing required to urinate… Urinated like a real male for FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! Just whipped it out and let it hang… Even had a stronger steam than usual. Retraction must tend to close the urethra! The is weird. I did not expect this phenomenon!

Finally had weight #2 fall off after urinating. Will have to get into some band or tape or something. It’s been 3 hours now… Better give it a rest!


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